Ralf Rangnick | ex-interim manager | does anyone rate him?

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I'm a fan. I didn't mind LvG, but was doubtful since it'd been a decade since he'd done anything significant in club football. I definitely didn't want Mourinho, but could understand the club's reasoning. I absolutely positively wasn't happy when Ole got hired; I couldn't understand why the club didn't wait till the summer. I always say I was never Ole out because I was never Ole in to begin with. Shocking appointment, based on emotion, and classic Woodward (god, the damage that banker has done!). I didn't care one way or another about Rangnick. I pretty much knew the season was over after the results against City and Liverpool (and still Ole in a job!). I'm cautiously optimistic about Ten Hag since we are at last hiring someone on an upward trajectory, rather than has-beens (LvG, Mourinho) and no-hopers (Moyes, Solskjaer).

Your statement doesn't apply to me, nor I suspect to a lot of folks.

I actually think your opinion on all of these managers would represent the majority of United fans.
I love taking a pint with my United mates every Sunday. When Rangnick signed they told me that I should be happy about it as I always rated the man (mostly as a sporting director but oh well). I remember telling them that yes I was happy but we should brace ourselves to alot and alot of pain. That's because, in similar United fashion, we went for a manager whose complete opposite to what the previous manager had built his side upon. Ole's team was lazy and not very bright. It was built around soaking pressure only to hit on the break. These counters relied heavily on pace (Rashford, Greenwood and James) and the individual brilliance of guys like Ronaldo, Cavani and co. On top of that Ole had disillusioned half the squad by promising games to everyone something that was humanely not possible.

Instead of going for a manager who played a similar style who could stir the ship in a very delicate period filled with games we went for someone whose style is based on our weaknesses ie pressing, workrate and high energy. Most of Ole's coaching staff left which meant that Rangnick had no idea how toxic the dressing room was and the pitfalls awaiting him. Any fear factor he had went out of the window the moment the club decided not to back him in January and not to give him an official role within the United's structure after these few months are over.

Current United is filled with players who can't give a feck because they either know that they are leaving or they know that there's no chance in hell of United being able to sell them up. The manager is the typical example of a dead man walking. He hold no respect whatsoever. I blame Rangnick on one thing ie his reluctance to rely on kids. At least these players would give a feck (as Elanga did)
Again, I agree. I wrote most of the same things but from a different angle. People that scream on Ole or on RR are both wrong. It's the club not having a direction that is the main problem and there were many that made straw man out of Ole and are now making it out of RR. The issue was never amateur coaching by Ole as it's not RR now; it's a group of 30 or so players that know they are more important then any manager and they can be safe. A lack of vision for the club and the way to play, like you say, was clear when we went from LVG to fecking Mou and then Ole. Complete randomness.
Clearly and factually it seems he is the brains behind something new at the time being the brains behind a paradigm shift that his aprentices and compariots took to heart and perfected. We are by far the biggest club he managed while rest being second tier with high ambitions, by a mile we are the biggest! In terms of coaching all the prominent apprentices have surpassed him in terms of levels reached. He seem best at building organisation's using small(er) tactically invested funds and upgrading them smartly from what they were and get an edge on the more disorganized similar tiered rivals but never fully hitting the top tier of German football firmly held by Bayern for any long duration.

Expecting someone with this profile, 5-10 some years into retirement from active coaching and for him to come into a club in severe disarray, players already top tier rich, not hungry and dealing with a few grifters, duds and misfires and a few heavily skilled but disgruntled pro players at the same time as trying to school them in on gegenpress, seem a little absurd in hindsight.

The core of his philosophy seem to hinge on players being
A) hungry for a chance, fame and growth while motivated and chased by a similar potential replacement always nibbing their heels
B) an organization behind it all hellbent on growth like Red Bull or smaller but ambitious ownership that back him to the hilt no matter what, operating on full trust.

Taking all that history into account and with the power of hindsight it's all a bit weird how the logic went behind the appointment, particularly in the capacity of coach.

