RAWK Goes Into Meltdown 23/24

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Anyone picking Chelsea over Liverpool are mental. An absolute shambles of a club, throwing money around like it's going out of fashion, sacking managers left and right, player turnover never seen before. Pochettino might not be there come November. I don't give a shit if Chelsea have been negotiating with him for a year, they clearly don't value him that much as per their bid last night so this 'loyalty' to Chelsea he seems to have is batshit

Drop him now, straight on the phone to Southampton. £50m final bid. If they reject that then move on completely

feck Chelsea. feck the Premier League for not punishing these clubs
Always thought Jonno White was a United fan, unless this is excellent satire.

I think they're implying that this poster "supports" Brighton in the same way that Jonno White "supports" United.
The main concern is now all these feckers know we've got money available to spend for transfers.
All a bit embarrassing, really.
It’s the least embarrassing thing I can conceive of.
we should bid again get chelsea to pay as much as possible
Fully on board with us helping Brighton out to get insane amount off Chelsea.
We can’t afford to let this go into the weekend we still need signings. feck Brighton this is firmly on them
Klopp never speaks of transfers, so to speak says to me that the club have made him confident the deal will be done, which it clearly isn't.
Except that isn't remotely true, so there we are.
I said yesterday our usual MO is to go for players who really want to come here, whereas this lad had his heart set on going to Chelsea.
And before that Arsenal and before that United. He’ll go where the money is
If this goes tits up this is the one time I won’t blame the club or FSG. This would solely be on the player.
Agree, from what little we know at the moment

We've made them pay another 20-30mil for him :lol: :lol: :lol: this isn't a loss at all

Just shows Mel Reddy knows Feck all
She’s full of shit the UTD fan. Clearly got it wrong yesterday.
She’s a Liverpool fan - famously so.
Doesn’t act that way and is reporting on UTD’s pre season in America etc.
Melissa Reddy is a big LFC fan, she followed them before she came here from South Africa, she covered us lots a year or 2 back but got a new job covering other clubs too
Some absolute bed shitting going on in here. I'm sure Sky were reporting that we weren't going to sign Szoboszlai about a day before we signed Szoboszlai.
No idea what he sees in the Chelsea team to be honest. Baffling.
London & more money
haha, his attitude is atrocious. Move on.

Why? Because he's said he won't go back on his desire to join Chelsea that he's had for months? Is that not actually a great attitude? We'd be applauding it if the situation was reversed.
As far as I'm concerned, nothing has changed unless Joyce or Ornstein say it has. Everyone else is a chancer.
People getting mad and telling Caicedo to feck off (because he's apparently having second thoughts) when in reality we have absolutely no idea what's going on, and 48 hours ago he wasn't even an option... only on RAWK.
He’s ours, no one turns down Klopp, especially considering he can speak to Milner, Lallana, Mac Allister.
Since when did people consider Romano as ITK? I’d take what he says with a pinch of salt.
£110 million for a defensive midfielder was fecking ridiculous anyway …Plus he sounds like a right prick anyway.
Bullet well and truly dodged
This is where my head is at with all this. I know it's a reductive attitude but you need to be a goal threat for that money. It's only Klopp wanting him that made my doubts quiet down but if we don't get him I hope we can spread that money around a bit
Is it only the Romano post you’re all losing your head over?
At worst I'd say he recycles stuff from other sources. I don't think he'd put his name to such a definitive claim if he didn't have a good source telling him as much. It's over mate.
Not to say he's wrong here, as he does tap in correctly more often than not, but let's not pretend he's infallible
Isn't Romano's MO that he effectively just aggregates whatever various Tier 1 journalists are saying? So who's the Tier 1 journalist allegedly feeding Romano this information?
Bullet dodged if true, anyone who'd rather follow the money and play for that version of Chelsea over being managed by Jurgen Klopp isn't the sort of player we need.

