RAWK Goes into Meltdown 2014/2015 - The "We go again" Edition

"In 60 years from now Liverpool Football Club will still be standing strong and my grandchildren will be teaching their kids about the Fields of Anfield Road and about some fella named Tommy. We Go Again!"



If cliches weren't invented rawk wouldn't exist and if mawkish sentimentality was abolished the club would go into administration. The scientific theorem linking their club to the crazies running N.Korea is irrefutable.

LFC = Rawk = no opposing view = N. Korea.

Proof positive.:smirk:
If cliches weren't invented rawk wouldn't exist and if mawkish sentimentality was abolished the club would go into administration. The scientific theorem linking their club to the crazies running N.Korea is irrefutable.

LFC = Rawk = no opposing view = N. Korea.

Proof positive.:smirk:
Actually a good point! Brendan = Kim Jong-Un?
Actually a good point! Brendan = Kim Jong-Un?
Nah, the analogy falls away if you take it to that level.

In North Korea, the people say insane things because they want to please the Dear Leader. With Liverpool, Rogers says insane things because he wants to please the peope.
Not RAWK but from that Facebook link to the godawful poster.

I no people who don't support Liverpool why r u on our page? If u don't like us or a player keep it to your self because people who actually come on this page support them, an to be honest I don't care what ur opinion is all I no is that we support Liverpool so don't like someone don't comment on a picture or anythink, u all must be jealous the people who do that. I mean if u don't like r page DONT GO ON IT! Ur going to be staring at Liverpool pics so there's no point dahh?!

61 people liked it...
What is wrong with Gerrard in that pic.

I used to have an Eagle Eyed action man that looked more realistic.
Hes like odd bod from carry on screaming.
This is how Liverpool are promoting their preseason tour on facebook:



EDIT - here's the link to the FB page...in case anyone thought this was too cringeworthy to be real...


England's most successful team? :lol:
And what an awful poster, it looks like some kid made it at home after school..
Someone slipped while doing it.

Btw cant wait for the season to start and fans of every team playing liverpool to sing steven gerrard song. :lol:
They have a thread on there called 'we go again, again' which contains insights such as;

I really hope this 'we go again' nonsense doesn't last. It's nearly as cringey as that tralala song. Nearly.
You'd think it would only serve as a reminder to the fact that they threw everything away in the aftermath of that little speech. Bizarre they're so infatuated with it.

I'm speechless...surely a wind-up but no, its official...wow.
England's most successful team that hasn't won their own league since 1990.

Oh right....I forgot about those famous 2nd place finishes.
I imagine they had a double pic of Suarez and Gerrard on the first proof read a month ago, wonder why they didn't swap in a Ricky Lambert for Suarez ???

Being really imaginative positioning halos above their bonces indicating sainthood would have been a great tribute to the supplier of players for this tour - Southampton FC.
Team is singular. Should be: "is visiting the USA".

A collective noun such as 'team' can be singular or plural so are/is can be interchangeable to some extent. For example, it would be acceptable to say 'Manchester United are a team that play in England'. Similarly, the phraseology on the Liverpool poster is acceptable.
Are they seriously claiming to be Englands most successful team? I think there is one team who is above them.

I am sure America is going crazy at the prospect of Steven Gerrard coming to visit.
Are they seriously claiming to be Englands most successful team? I think there is one team who is above them.

I am sure America is going crazy at the prospect of Steven Gerrard coming to visit.
The 5 European Cup thing gives a degree of licence in that regard.
Not total trophies won, then?

Why pick the 5 European Cups?

Why not the English league titles since its claiming the most dictation team in England and not Europe?

Because they're using 'in England' to mean 'out of all the teams located in England' rather than 'the best in English league football'. Otherwise, they would have to concede that they're behind us.
Just seen this regarding our interest in Vidal
Chilean media reporting that United have asked for Vidal's medical records from the national team regarding his knee - obviously with Vidal's authorisation.
Surely that's real dickhead behaviour? Cutting out Juventus like that seems completely disrespectful. Wouldn't be surprised if this killed any potential deal.

Due Diligence is dickhead behaviour? Any club with concerns about a future players fitness will get all the available information from everyone that works with the player.
Not looking forward to watching United next season. Not because I think they'll be hugely successful but I just think they're going to be very much another Chelsea, with a well-disciplined back line and keeping 10 men behind the ball and waiting for the opposition/the referee to make a mistake and take advantage.

For me the absolute best thing about our current manager is that he manages to get results without doing this - it makes the wins twice as enjoyable.
:lol: They really do live in the most delusional of worlds don't they.
A collective noun such as 'team' can be singular or plural so are/is can be interchangeable to some extent. For example, it would be acceptable to say 'Manchester United are a team that play in England'. Similarly, the phraseology on the Liverpool poster is acceptable.

True, but I still think from an etymological standpoint it's grammatically incorrect. I'm pretty sure every other language, at least European language, would use the third-person singular when it comes to team. For example, "L'equipe est ...", not "L'equipe sont ... ". Then again, I could be completely and utterly wrong.

Either way, the way it's written on the poster doesn't quite read right.