RAWK Goes Into Meltdown - Quadruple Watch 2022/23

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They've taken over our role from last season. Love it :lol: :lol:

The insane pressing and intensity has literally gone from them overnight.
That’s it. They just aren’t running anymore. Maybe Klopp got cocky and thought they could do it without the inhalers.
This quad run from last year was lucky too.
At what point is it okay to question Klopp? Our tactics have completely gone out the window, and the persistence of bringing Milner on is baffling to the point that there must something contractually going on.

Not saying he should be sacked or anything, far from it. But feck me something needs to change.
Give Jurgen a new squad
Just fecking shoot me
No points from Forest and Leeds in 20th and 19th respectively when we’ve played them. Not sure where the season is going from here to be honest. The World Cup doesn’t fix this, the problems run deeper. It’s been done to death but the reluctance to improve the squad has come home to roost. Needs ripping up and starting again. These last 180 minutes have been simply abysmal.
We'd done the hard work and brought the points difference to City down to 7 points. Somehow we've managed to let it get back up to 13 after playing Forest and Leeds
And there are still people here that believe we can get top 4 ..... Need a massive clear out now, the mentality and attitude is so bad. FSG also needs to put some money into this team or F off.
Was wondering when they will start mentioning FSG
Don’t want to see Henderson,Fabinho,Milner in a LFC shirt again. Just play Ramsay,Bajetic etc they can’t be worse than these guys. Klopp has lost the ability to make subs it seems.
Who are these people in our shirts? I don't recognize any of them.

A shambles.
wake up call.
The wake up call was Fulham, we decided to ignore it.
Cheque book away

Simply can’t compete

Arthur Melo on a free from Juventus

Says it all really
Garbage. Terrible tactics, bizarre subs, a striker who has finally not gotten away with missing sitters every game. Van Dijk and Fabinho a shadow of themselves.
Not sure where we go now. Top 4 will be a struggle.
How much worse can this season get. fecking pathetic.
This isn’t poor form. We’re just not good enough.
Not surprising really. We are a shadow of the team we were. Just hope klopp gets the chance to rebuild before he does one
How are we this bad? Just a few months ago, they were neck deep in all competitions and now we're losing to relegation fodder at Anfield.
Absolutely fecking disgraceful. Some of those players, no a lot of those players, need to ask themselves if they actually want to play at this level and not just for a Villa or Wolves. Gomez, Fabinho, Jones…absolutely pathetic. Put the fecking kids in for feck sake, they cannot do any worse than this.
Our fans were crap, if you don’t want to support the team give it to people who do.
Elliot will be great, but cannot play him in midfield, it doesn’t work.
Trent was so casual in the 2nd half - he deserved to be subbed off.

This season is a write off - surprise, surprise we need a midfielder.
I never want to see Fabinho play again, my grandad could run faster
We’re shite.

This team is finished. Don’t even know where to start or who to blame
Now they’ve got the lovely parked bus at Tottenham next week. Another couple of counter attack sucker punches hopefully :lol:
Virgil is absolutely done!
He seems nothing like the player he used to be. He plays which so much arrogance, in a bad way, like he's just to good to do the basics. Leeds second goal he doesn't even press, he just stands there like just being VVD is enough to stop someone without actually challenging.

I for one enjoy seeing arrogant players being exposed. Absolutely delicious.
He seems nothing like the player he used to be. He plays which so much arrogance, in a bad way, like he's just to good to do the basics. Leeds second goal he doesn't even press, he just stands there like just being VVD is enough to stop someone without actually challenging.

I for one enjoy seeing arrogant players being exposed. Absolutely delicious.
World Cup around the corner.
Absolutely fecking abysmal, the regular Joe Gomez gift, Elliott awful, Fabinho awful, Jones awful, somethings got to change, please dont let joe anywhere that team next week, he just breeds nerves all round the team....