Was he appointed to do a clear out and in the process flush our season? No Manchester united doesnt actively flush a season, a club can just tell the player at the end of the mid/full season, ciao you are not in the plans, no point creating tension mid season. Was he appointed to salvage 4th place? Then why wasn't he given a DM to plug the hole? Was he appointed because we are building an organization in the vein of red bull football? Then why not keep Carrick and mentor him from the side and monitor team progress but not disturb the harmony. More and more it seems like a desperate wishful hail Mary. At this point I hope he at least gets a chance to use this expensively acquired insight and putting it into good use for the future.
yeah 1 europa cup.. and the other europa cup Ole lost was by a goalkeepers kick..
Is that successful?

Winning a trophy is better than losing it twice.

That's not to reflect on Mourinho being good himself. That's just a response to the ridiculous claim Ole had done the best of our post SAF managers when he failed to win even the Micky Mouse trophies the previous two managers before him won and got 66 and 71 points in his both league seasons.

Ronaldo situation was unavoidable. .. what would you have done if he joined City and scored at OT..

So that's how decisions are taken at Man United ?
Because thats football. How do you think Di Mateo won a CL with Chelsea? its just a short term thing. The way i see it is. Over the short term, results can sometimes be different than the performances. But over the long run, the performances dictate the overall results. Under Ole those results werent backed eith consistent performances. The coaching might not be poor but our performances were not satisfactory regardless. Thats why when we were bad, we were so bad that both the result and performances were sack worthy. Because we had never been that good in the first place.
Not really though. Di Mateo was one trophy mid season, Ole's semifinals, final and 3ed plus 2ed were results of 3 years building after being 7th under previous managers. He was not good enough but it was not a fluke. We won feck all under him but let's not forget we were one penalty shot away from finishing second in the PL and winners of a European competition.
I said it earlier, he needs to be more ruthless. Bench everyone who does not follow, who cares abiut results at this stage. Bench them, make it clear who itnis and play some youth, at least thats exciting
Winning a trophy is better than losing it twice.

That's not to reflect on Mourinho being good himself. That's just a response to the ridiculous claim Ole had done the best of our post SAF managers when he failed to win even the Micky Mouse trophies the previous two managers before him won and got 66 and 71 points in his both league seasons.

So that's how decisions are taken at Man United ?

Its a unprecedented unique situation involving one of the clubs legends and the opportunity to bring him home.

I legitimately do not understand why some people imagine that decisions are not based on many, many factors, including emotional ones.

Essentially there are two types of Redcafe fans: 1. Fans who were excited and delighted about Ronaldo coming back home 2. Fans who now insinuate that the club should not have brought him back, but are full of shit because you were just as happy as everyone else when we signed him
Its a unprecedented unique situation involving one of the clubs legends and the opportunity to bring him home.

I legitimately do not understand why some people imagine that decisions are not based on many, many factors, including emotional ones.

Essentially there are two types of Redcafe fans: 1. Fans who were excited and delighted about Ronaldo coming back home 2. Fans who now insinuate that the club should not have brought him back, but are full of shit because you were just as happy as everyone else when we signed him
There was a significant cohort of fans who would far rather have used that money to bring in a top CM. Of course Ronaldo was going to produce the odd magical moment that would be great, but over the course of the season it was glaringly obvious what was needed more.
Its a unprecedented unique situation involving one of the clubs legends and the opportunity to bring him home.

I legitimately do not understand why some people imagine that decisions are not based on many, many factors, including emotional ones.

Essentially there are two types of Redcafe fans: 1. Fans who were excited and delighted about Ronaldo coming back home 2. Fans who now insinuate that the club should not have brought him back, but are full of shit because you were just as happy as everyone else when we signed him
There are the third type of fans who were worried from the beginning. You have missed that long thread here, haven’t you?
I still remember in that game Ole rested CR and received the absolute shit storm from everywhere. I was thinking at that time Ole probably won’t be able to navigate this time. A ridiculous situation for any manager.
Its a unprecedented unique situation involving one of the clubs legends and the opportunity to bring him home.

