RAWK Goes Into Meltdown 23/24

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Have they mentioned Slippy selling his soul to Saudi Arabia at all?
He turned it down, he's a hero and a legend!
It’s like when he nearly left for Chelsea and loads of people called him all sorts only to have to backtrack after.

Maybe a lesson should be learned about slagging off legends so quickly. I doubt it though.
When he turned down chelsea it was because of pressure from fans, friends and family. It’s likely that the same pressure here will have caused a rethink. So fans are just right calling it out.
Can people hold off on the ire until facts are established.

He received an offer, took time to weigh it up and ultimately decided that it's not for him.

The man is a legend plain and simple
Favourite for the Wednesday job now. Could be a very good move for him if it works out, there's real potential in that club.
They also play at Hillsborough where his cousin perished.
May I ask why Rafa didn't receive the same level of vitriol for going to China as Stevie did for considering this offer?
I think we know why. The same reason there wasn't much outrage about Russia 2018 yet there was nothing but hate and disgust around Qatar 2022.
partly because people are ignorant to China’s sportswashing practices and human rights abuses I presume.
Many are still ignorant to Abu Dhabi’s, such is the love Man city get from far too much of the media, pundits and other fans alike.

He signed, he's a zero and a twat!

Looks like Stevie to Saudi is back on.
Just when I thought he was out, they pull him back in!!
Hey Stevie, fancy buying Mbappe and loan him to us for free?

Cheers lad!
Basically ended his serious managerial career. Cool I guess. Enjoy the retirement in that paradise.

Just embarrassing from all of those fleeing to Saudi.
There is simply no limit to footballers and former footballers’ greed. Imagine being set for life as Gerrard is, and gladly going to sportswash in Saudi for a bit cos it’ll make you even more filthy rich. Cos he for sure isn’t doing this for the good of his failing coaching career.

What a waste. Up to him how he makes his money but a lack of ambition as a coach is pathetic at this stage.
Extremely disappointing. No ambition, only in his wallet.
£20 million per yer contract, 2 year deal.
That's bigger than his most lucrative contract at Liverpool from what I can tell from a quick google. Outrageous amount of money to offer a manager with his career to date. No doubt the money is for the name nothing else. It's more than double his reported Villa contract.
Well, at least he'll never manage us.
He was never going to be at a level to manage us i felt but even if he turns out to be a world class manager he should never be an option for us down the road after this. The sportswashing c*nts using our City and his links to LFC to sell the appointment. Gerrard can feck right off.
He can Gettifaq
Just can't bring myself to care anymore

Bobby, Robbie and now Gerrard.

Plus with City winning the PL every year, it's all just a bit meh really.
Remember when people were touting Gerrard as a future LFC manager?

Saudis will be using the LFC brand and the city to sportwash without having to pay a penny directly. Loads cheaper to pay Gerrard £40m than the billions it would cost to buy Liverpool. Parasites.
All the Stevie defenders have gone quiet again.

As an aside, much like certain actors/musicians/etc. who have turned out to have feet of clay, I've become pretty adept at separating my appreciation for what they did in that field and ignoring what they do in the future in that same role. (Kevin Spacey is always my example.) It's also separating the persona from the actual person. I will always gasp when I watch Stevie's rocket against Olympiakos. Nothing he does as a person will change what he did as a player. Am I disappointed by his decision? Sure. Just as I'm disappointed in Bobby's decision. But I don't have to support anything they do now, and I won't. It's a hard lesson to learn, but the players I know aren't always the same people I think I know.
yeah. I'm treating the recent news on this whole Saudi crap as a good reason to improve my ability to compartmentalize
These Saudi clubs know what they are doing. They are going to manage to sportswash so many weak-willed Liverpool social media fans now, and get so many on side, retweeting and liking anything and everything to do with Gerrard and their club. And no doubt ‘sticking up’ for the club when they get any stick.
LFC should be all over that sort of shit. but of course nothing will happen, the murderous sportswashers will just carry on using Liverpool symbols as they please.
Stevie should be all over it but he'll say feck all, he might ask for a few shekels extra because of it though.

The twat.
Ho hum. Stevie proving his post-LFC persona is always going to look starkly inferior to his playing persona. whether that’s club management or morals. I saw some footage of his Cheshire (I assume) mansion while he was still playing. Big (obviously). Vacuous. Charmless. Soulless, even.
Another greedy cnut in it for the money.