We've just lost to the bottom two clubs who made us look championship at best, LET THAT SINK IN.
Need to get back to basics ASAP. All these fancy formations is just leaving us exposed and have no way to get the ball to our forwards other than hopeful long balls.
it's going to be like this until the next transfer window
4th isn't gone. Far from it
Have you seen us play this season? We are absolutely rancid, there is absolutely no chance on this earth we are getting anywhere near top 4.
Season is done.
Play the kids.
Like feck this side are winning the champions league. I’m all for putting all your eggs in one basket but come on now.

Terrible performance. Lack of squad depth is frightening, as it the decline in the lines of Fabinho, VVD, Trent etc, players that were previously in the ‘Team of the year’ squads and called the best in their position in Europe

This season can’t end soon enough frankly
We all knew it would be dropped points at half time. Genuinely didn’t think we’d lose though.

Dreadful all around. We’re gonna end up mid table and it’s where we belong.
Can’t even be bothered getting upset or annoyed now this is just our level currently, could change after the World Cup but I wouldn’t bank on it.
fecking embarrassing. Two weekends. Two defeats to two of the shittest sides in the Premier League.

Not a fecking chance we're getting top four this season. At least that will put an end to any Bellingham talk anyway. In fact, we'll struggle to convince players that could improve us to join us at this rate.

This season can feck right off.
Lost to Forest, lost to Leeds. Someone should tell them it's not the 1970s.
Halloween horror show.
Is it time to riot in the streets yet?
Get to 40 points and I will be relieved. We are so shit it is actually unbelievable, this is as bad as I have ever seen us and I am including the Hodgson spell in that.
Give the young lads a run out, they’ll certainly run more than this lot at the moment.

Unsure whether they’re all knackered or just not arsed. Either way, there’s a desperate need for fresh legs in this team.

Rip it up and start again.
I actually am close to feeling really bad for them. One premier league title EVER and it’s in front of no fans with an asterisk.

They must have watched their football over the last 12 months knowing the ride was coming to an end. Five of their six best players are over 30. They’ve spent 100 million on a player clearly not worth that.
they’re a good historic club. If it wasn’t for the shameless was their club has handled stuff like the Suarez affair or supporting people like Gerrard after what he did I probably would feel bad for them,
I actually am close to feeling really bad for them. One premier league title EVER and it’s in front of no fans with an asterisk.

They must have watched their football over the last 12 months knowing the ride was coming to an end. Five of their six best players are over 30. They’ve spent 100 million on a player clearly not worth that.
they’re a good historic club. If it wasn’t for the shameless was their club has handled stuff like the Suarez affair or supporting people like Gerrard after what he did I probably would feel bad for them,
:lol: nah
I actually am close to feeling really bad for them. One premier league title EVER and it’s in front of no fans with an asterisk.

They must have watched their football over the last 12 months knowing the ride was coming to an end. Five of their six best players are over 30. They’ve spent 100 million on a player clearly not worth that.
they’re a good historic club. If it wasn’t for the shameless was their club has handled stuff like the Suarez affair or supporting people like Gerrard after what he did I probably would feel bad for them,
That’s the real killer. 1 league title in 30 years and not a single fan got to enjoy it with them.
it's going to be like this until the next transfer window.
I agree, on the positive side FSG have probably made some good revenues with us progressing past the group stage. Hopefully helps them raise the club valuation a bit more so they can take bigger loans to saddle LFC with.
Everyone raises their game against us. They likely won't play a better 90 the rest of the season.
Mate they were shite. Just nowhere near as shite as us.
That’s a watershed game for several players and it’s possibly the fist time attention gets turned past the playing staff. That’s the worst game we’ve seen under Klopp. We are a mid table team and the table doesn’t lie.
Sad to say but this current squad is finished, back to back defeats against the worst sides in the league says it all. 1-1 need a goal and he brings on Milner, the manager isn't thinking straight. The wheels have well and truly fallen off.
Absolute shite. Rubbish and getting worse.. Either the coaching team can’t get their message over or the players have stopped listening. Something is very very wrong in that dressing room.
Frightening how bad we look. Thankfully we've the best manager in the world to fix it.
Broken record, we look more like a relegation team than top four.