I legitimately do not understand why some people imagine that decisions are not based on many, many factors, including emotional ones.

Essentially there are two types of Redcafe fans: 1. Fans who were excited and delighted about Ronaldo coming back home 2. Fans who now insinuate that the club should not have brought him back, but are full of shit because you were just as happy as everyone else when we signed him
I had this weird feeling of excited and worried at the same time, kinda like when doing something fun but reckless, you know it wont end up well but still go ahead against better judgment.
Its a unprecedented unique situation involving one of the clubs legends and the opportunity to bring him home.

I legitimately do not understand why some people imagine that decisions are not based on many, many factors, including emotional ones.

Essentially there are two types of Redcafe fans: 1. Fans who were excited and delighted about Ronaldo coming back home 2. Fans who now insinuate that the club should not have brought him back, but are full of shit because you were just as happy as everyone else when we signed him

His decline was clear and many fans probably thought it could go badly. Especially when you consider the high wages and the fact pace and counter were at the heart of what we had been doing previously.

Anyway most fans definitely were excited but that does not mean it was a good decision. Especially when we had a gaping hole in the midfield that needed fixing
So we keep playing shit football and buying players that suit the shit football because we have been playing shit football all these while?

feck this shit, play they style that wins and get rid of the cnuts who can't keep up. Unfortunately for us it's most of the squad.

no. Acknowledge the change needed and start in the summer, not throw away a season trying to take your cement mixer to a f1 race
I had this weird feeling of excited and worried at the same time, kinda like when doing something fun but reckless, you know it wont end up well but still go ahead against better judgment.
Because losing Mason and being stuck with Cavani and Rashford leading the line would have ended up well. The only thing I was worried about was the shit fans getting on his back everytime he fails to bail us out.
I said it earlier, he needs to be more ruthless. Bench everyone who does not follow, who cares abiut results at this stage. Bench them, make it clear who itnis and play some youth, at least thats exciting

Does Rangnick himself care about results at this stage?
Ralf gave up his gegenpressing (when the our unfit players could only last 1 half) and became a realist. Might as well have had Ole left in charge then.
Does Rangnick himself care about results at this stage?
I think he got a brutal reality check with us and is a bit shocked but not showing it. Throwing it? Not for a second, but he too lost the players.
He’s a likeable guy, if not a little boring, and I couldn’t give a toss about his managerial ability any more. He won’t be in charge next season so it’s not worth getting worked up about.

The only thing he needs to do at this point is tell our new manager what players he thinks need to get in the bin.
What on earth does those blaming Ralf want him to do? Lets say he is a sht manager and his tactics and training is sht. Are they worse than Everton? Worse than Newcastle etc? I doubt it. Everton are sht and even with a sht manager the players should have beaten them. Did he do some crazy sht tactics that confused them? He basically ditched his whole philosophy and played exactly how they like to play. So again what is he supposed to do? Cheer them up more? Is he that much of a cnt that they just cant play well? How bad is he? Lets say he's really bad at the whole speech thing and everyone hates him in the dressing room. So what? Can they not fight for the badge, fight for fourth, fight for their careers? I just don't understand it. Yeah we can say Ralfs isnt the best manager. But that doesnt excuse the sht that we have been seeing. Its not even that they want him out so are paying badly. He's leaving in a few months for fks sake. Plus the World Cup is coming up. Plus players are out of contract and want to find new clubs. What more possible motivation do they need?
It's a bit worrying that a man who is an expert in building clubs seems to have mentally checked out himself, seems to know that there is little hope for us to sort our shit out.
I think he got a brutal reality check with us and is a bit shocked but not showing it. Throwing it? Not for a second, but he too lost the players.
I thought it felt like he was deflecting a bit when he started talking about preparing for the next manager. Maybe because only a month or two ago he was refusing to rule out himself as one of the candidates, and he felt like he still had a shot? Now it feels like he along with the players are just trying to ride out the rest of the season.
He doesn't come across as very inspirational or the type the players would have a strong relationship with. It went downhill as soon as Carrick and McKenna walked out when he was appointed.
I didn't think it would be possible for a manager to do worse than Ole. Then I got introduced to Ralf. I still can't believe a lot on here wanted him to stay on next season.

