Television RedCafe's Favourite TV Shows (Round 2)

If people havent seen a tv show why does it deserve 2 points.

But like someone said, if a load of Star Trek nerds come in who've not broadened their horizons why should those other shows suffer and all get zero while a soap in space gobbles up the 5s.
If people havent seen a tv show why does it deserve 2 points.

It doesn't, but this thread has already proved that people can't be trusted :lol: If tactical voting is a thing then it might actually be necessary.
If people havent seen a tv show why does it deserve 2 points.
I don't know :nervous:

Nah, this was the original thinking, but as a few mentioned above, if they don't get something, people will just tactically vote for 1 or 2 shows even if they seen the others just to get their shows through...
fecking hell lads this was meant to be fun and easy, why y'all stressing a brother out for? :lol:
I'll have to change my votes again to make sure x files and star dork get 1 point :lol:

Didn't even think of that. People will add shows in they've not seen to make sure they don't get 2 points :lol:
I'm not going to change my list and be completely honest for the integrity of the contest.
The lack of The Haunting of Hill House can only be put down to the caf being full of fraidy cats.

Group 1
1. The Americans
2. Star Trek
3. South Park
N/A Dark
N/A The Shield

Group 2
1. Chernobyl
2. Parks and Rec
3. The Wire
4. The X-Files
5. Better Call Saul
Updated based on new rule. @Dirty Schwein
Group 1

1. The Americans
2. The Shield
3. South Park

Group 2 (strong group, tough choices)
1. Better Call Saul
2. The Wire
3. Chernobyl
4. X-Files
5. Parks & Rec

(Can't believe Watchmen didn't make the cut, more people seriously need to watch that).
I'm pretty sure there's a law that says "The Wire" automatically wins any tv show rankings anywhere on the internet. Hopefully we're all law abiding citizens.
So long as x files is the one binned

Them fighting words.

Group 1:

1. South Park
2. Dark
3. The Shield

Group 2:

1. The X-Files
2. The Wire
3. Better Call Saul
4. Parks and Recreation
I think all 15 shows I had was binned so I'm selling all my votes to the highest bidder.
Group 1:
South Park
The Americans
The Shield
Star Trek

Group 2:
Better Call Saul
The Wire
Parks and Rec
I knew there was a reason I despised you.
Just going on personal enjoyment. I could have given the imdb approved ranking but what's the point of voting the way everyone thinks you should vote.

I'd be surprised if The Wire doesn't go into late stages
Group 1:
1. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
2. South Park

Group 2:
1. Better Call Saul
2. The Wire
3. Chernobyl
Group 1:
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
South Park

Group 2:

The Wire
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Group 1:
  1. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  2. South Park
Group 2:
  1. X-Files
Group 1:
  1. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  2. South Park
Group 2:
  1. X-Files

Group 1:
The Shield
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Group 2:
The Wire

Enjoying seeing this progress. Thanks for putting in the time OP.
Group 1:
The Americans

Group 2:
The Wire
Better Call Saul
1 dark
2 south park
3 star trek

1 Chernobyl
2 the wire
3 better call saul
Group 1:
1. South Park
2. The Shield
3. The Americans

Group 2:
1. The Wire
2. Chernobyl
3. Better Call Saul
4. X-Files
5. Parks & Recreation
Group 1.
1. The Americans
2. Dark
3. South Park
4. Star Trek

Group 2.
1. The Wire
2. X-Files
3. Chernobyl
4. Better Call Saul
5. Park & Rec
  1. The Shield
  2. The Americans
  3. Dark

1. The Wire
2. X-files
3. Parks and Rec
(Can't believe Watchmen didn't make the cut, more people seriously need to watch that).

I can't believe it either. I thought it was raved about here when it came out. Such a good show.
Group 1:

1. Dark
2. South Park

Group 2:

1. The Wire
2. Chernobyl
3. Better Call Saul
4. Parks & Recreation
5. X-Files
@Dirty Schwein how is Deep Space Nine in the group stages when you list it as eliminated with 5 votes?
Parks & Rec is amazing, very sad to see it in a tough group and also even bottom of some people's lists.
It’s probably my number one comedy show and it got grouped with the best show of all time and one of the best mini series of all time, feck sake.
Group 1:
The Americans
The Shield
South Park

Group 2:
Better Call Saul
Parks & Recreation

There's some good* shows I've had to omit because I've not watched them or enough of them to make a judgement.
I've only recently started watching Dark and while I was enjoying it, it hasn't grabbed me yet. I was also never an avid South Park fan, but I've seen enough episodes to rank it.

*or so I've heard.
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Group 1:
1. Star Trek: Deep Space 9
2. South Park
3. The Shield

Group 2:
1. The Wire
2. Chernobyl
3. Parks & Rec

Not listing the ones I haven’t seen much or any of.