So much wrong at the moment and it's in every department, including manager , coaches, owners and medical team.
Lads don't worry it's an elaborate ruse to go down the table then comeback late in the season to show Bellingham just how resilient we are and convince him to sign in the summer...

But seriously...our defence is so bad. Gomez terrible with defensive awareness. Our midfield was also non existent, and up top Nunez could have been better with his finishing.

Major changes are needed.
No time for sentiments anymore. Some of our modern day legends need to be shown the door,sat on the bench and given a kick up their backside.
Christ on a cracker. Weve fallen off a cliff, so many players out of form
Don’t worry guys, FSG are bringing us Mbappe and Bellingham…oh and Arthur
Two weekends in a row we lose to sides in the relegation zone.

Struggling to regain the positivity I felt at half-time.

Lets do this instead - well done Leeds. Zero shithousery. Zero time wasting.

And coming to Anfield with a wanting/needing to win ethos? Fair play.

As for us - saying nothing as I'm in danger of channeling my spoilt brat side.
Some of those players have been nothing short of disgraceful this season. Love Jurgen but he’s not helped the situation either with some of his decisions.

Massive restart now with quite a few of these players needing to be moved on.

fecking fuming.
Thank for the mother of all international breaks is coming up.

Let’s just say the season starts in January

Because this balls isn’t going to stop anytime soon
VVD sets the tempo for our team. Coasting this season. Doesn't want to get injured and miss the WC. fecking embarrassing
We had enough chances though. Nunez with a couple one on ones. Should really be scoring at least one of those
What's happened to the pressing? Non-exustent!
And we're still above Everton
To summarize Liverpools problem:

Jordan Henderson 10 goals in his last 170 or so matches
Fabinho 8 goals in just over 100 matches
Thiago 2 goals in 54 matches
Keita 7 goals in 75 matches
Milner 2 goals in his last 80 matches
Jones 3 goals in 50 matches

They got away with having midfielders who didnt contribute with goals as long as A) Their strikers scored an insane amount of goals and B) They were able to outrun the other teams.

Now their strikers don't score an insame amount of goals - and their opponents run more than them. That is the recipe for disaster.
Don’t worry guys, FSG are bringing us Mbappe and Bellingham…oh and Arthur

Feck, I forgot about his existence. Has Donny played more minutes for us this season than Arthur has had for them? :lol:
I actually am close to feeling really bad for them. One premier league title EVER and it’s in front of no fans with an asterisk.

They must have watched their football over the last 12 months knowing the ride was coming to an end. Five of their six best players are over 30. They’ve spent 100 million on a player clearly not worth that.
they’re a good historic club. If it wasn’t for the shameless was their club has handled stuff like the Suarez affair or supporting people like Gerrard after what he did I probably would feel bad for them,

No way. Its a always beautiful thing to see them flounder,especially with cheesy Klopp looking like he doesn't know what to do anymore
League is gone and top 4 might be as well but I have this horrible feeling that they'll sneak in a cl win someone, klopp seems to be a pretty good knockout coach and with nothing to fight for he might put all eggs in that basket.
I hope when we play them next we just go all out for goals.

Scoring first seems to be key. And they always yes to score first, and then add another inside 15 mins. They killed the match so often in purple patches.

They’re not as good as before. Many reasons. But they’re beatable. 100%.
He seems nothing like the player he used to be. He plays which so much arrogance, in a bad way, like he's just to good to do the basics. Leeds second goal he doesn't even press, he just stands there like just being VVD is enough to stop someone without actually challenging.

I for one enjoy seeing arrogant players being exposed. Absolutely delicious.

The first goal was an indictment of him. Number one rule as a centre half is to stay goalside. When that ball is out wide, the Leeds forward gambles on a bad pass. VVD assumes the lads will be good.

There’s no excuse for him not to follow his man. It’s a 5 yard sprint. 99% of the time it’s unnecessary. But he’s just switched off.
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