Not a Liverpool legend anymore for me.
I hope the club can sue those assholes for associating Liverpool FC with them.
Also, Stevie might as well retire after this "coaching" stint, no European club will take him seriously
Those who are ruling him out of European jobs need to remember Xavi’s managerial career prior to getting the Barca job. That’s got to be on their minds going there.
Xavi got the job as he's Barca through and through and I'd say his managerial achievements were given little consideration. Laporta was very keen to bring him in to bolster his own popularity.
Given his wealth and his freedom I’m not sure why you would waste 2 years of your life to live in that murdering piss hole of a country just for some more money which won’t really make much difference to your current life.
How stupid does Danny Murphy think we all are by the way. On the radio yesterday saying about Stevie is not going for the money but to enhance his coaching career. He's not getting to practice coaching here apparently.
he sold his soul, the last one I would expect...
Steven Gerrard was a great player for us whilst he was here.

End of
Jurgen Klopp's salary per year is £16million (per a quick search on google). And I take it that's before tax, so say he's getting hit with roughly 45% tax, taking home less than £10m.

So Gerrard is lifting at least double a year what Klopp is getting. It's sad but Gerrard won't be the last manager making this type of move in the near term.
Well I wanted to think the best of him but that's disappointing along with his connections to drug dealers.

As a person he is a bit of a shit head sadly.
Gerrard is going to a league where just the other week 4 clubs where bought by the country. They don’t give a shit about ‘competition’. It’s sportswashing. There is much wrong in the USA, but I don’t think the government is using MLS to sportswash.

Oh really. So why did they recruit the best talent like Phil Neville then?
Beckham owns 30% of InterMiami, and thus 30% of the hiring Neville stupidity.
used to be my second favourite player - ever!

now his legacy (for me) is tarnished

and regarding what do we do to change the world?

well, some of us do a lot - i won't go into that but i have been on protests - i wonder how many protests stevie has been on?

one voice gets lost in a crowd but a thousand voices you hear

i hope his and the rest of the wives are looking forward to this:

Quote: Saudi Arabia practices a strict form of Islam, called Wahhabism, which calls for, among other things, strict gender separation, unless you are married or related. This is institutionalized through segregated public transportation, entrances to buildings, and eating areas in restaurants. Public displays of affection between opposite sexes, even if married, are unacceptable.

For women, there is a tacit understanding that their behavior (how they dress, their makeup, what spaces they are in) affects the men around them negatively. So, women must dress modestly and they must obey their guardians. Expats no longer have to wear the abaya or headscarf, but you might want to just in case. Generally speaking, as an expat woman, you should research your rights thoroughly, dress modestly, and always carry a headscarf; if someone asks you to cover your hair, do it.
Maybe Gerrard did get cold feet about signing. But after doing all the PR and essentially offering a verbal agreement, perhaps someone took him aside and warned him about the potential consequences of turning his back on the Saudis at such a late stage in the game. I suspect the ramifications might have gone further than any Irish gangster could dish out.

Either way, he's a fool for going. Especially if he realises he put himself in a position where he couldn't back out.
Oh come on. You think he would have woken up to a horse head in his bed? There's no need for them to care if he had rejected them because they would have just moved on to the next former superstar-player and payed him tons too. Gerrard has done this of his own accord.

In the end the chance to financially secure your family generations from now proved to be too tempting.
I have absolutely no idea. I am merely speculating.

The guy apparently did two 180 degree turns in about the space of a week. Most likely they just offered him more money. They made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
We’re not allowed to call him a prick or a c*nt on here. But he’s sure as shit acting like a prick and a c*nt.
call him what you want - whilst you still have free speech
some people on here defending him are just trying to justify their own morals
life is bigger than any one footballer
Terrible manager.

There is much to discuss about the filthy money - I've just landed a stonking diatribe in the Saudi Money thread

But in a footballing sense,

Not the move a decent manager makes. Curious path to his managerial career.
Stevie G-had.
Just another example of why people shouldn't hold sportsmen up beyond what they are. More times than not, in the end, all they do is disappoint you.

Surely that can't be really?

Whats next? A version of 'You'll Never Walk Again'
Ah remember the days when FSG wanted to trademark the name Liverpool, and yet shite like this is apparently just fine.
this is starting to feel really bad. wtf are they up to?
I have my conspiracy hat on today and am wondering if:

- the Bobby + Robbie + Stevie news

- followed by that sign abomination

..... is related to the rumours that FSG have done a deal to sell 33% of the club and the Saudis have started their version of charm offensive.

