Exactly, that's the problem, there should be no need for this. If you must do it, then why not create a sub forum in the matchday forum for these minute by minutes and create a usergroup with posting rights for it? That would be going down the route of Davo's old idea though wouldn't it?
I'm sorry to remind you, but this is supposed to be a discussion forum. What are people going to do, have two windows/tabs open - one to watch minute by minute posts, one to have the matchday thread where they can post? They could have done that anyway with a normal matchtracker and the matchday thread. It's not providing any service here, just replicating something that already exists alsewhere on the net, and replicating information that is already appearing in the matchday thread.
Is the idea to bring more traffic to the site? The thing can't hold itself up on a busy matchday in any case. Is it really a good idea to stress the server even more?
What happens when the nominated "commentators" don't turn up for whatever reason?
Sorry, this has not been thought through.
We have many of the same reservations Weaste but since it has been suggested why not try it? If it is a disaster we can always not do it again.
As for the match day thread I tend to agree. The only problem being that I can't usually watch the thread during the game to can the tards.