RAWK Goes Into Meltdown 2015-16 Edition

Rawk goes into meltdown 15-16: Redcafe goes into meltdown over a title for a thread series aimed at mocking precious, pretentious wankery: Or becoming what you hate.

Nail on the head really. It's become a bit obsessive.
They went from second to seventh, lost 6-1 on the last day of the season, lost Sterling, etc. I was laughing at them for a significant period of time last season -- in fact, last season just compounded the previous season's hilarity.

None of which you can compound into a catchy soundbite worthy of a thread title, so just leave it without one. It doesn't need a thread title and it's all a bit cringeworthy really, people are spending more time thinking about this than they are laughing at how ridiculous RAWK can be.
dumbo said:
Rawk goes into meltdown 15-16: Redcafe goes into meltdown over a title for a thread series aimed at mocking precious, pretentious wankery: Or becoming what you hate.

F*cking hell, I'll have to buy a bigger monitor for that one.
None of which you can compound into a catchy soundbite worthy of a thread title

That's where you're wrong, "Post Stampy" is actually quite good. Were also a number of other good suggestions. But whatever, if people are getting sick of it... we go again.
RAWK Goes into Meltdown: Fool and the Gang(hi)
RAWK Goes Into Meltdown: Brendan Rodgers is Still the Manager of Liverpool Football Club
RAWK Goes into Meltdown: Brendan Your Money
Rawk goes into meltdown : 2015/2016 edition

fecks wrong with that!!! now on to making fun of rawk posts
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RAWK Goes into Meltdown: The Scouse on Haunted Hill
RAWK goes into Meltdown | 2015/2016 Edition | Rodgers & The Hendersons
RAWK Goes into meltdown | 2015/2016 | What d'ya Firmintho' we've lost again?
RAWK Goes into meltdown | 2015/2016 | IngsGlorylessBasterds

(only one I can come up with).
I'm expecting big things this season, RAWKites. :drool: Don't let me down!
We need a name that's witty at first. But that seems less funny each time you say it. Dumbo has struck gold.
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