Don't think it's over yet though, Romano's a chancer, and half of it will be Chelsea briefing journos to try and improve their chances.
Romano gets fed stuff all the time, this just all seems like a PR ploy. Really wouldn't surprise me if the player favours Chelsea, but Chelsea and Brighton just can't do a deal. Maybe that might change and they'll pay the money, who knows.
Why did we bother bidding for him if he preferred to go to Chelsea, and was enough of a dickhead character to pull something like this?
Some rollercoaster this, look, if, and its a big IF, Klopp was spoken to him and he still picked Chelsea then I don't want him here.
Yep, this is what it comes down to. If Klopp has spoken to him and he still chooses that no mark manager and the circus that is Chelsea, he doesn't belong here anyway.
No transfer will be good after such breakpoints, even of Brighton reject Chelsea's offer, I wouldn't take him after the fiasco today.
Yeah feck him. Real Madrid come knocking around in 3-4 years time and he’d do the exact same thing he’s done to Brighton.
Still looks shite in Fairness. Getting publicly beaten to the punch.
Imagine going back to Southampton now, and trying to explain to Lavia how he fits in.
Celebrating how we made pain pay an extra 30million, how fecking small time is that. We were going to pay 111million for feck sake.
Just go sign Lavia, Frenkie de Jong and a centre back
If we're willing to massively overpay for Caicedo, why not overpay for Lavia? £55m will do it.
We’ve taken a massive risk nearly got rewarded for it but it looks like it’s gonna backfire now & leave us in a very weak position.
My theory is that Liverpool knew he didn’t want to come to us so they put in a bid they knew wouldn’t go through. All to please Carra!
Forget your emotions for a moment. Forget the media briefings. Look at the facts. The certainty:

Brighton set a deadline.
Liverpool only bid accepted.
Chelsea missed deadline.

So…Brighton hold the keys to this rather than the player, the agent or the two clubs trying to buy him.
Just get Lavia for £50m.
You think they’ll accept £50m for him now? :D
I'm not wasting another moment thinking about this (once I hit the post button).

The sun is out. It's a nice day. I've got my jobs done for the day. I'm off to the beach with the dog.

Serve the greedy c*nt right if both clubs feck him off
If he doesn’t want to play for us walk away…he will unsettle others.
Is this not up to Brighton? Unless Chelsea stump up £110m why would they sell to him? feck what Caicedo thinks or wants.
Liverpool’s no dickhead policy still intact.
Ah, pornhub can get a rest for a few weeks now. This thread will get the job done.
If he has snubbed them then this is pure gold.

Imagine them going back for Lavia now after pleading poverty and not being able/willing to match the £50m asking price...

"Oh sorry, did we say he's yours for £50m? We meant £50m x 2"
If he has snubbed them then this is pure gold.

Imagine them going back for Lavia now after pleading poverty and not being able/willing to match the £50m asking price...

"Oh sorry, did we say he's yours for £50m? We meant £50m x 2"
I am hearing that Chelsea are signing both lavia and caicedo. If so the meltdown will be epic. This thread has got off to a great start this season.
I am hearing that Chelsea are signing both lavia and caicedo. If so the meltdown will be epic. This thread has got off to a great start this season.

So Liverpool's gazumping is gazumped and the target they cheaped out on, joins the team they tried to gazump but were gazumped by so they aren't getting either of their targets?!

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I hate chelsea more than spurs, bunch of c*nts.
There wouldn’t be man city or Newcastle if it wasnt for chelsea. They were the original sportswashing financially cheating project. Pointed the way to the others that followed. Theyre most to blame for ruining football, and even now theyre shit, theyre still at it.

I hope theyre still in midtable after blowing a billion.
So yesterday theyre getting investigated for financial irregularities, and today theyre spending 200m on 3 players, taking their spending to 1 billion. Its a fecking joke.
Caicedo is trouble. If signed trouble will follow, guaranteed.

Watch LFC
This is very weird.

Fabrizio is lying here. Caicedo has been following Chelsea for months.

This is borderline proof that Fabrizio is being used by Caicedo’s agent/Chelsea to put pressure on Brighton.

Be funny if Soton increase his valuation on him now L,OL. Who on earth allowed klopp to confirm the deal live is beyond stupid. The bittersweet feeling this will give that 19yr old now if we went back in for him and we were yet to get a defender. Chelsea only need to match our £110M or they lose out on him for a year.
How are they taking the Lavia/Caicedo news?
No other club offers ridiculously long contracts like Chelsea. I can see the benefit in the player agreeing to having a longer contract i.e. 8 years but what is the benefit of the club seeing as though they can't pay the transfer fee over the length of the players contract

Imagine United had given Maguire a 8 year contract?
Someone on Reddit had a good theory yesterday. Chelsea's last bid was £75m with £5m add ons. Brighton wanted £100m. They reckon his agent spoke to us and said he would be interested in a move and 'agreed' to personal terms. We then negotiated with Brighton and his agent thought we would get a deal agreed for around £90m. Chelsea could then bid the same like we did with Luis Diaz and Caicedo would choose them. Unfortunately it backfired as we agreed a deal way over what Chelsea can pay. We are now stuck in this situation where Chelsea want us to remove our bid so they can negotiate the lower fee they can afford.
Rumours are £250k salary on 9 year contract and £25m agent package. We can't compete with that and nor should we.