I usually don't get (very) paranoid but these feckers may well be up to something that affects us directly
I'm so happy to read Stevie is getting no free pass from RAWK for his sportswashing move. I've already mentioned elsewhere that I'm against it.

Utd fans, I cannot iterate it often enough. Don't go down the sportswashing route. This particular grass is not greener on the other side, even if you're standing next to the Glazers.
The ‘Stevie G-Had‘ comment had me rolling, though it should’ve been ‘Slippy G-Had’ in modern parlance.

What gets me is that they spit racist hate at Arabs / Muslims while congratulating themselves on what they consider their high ethics but then don’t even blink at the sponsorship they get from a bank that was found guilty of laundering terrorist money.

They’re a caustic comedy, very bad taste but funny because they’re too stupid to see the irony.

Edit; I should mention that I don’t support a PL team so I’ve generally been ambivalent to inter club fan rivalry, but I do go on quite a few forums and came to recognise liverpool fans as deluded ferals by reading what they post on rawk.
If Liverpool fecked off the Premier league, how would you feel? thread

Years ago I'd have been well against the idea of the ESL, but the Premier League is a complete joke.

IF the PGMOL isn't utterly corrupt then they are absolutely the worst officials I've seen in any league and at any level. When you watch lower league or even non league games, the referees show competence and an understanding of the game and you can see the decisions they make all make sense in the context of the game.

PGMOL officials are fecking rank at best, cheating fecking gobshites would probably be a fair assessment.

Doesn't matter who is playing, but the officials decide most games with their joke refereeing, bias, shady VAR decisions and absolute fecking incompetence/outright cheating.

I'd personally be delighted if we fecked off this shithouse league and formed a leage where football is king and not these dickheads.

When you add the outright, sanctioned cheating of City and their free pass with the media then this decision becomes a no-brainer.

feck it off. Cheating c*nts.

Bring it on! As long as state owned clubs are not involve and definitely no PGMOL
If this thread was on another forum we’d be quoting it on here and laughing at the fans who posted it.
In fairness we also laugh at them here
I don't want to be in the Premier League but there needs to be something better to leave to. Super Leagues dreamed up by characters like Perez and Agnelli is not it.
Depends on what the replacement was

In all honesty I would prefer the void club to be sanctioned down to League 2 and keep things as it is. The Super League idea wasn't attractive

What if City went into the Super League too??

Voting No, too unknowable - if the aim is to escape City then, well, I get it, but let's not run away when it is them at fault
Money will ruin the game further over the next 10 years and we'll all still be watching it and complaining about it.
I'm not sure I will.
I've been going to games since 1969 but I'm rapidly approaching the point where I'll pick a French team (possibly lower league) and get back to actually enjoying games (with all their imperfections) again.
If our title winning season had been voided I would've been more than happy for us to leave the Premiership and join another league

Not as anti the ESL as many are, just didn't understand why they invited the Petroleum clubs to be a part of it.
Wasn't the Super League a CL alternative? It keeps getting mentioned alongside the league but i'm sure it was going to run alongside the league... hence the calls for things like points deductions
Yes it was.

And a lot of people got really confused about it.

I hope Liverpool and several other clubs would petition to rejoin the EFL if it meant getting away from City - perhaps forming a new top division. But we're owned by money men and they'll never wake away from the money. We'd still be dealing with the same shit refs and the whole idea is a non starter unless teams like Arsenal and Spurs joined in.

I'd rather us be poor and honest rather than well off also rans though
Well, Abu Dhabi have managed to buy the Champions League before Qatar. Now, lets create the European Super League, and feck off all of these state owned clubs from the European top competition ...
Like trying to cure cancer by drinking bleach.
Well, good luck watching Man City and Newcastle winning the next 10 Premier League and Champions League titles. Apart from watching LFC, I won't be bothering with those two competitions ...
I'd add another option to the answers:

"Ask me after the Abu Dhabi verdict
This thread is a bit Bluemoon circa 2018.

Maybe Andy has been Stat Man Gaz all along.
I'd love for us to break away and watch any interest in that sham of a "competition" dwindle rapidly.
I would want 2 more (without Man Utd winning more) before we feck it off
Snubbed by Caicedo?
Surely some good stuff today
I’m guessing Caicedo has just went from being the biggest talent in world football to an overrated mercenary who’ll be plying his trade in the championship in a couple years??
I am glad he has chosen Chelsea. I have always wondered what the fuss about his was and he is ready to whore himself to any club willing to pay him a fortune. Chelsea's wage package is what he is enticed by.
Jesus wept

"There are some unknowns...like the wording of the auction...if that is what happened.