Glad, that this will be the only season that I will see him manage united
I thought it felt like he was deflecting a bit when he started talking about preparing for the next manager. Maybe because only a month or two ago he was refusing to rule out himself as one of the candidates, and he felt like he still had a shot? Now it feels like he along with the players are just trying to ride out the rest of the season.
He got grinded, milled and pulverized by our career ender squad. From his perspective he got a sweet gig and a ticket out of Moscow at least. Even a broken watch shows the time correct twice a day so was nice to see those snippets of gegenpress out of our broken lot from him, shows they could but wouldn't.
I now can' not wait for this season to end and for him to go. I do not think he is particularly good. He would be okay as a backroom member of staff. He may have been better with the existing coaching set up rather than the yank. Also the Greenwood situation really bolloc%/d things up.

But as people have said, he is not all that inspirational and the results reflect the persona himself. As I say,I can't wait to see the back of him.
I actually do not remember watching an exciting match with Ralf around. He started with the 4222 which didn’t work - he shouldn’t have done that as we do not have the players for it. Then he changed to 442 and later to 4231. Nonetheless, in all these formations, I do not see a proper structure. Is it his fault or poor players’ execution? If it’s the latter, then probably Ole shouldn’t have been sacked as it was the players issue - maybe. The good thing about him is that he is blunt and says things as is; this, however, is not enough. i don’t want to be harsh with him since this is not a squad he build, but the results and performances are poor. We do not win games. I think It’s 42% win rate from what I read after the game. That’s too low.
There was a significant cohort of fans who would far rather have used that money to bring in a top CM. Of course Ronaldo was going to produce the odd magical moment that would be great, but over the course of the season it was glaringly obvious what was needed more.

Forget about Ronaldo. AWB, Sancho, Varane, DVB and Maguire. When you combine all four and Cavani's wages and giving new contracts to everyone, we could have got a world class midfield player for sure.
What on earth does those blaming Ralf want him to do? Lets say he is a sht manager and his tactics and training is sht. Are they worse than Everton? Worse than Newcastle etc? I doubt it. Everton are sht and even with a sht manager the players should have beaten them. Did he do some crazy sht tactics that confused them? He basically ditched his whole philosophy and played exactly how they like to play. So again what is he supposed to do? Cheer them up more? Is he that much of a cnt that they just cant play well? How bad is he? Lets say he's really bad at the whole speech thing and everyone hates him in the dressing room. So what? Can they not fight for the badge, fight for fourth, fight for their careers? I just don't understand it. Yeah we can say Ralfs isnt the best manager. But that doesnt excuse the sht that we have been seeing. Its not even that they want him out so are paying badly. He's leaving in a few months for fks sake. Plus the World Cup is coming up. Plus players are out of contract and want to find new clubs. What more possible motivation do they need?

That dressing room is more poisonous than people make it out to be. DeGea after at the post match interview said as much as he can say.
Probably a nice guy, but he's so devoid of charisma that I doubt I'll remember much of his tenure as the manager.
I can’t remember our attacking play ever being as poor as it has been under Rangnick.
That dressing room is more poisonous than people make it out to be. DeGea after at the post match interview said as much as he can say.

The players need to either conform to the new managers tactics or feck off. The tail should not be wagging the dog!
I remember Ralf's first game...we were pressing, attacking, it was so good, and even though we won by 1, I thought, he's going to really improve us.

But over the past 7-8 games, we've slowly gone back to the end of Ole's stint as manager, and we are shit.

Honestly, if we need to get into Europa for the money/certain players/Ten Hag, then Fergie needs to come out of retirement and take over.
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