'Redcafe Top 100 Movies: The Better Than Last Time List' Committee Selection

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Ass face
Feb 3, 2006
Better than Smashed
Do you like watching movies?

Do you like making lists?

Do you like voicing your opinion on an internet forum and then forcing it on everyone else who is clearly not as good at life as you are?

If you answered yes to all three questions you might just be worthy of this committe.

PUt your name down here. At a future date you will be required to answer a questionnaire based on which you might be selected to the committee that picks the Top 100 movies. Please only post if you're willing to follow up on this commitment. If you fail to make a list after being selected I might just kill you.
Ignore the rest of them and just pick Nilsson for now.
I am in favor of the immediate expulsion of anyone who nominates any Michael Bay movie from the committee.

I am also in favor of the immediate sterilization of those people, and any descendants they may have produced.
Anyone who thinks 'Shankshaw Redemption' is one of the 100 best is out right now.
Before we go any further are we all in agreement that Empire Strikes Back is number 1?

Just making sure.
This has potential to be about who can champion the most obscure foreign film and pour scorn on anything hollywood has produced since 1985. I'm out!
This has potential to be about who can champion the most obscure foreign film and pour scorn on anything hollywood has produced since 1985. I'm out!

I think you may be correct. Top 100 movies will consist of films normal people have never heard of
Which normal people can then watch and be amazed by, that's a good thing isn't it? What's the point in essentially creating another IMDB list?
Which normal people can then watch and be amazed by, that's a good thing isn't it? What's the point in essentially creating another IMDB list?
Harmless 'fun' and 10x as painful as picking a World XI. And the IMDB one is a steaming pile of poo.
Which is what you'd get here with Fight Club, Shawshank, Inception, Forrest Gump, Se7en and the Dark Knight all flying high if you're not a bit selective (or pretentious? that's not the right word is it...).

Thing is though, I think people'd quickly realise it's not that much fun once they got into it. Leave that to the pretentious movie buffs (I used it right there, I'm sure of it!).
Which is what you'd get here with Fight Club, Shawshank, Inception, Forrest Gump, Se7en and the Dark Knight all flying high if you're not a bit selective (or pretentious? that's not the right word is it...).

Thing is though, I think people'd quickly realise it's not that much fun once they got into it. Leave that to the pretentious movie buffs (I used it right there, I'm sure of it!).

As long as none of these are in the top 100 I'm in.
Actually, nah. Brwned's got a point. Just how much fighting over "<X Movie> is an overrated piece of shit" "No it's not you pretentious twat" can you really do before it becomes boring as feck?
I think some people would happily keep Forrest Gump out of a top 1000.

If you can have the Exorcist at 91 it should tell that there are a lot of excellent movies out there, it's surely not that unbelievable that people might not fit the Dark Knight in there?
Forrest Gump is widely regarded as one of Tom Hanks' best films, while Dark Knight is arguably one of Christopher Nolans best films (I'd argue second after Inception, which would also be deep into my top 100 list).
Forrest Gump is widely regarded as one of Tom Hanks' best films, while Dark Knight is arguably one of Christopher Nolans best films (I'd argue second after Inception, which would also be deep into my top 100 list).

Have you seen Following, Insomnia and/or Memento? You should if you haven't. Following's maybe not your kind of movie, but worth a watch regardless IMO.
This is a wind-up right?

No. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean I'm automatically trying to wind people up. While I've been at uni I've worked my way through a good share of movies (mainly to avoid doing any work...) and I have to say that while Tom Hanks has been in some superb movies (Saving Private Ryan, Catch Me If You Can and Terminal being my favourites out of the bunch), Forrest Gump is ahead of those (Well, maybe on a par with Catch Me If You Can). I've not seen Cast Away so I can't comment on that (seeing as it's his second most successful movie in terms of awards, it's a big omission...).

As for Nolan, I've seen both Memento and Insomnia. Personally, I didn't like Insomnia (It just wasn't my type of film) but Memento was pretty good. But then again, this is why I said 'arguably'. Nolan is a brilliant director, his films are fantastic.
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