Auctions are binding once the bid is accepted https://www.stimmel-law.com/en/artic...the auction.

But the only way this can go wrong is if Caicedo refuses to sign for us...which seems pretty unlikely"
Let’s see if it’s true and how Brighton reacts if Chelsea do come back in with a bigger bid considering last night was the night for final bids.

If Chelsea do bid, he’s going there.
what an absolute shit show. if Caidedo only wants to play for Chelsea- let him the soft prick. we should give him enormous stick both on sunday and when they come to Anfield. obviously the lad doesnt have the bottle. Brighton need a word as well, you dont set deadlines then change your mind-if he doesnt want to go to the club that have done a deal then he doesnt go anywhere. the premier league should be looking at all this as well ( and the Kane thing, its becoming a joke). this does put us back to square one though.. so all at the club need to work 24-7 to get an experienced cm over the line.
He's always been a flip flopper and mentally "weird" tbh. It's something you have to live with.
If so we should pull out.
Indeed. I prefer Lavia as a player and think his potential is much greater. Caicedo is already the player he is going to be. I liked the idea that Lavia's (imo underrated) passing ability would complement Trents and that would cause issue for teams because they would not be able to shut down both.
Been celebrating all morning and now just hearing this news, fecking hell.
To fall from the highs of last night. Gutted.

We would not have bid a record £110m if the player didn't say yes.

Chelsea picked up the phone this morning and added about 100k p/w in wages it seems.

Eerily quiet from every other journo. Just waiting for a couple more daggers till I sign off for the day.
I'm not wasting another moment thinking about this (once I hit the post button).

The sun is out. It's a nice day. I've got my jobs done for the day. I'm off to the beach with the dog.
Well Sky are saying that the club are denying that we ever had a medical booked (although sources say we did), so that could be our first bit of backpeddling.
At the end of the day Chelsea has spent months convincing him, of course it matters. On top of that they offer alot of money to players. We can argue that he would be dumb go to that circus, but he kind of seems like a circus himself with how he has operated now and in january.

If I was Brighton I would demand a ridiculous sum for the unproffesional behaviour of Chelsea and threaten to report them to FIFA for talking to their player without their consent. How about 150 mill? Or just say he is staying. This affects Brighton in the future as well as then clubs will know you have to get their players on strike and this will happen all the time and create problems for them. Their league starts this weekend and only now they got their finger out. Chelsea have been disturbing this club at all times for a year now and tried to put crap in their way and doing it publicly as well.

He will probably end up there, to bad. He is quality on the pitch.
Brighton want Kudus to replace Caciedo.

I say if player & Agent want Chelsea. Then sign Kudus , another CB ..

& let CFC , Brighton , caciedo& agent Sat sort it out.

& sign the head scout from Leipzig & Brighton

What a crazy tr@nsfwe window
Kudus an attacking midfielder to replace Caicedo :lol:. Poor guy is delirious :lol:
I tell ya one thing. Whatever happens I want us to absolutely batter Chelsea on Sunday.
Every time this happens, there's loads of blokes blaming the girl friend - like the player is seriously basing his entire career off his gf's shopping habits.
Embarrassing the club is involved in this. Tell him he has until 6pm to make his way for the medical or announce we are pulling the offer and moving on. To be honest i'd be happy enough if we just made an announcement now. A player not wanting to join us and Klopp over Chelsea must be a massive whopper.
The Jonno White Brighton fan on RAWK

Hi guys,

I have been a Brighton supporter for 54 years, and I would like to say something.

The justice of this is so right as all the way through this the Chelsea entitlement has been nauseating, yet I haven't seen the same from one Liverpool fan, so massive respect to your lot.

With many reports of a British record of £111m plus a sell-on clause Tony Bloom has done it again, and damn, are we lucky to have this man. People often throw at us Brighton supporters that we are a tiny club and should know our place, but every team has a right to dream, plus we know we are a small club trying to do well and to be honest, we aren't doing too bad a job at it.

Good luck to Moisés Caicedo I think he has found a great team, and I hope he gets better agents who teach him how to behave because Brighton have gotten him a better offer than what Chelsea were offering, plus he gets to play in the Champions league, which is total vindication on Brighton's part.

Best of luck this year guys and please go on and win the league as we need exciting teams like yours back amongst the best.
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