RAWK Goes Into Lockdown 2017/20-18 Edition | LOLis Karius

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It's a fecking disgrace that here we are, starting another season where we've now had about 5 years of a defence that literally shits itself, regardless of the opposition, whenever a ball gets punted anywhere near it.

Thought we were shite today. Worst game at Anfield in years. Need to get rid of that fecking fraud in goal and feck Coutinho off.
They don't lack a sense of humour at least :lol:
What a pointless club Burnley are by the way

Four games into the season and you're time wasting in the first half. It really is a bafflement that young English managers like that ginger c*nt never get big jobs. Just can't understand it.

Yeah how dare Burnley not let us win? What are they thinking?
You cannot gegenpress everyone every week, with FA , carling, and not to mention CL my fren, if its that simple everyone would be doing it kloppy. :D
This bloke gets it....
Although I love a Liverpool feck up they cost me £2.3k this afternoon. 6 other results correct and they let me down at 4 to 1 on ffs.
Had some 5 and 6 folds so still won a little but that is fecking annoying and reading this thread tonight is only going to make up for it a little bit.......
This was the year when we were meant to push on. We got top 4 we had pull of champions league. The summer started great Solanke and Salah. Then once again it came to nothing. Yet another year where we didn't do enough didn't push the boat out and show ambition.

Same players, same tactics same results. There's no difference. Klopp can bang on about how good our defenders are. He's wrong. So so so wrong. We are incapable of grinding results out 1-0./QUOTE]
Opening games prediction from last month:

I's got to be an inside joke that Europe shaking at the prospect of Liverpool being in the competition. I genuinely think they're pitied as much as anything. They're the Wimpy of the football world and nobody's buying the crap that they're selling anymore.

Is there a possibility we might see a shift in the typical liverpoo boom bust cycle? Are we set for a "next years our year" as early as September? Surely not?! October is a very real proposition though.

It's like observing the global warming patterns. They just keep defying our expectations, except this makes for good fun as the planet crumbles around us.
here's our expected goal map for today.... we outshot them 2.22XG-0.97XG. And although we were awful against City we did concede 2.57XG, not 5. So that's three games in a row where the opposition have scored against us at an unsustainable rate.

We ain't winning the league without VAR unless we so convincingly beat teams that even the refs can't influence. They subtly feck us over season in season out over the season - I'm pretty sure it's no coincidence authority does not like Liverpool but hey I might be just bitter. 2 penalties, 1 clear cut slide tackle without getting the ball feck me dead. Could argue TAA gave one with the shirt tug but that affected his player less than the 2 fouls in the area against us. Add that to Watford last minute offside goal and we are 4 points down for the season from where we justifiably should be. Sometimes we don't finish off or play well but still we can should be getting more out of these games if the refs would just make the correct decisions.

The honeymoon period with Klopp is well and truly over. Spoke with two Scouse mates recently; both said they're questioning the manager and bewildered with some of his decisions of late, both on-field and off.
Did you though? Really?
So they want rid of Coutinho now. Barca say they don't want him so it seems unlikely that they will realise anything near the 100m that was quoted during the transfer window.
So, nowhere in the league and nowhere in the market. Their hits just keep on coming.
I know they're not great at the back...
We've got to hope that we can keep all of our attacking players fit because we're going to have to score 2 or 3 more than the opposition to win.

I know they're not the brightest bunch, but surely they have to realize no matter how many they conceed, they need to score ONE more than the opposition to win? :confused:
The honeymoon period with Klopp is well and truly over. Spoke with two Scouse mates recently; both said they're questioning the manager and bewildered with some of his decisions of late, both on-field and off.
Living in Liverpool I know my fair share of fans, most are putting their faith in him but not as blindly as before. There are certainly questions being asked, if poor performances keep up it wouldn't surprise me to some more vocally annoyed fans by season's end.
Living in Liverpool I know my fair share of fans, most are putting their faith in him but not as blindly as before. There are certainly questions being asked, if poor performances keep up it wouldn't surprise me to some more vocally annoyed fans by season's end.
A couple of weeks ago before the Arsenal game, one told me Klopp had lost the plot.
Rome wasn't built in a day.

The progress Klopp has made with this team is amazing. We are a joy to watch. Today was obviously disappointing but we still made Burnley look like a conference side. They couldn't get near us and just sat in their own box time wasting at every available opportunity.

We aren't far away folks. The mistakes are frustrating but it is eminently clear how positive Klopp's body of work with this team is. There is only one direction this team is heading.

If our fans are bleating about a free scoring team which has only lost one game this season imagine how fans of other teams must feel.

This I love! September and already next year is their year!

But let's put this myth to bed shall we. They are not a "free-scoring team". Klopp doesn't believe in defence as we all know, he plays "lets all run really fast and see if we can win" every game as that is the only way he knows. Their defence is shit because, you know, their defence is shit, simple as that. Not the system, its just shit. But apparently, their "system" gives them the best attack in Europe! Posted time and again on there. But its not really, is it? 5 games in, 1 goal against Palace, 1 goal against Burnley, 0 goals against City in just 5 games. Pretty certain there are least 100+ better-attacking teams in Europe than them!

Apart from west ham they have conceded more than any other team as well. Their midfield has hendo and millner in ffs!

There really is only one way they are headed! I hope they keep flopp as manager for ever!!
It's pretty clear. No central defender would improve them at this point as their three man midfield lacks balance. They don't have a single midfielder that hold his position and shields the defence. On top of that, they play with a very high defensive line which is very risky.

This kind of "all in" sort of strategy will definitely be high risk and high return. No wonder they are not very consistent against sides that don't want to play their high stakes game and they end up dropping points. The only way this improves is if Klopp becomes a bit more pragmatic and let's go a bit of gengenpress and attacking intent for some balance.
It's pretty clear. No central defender would improve them at this point as their three man midfield lacks balance. They don't have a single midfielder that hold his position and shields the defence. On top of that, they play with a very high defensive line which is very risky.

This kind of "all in" sort of strategy will definitely be high risk and high return. No wonder they are not very consistent against sides that don't want to play their high stakes game and they end up dropping points. The only way this improves is if Klopp becomes a bit more pragmatic and let's go a bit of gengenpress and attacking intent for some balance.

It's been clear since last season they're City-lite, City will get away with it more than Liverpool though because their attacking players are obviously better
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