Some of the comments on that picture on instagram are excellent.
There's a picture of Mighty Red doing the ice bucket challenge and someone has said 'hopefully that's petrol and the fire picture is to follow'.
Bit touchy on here. Not denying Sterling was bought at 15 but there's still a significant role in getting him through the system and turning him into a first team player. Loads of top teams buy young teens but most fail to make the grade. Sterling is still a product of Liverpool's youth policy.
Similarly, the frenzy around Januzaj is fuelled by the fact he's 'coming through' from the youth and reserve teams.
A nice touchy reply to contend with an accusation of being touchy. Touché.Yeah, because adhering to facts is the new touchy if you're a Liverpool fan, apparently.
Jesus ChristRe: Louis Van Gaal is still the Manager of Manchester United
« Reply #13038 on: Today at 04:18:59 PM »
United fans are obsessed with the past and their 'history'.
It's sickening really. All they do is look back to when their players were once good and their time were in Europe.
A psychoanalyst would have a field day. Seems twenty years of collapse does do some damage.
Though yes, we weep for the long distant past... of 2013.
Rojo, row your boat, gently down the steam
Gerrard won the premier league, in his fecking dream
A nice touchy reply to contend with an accusation of being touchy. Touché.
If RAWK is so terrible, you have to wonder why everyone else is apparently obsessed with it?
Re: Louis Van Gaal is still the Manager of Manchester United
« Reply #13038 on: Today at 04:18:59 PM »
United fans are obsessed with the past and their 'history'.
It's sickening really. All they do is look back to when their players were once good and their time were in Europe.
I laughed at this comment:
I reckon I'd enjoy watching Torres shag my missus more than I'd enjoy actually shagging him myself I have to say. Call me traditional and all that. She's got the lurgy right now with this constant irritating cough so I'd probably be doubly pleased. Might get some peace and quiet...
Hope I never meet him, as the urge to touch his face to see if his skin is as soft as it looks would probably get me in court. It looks smoother than my 6 month old daughters'. Can't any of the photoshop wizards whip up a wig and a dress or something for Torres, for err investigative purposes.
Couldn't quote Badunk's post for some reason.
Bloody hell! Sturridge will do well to never walk alone with these about.
'I've developed a bit of a man-crush on Daniel.
I don't want to feck him necessarily but I love him and I want him to crawl inside his mind so he can understand me and I can feel what it's like to be inside him.
His skill, his commitment, his style, his attitude, his dance, his swagger, his sense of humour, his morals, his humility, his arrogance, his family, his, character, his loyalty, his charidee work, his comments, his goals, his everything... Daniel is the real deal. And he's mine. Sorry, I mean he's ours!
...I'd vote for him, feck I'd vote for him to finger my bumbumhole with one hand and slap my face with the other. I sometimes wish I was gay... I'd make a great gay guy and I reckon if Daniel was gay (he's not) me and him would make the perfect couple. We'd buy a little rustic cottage in the outskirts of Chester, he would run the flower shop that we own and I would stay home baking him cookies and cakes and big joints of meat. He's insatiable for meat in my fantasy. Insatiable.'
A nice touchy reply to contend with an accusation of being touchy. Touché.
There's a picture of Mighty Red doing the ice bucket challenge and someone has said 'hopefully that's petrol and the fire picture is to follow'.
I like how they've decided to lock their United thread so that they don't look obsessed. This is the one that's racked up more posts in 4 months than their City thread that's been going since 2011.
...and almost double the pages of our own van Gaal thread.
Although to be fair lads we can't talk. The number of pages for each of the ''our rivals squad next season'' threads
Tottenham - 7 pages
Arsenal - 17 pages
Man City - 3 pages
Chelsea - 19 pages
Liverpool - 109 pages
I've just realised that the Rawk Meltdown twitter account mostly only tweets posts that are from this thread. That's quite funny seen as the chap who runs it had a hissy fit and called the caf a joke. Hi Plan M![]()
All except Gasmanc, that's 3/4 of the thread count, puts us back around 25-30 pages of United fans posts which is on par with our less bitter rivals....They're not all Pool fans are they?