RAWK Goes into Meltdown 2014/2015 - The "We go again" Edition

Just been musing that since Liverpool last won the League, I have become a father, and now a grandfather.
Adjusting for Merseyside teen pregnancy rates, we can't be that far off a scouse, great-grandfather wrapping his grandchild's offspring in his trackiee top, explaining how "Injury to the nearly world-class Lucas, has been the greatest barrier to glory since the corrupt FA banned the back-pass!"

RAWKites really don't do themselves any favours when it comes to us stereotyping them...

deluded dipper said:
boss post mate

Although he does appear to have messed the "la" off the end to be fair to him.
with edit of neater format for full appreciation

(I suspect he may be an ironic disloyal whopper who should be banned)


The Goal

1 In the beginning, there was a City named Liverpool.

Now the City was lightless and dark, save for a beacon of shining light in the form of a football club that took the City's name.

3 And it so transpired that the nets in the goals were not red.

And the creators of the Universe, the paymasters of the inhabits of this Golden Club, the saviours of its existence, said "Let the Nets be Red", and the Nets were Red.

FSG saw that the nets being red were good, and thenceforth the nets were red.

6 And FSG said, "Let there be a guardian of the Nets to separate the Ball from the goal".

And the God-King Brendan, who had succeeded the God-King Kenny, looked at the incumbent guardian, Pepe son of Miguel, and found that he was a heathen.

8 And the God-King Brendan turned to his disciple Simon son of Stefan, and said to him "You are a fantastic example of Belgian Engineering and Stoicity, and I will buy you for 9 million pounds".

And so the deed was done, and the God-King Brendan assayed to the world that Simon son of Stefan was "one of the top goalkeepers in the Premier League".

10 And the High Priest and Adherents of the Liverpool Faith at RAWK were happy.

11 And the God-King Brendan saw the unceasing efforts that Simon son of Stefan made in his duties as the custodian of the Nets, and he was very good.

And so the God-King Brendan found out that 9 million pounds was a fantastic bargain for an excellent shot stopper and a top, top example of Belgian Engineering and Stoicity.

And the God-King Brendan looked up at the firmament and thanked the legendary God-Kings, Shanks and Paisley, and thanked Fowler, and they blessed him.

14 And so Simon son of Stefan became another shining light in the constellation that is the Club of Liverpool.

And there is still a Golden Sky.
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Re: Prematch thread: Crystal Palace v LFC-- Sun 23rd, 13.30 kickoff
« Reply #117 on: Yesterday at 12:07:13 AM »

It's quite astonishing the lack of faith some of you have in your squad without Sturridge, there's plenty of quality there and with respect it's only Palace. I'd be very surprised if you weren't something like 3-0 up with 10 mins to go.

Good subtle trolling.
Quality, but less funny when:

Rojo has the most appearances as CB in MUFC this season and he has dislocated shoulder since start of November and didn't have work permit until half of September.

One is about appearances other is about performances. Less appearances of others at us are linked to injuries. Those 3 there who haven't been scoring have not been injured all the while when Sturridge has been.
RAWK Mod: 'you don't post during the game. You watch the game. Been the case for years.'

So why have the thread open? :lol:
Reply #2159 on:Today at 03:22:21 PM »
seriously the team selection and those substitutions tell me the manager doesn't know what he's doing....Gerrard starting?? it's disgraceful.

I can't support the manager any longer, the job looks too big for him.

« Reply #2160 on: Today at 03:23:37 PM »

Every player we have bought this summer has been a waste of money. We have no discernible style of play, we are not improving, and our PL season is over in November. For me Rodgers look like a broken man, and I really can't see him staying at the club.