The sooner these get points deduction the better

How can they put together a package of £25 million ?
I have no idea. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some dodgy dealing behind it
With City paying their players and staff the way they do there is no way this isn't dodgy too
Given the amount of time we've invested into Lavia and he is Premiere league ready and homegrown and the best on the ball out of the available DMs I really hope we don't walk away from the deal.
I think LFC walked away at £45-£46m mate.

Doesn't mean they won't go back in once this Caicedo sh!tshow is concluded, though.
They could have made it clear to Caicedo it's Liverpool are no one. Caicedo doesn't strike me as the type to demand to go to Chelsea given those options but Brighton said they would entertain higher bids and then all bets were off.
His Agents are the ones that are to blame.
Okay, what's stopping him from becoming a Liverpool player?
According to a Brighton source his agent totally controls him and he isn't even being allowed by the agent to speak to Liverpool. This was in a post yesterday that Lifetime Red put on and it would perfectly explain a lot of what's been going on. This is the agent wanting the money that's being offered by Chelsea.
They offered him an 8-year contract which gives him more guaranteed income in total. Heard they offered 250k/week.
No wonder he wants to join them that's insane :lol:
The FACTS as they stand are;
We won the Friday morning auction and Brighton accepted our bid.

Everything else is Twitter speculation. We wait to see what happens today.
So am "happy" for Caicedo to join Chelsea, so long as every financial aspect of this transfer is itemised and laid out in legal documents for the PL and Uefa/Fifa.

Also happy for football to be blown apart and reformed in a way that the majority of
Clubs are happy with and sustains the lower league clubs.

Let Chelsea and Man City face fire and brimstone, scorch their arses!

Meanwhile, let's beat Chelsea today and get John Henry back in a room with Klopp to finalise our transfer window.
Shame. We keep losing out on midfielders we were potentially will to pay record breaking amounts for(or near enough) and they keep turning us down for another team. Our sales pitch used to be quite effective, wonder what the issue is.
Tchoumani, Bellingham, and now apparently Caciedo, chose to turn us down.
Two went to Madrid and one went to Chelsea.
It happens.
Of course he wants Chelsea when they are offering him 8 years at 250k/week, plus the huge bonus for his scumbag agent. No sensible club would do that, but we're talking about Chelsea.
Klopp, Henry and presumably Hogan would have all been in London last night. Just saying

Big Jorg probably got them all wankered. :D
I definitely JWH is here to speak to the FA about Chelsea’s clear breach of FFP. Do you think JWH is here just to watch a football match? Come on
What about Onana at Everton
He actually looks a player and is the only one in their entire squad I’d take. He’d obviously never come, we’d never enquire and he’d cost a pretty penny as Everton paid upwards of £35m for him. He looks like a Klopp player although maybe his passing and ball retention would limit him at a top club.
Great in the air though, covers ground and tackles aggressively, there’s a lot to like.
Was thinking pretty much that when i was watching their game yesterday.
You actually watched an Everton game?

Yea supporting Fulham though. Thought it would be the best game out of the 3pm KOs. I did scrub myself thoroughly in Domestos post game
An interesting take. From LFC Media Centre on Facebook.

Another crazy day in the summer transfer window awaits us.

Chelsea have a problem due to FFP and would very likely face a points deduction already this season if they exceed Liverpool's bid for Caicedo. The player's agent has been promised a huge bonus if he can keep the player long enough until Chelsea find a solution.. Journalists like Maddock are writing that the player's agent broke his promise to Klopp at the last minute, and that's nothing new considering how he normally does business.
The main plan is to drive Liverpool away and force them to withdraw their bid, then Chelsea would not have to exceed the £111m and neither would the payment structure and clauses offered by Liverpool as currently Chelsea can't come close to that. The Chelsea PR machine started working and giving information to Romano and the journalists from London, and when that didn't drive away Liverpool, they went after Lavia and arranged a transfer in the hope that the Reds, fearing the loss of both players, would give up on Caicedo and turn to the transfer of Lavia which would be cheaper and easier to complete.
Liverpool refused to back down again, so now we wait until Brighton will allow Chelsea to promise to come with an offer that doesn't arrive. There are strong suspicions that people in the management of the London club are trying to abandon the transfer because it would cause too many problems, but the whole situation has become a matter of pride rather than logic for Ted Boehly, the owner of Chelsea, who would be willing to risk points being deducted and a UEFA ban competitions if it meant he emerged victorious against Liverpool and his American rivals FSG.
Time is running out, the clock is ticking, will Chelsea find a solution, will Liverpool give up, will Brighton break?
August 11th - the day Liverpool-fans started hating Chelsea more than United :)
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