Ralf Rangnick | ex-interim manager | does anyone rate him?

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I wasn't sure if this warranted a different thread so am putting it here.

What exactly do people see as Ralf role since his appointment?

I mean as fans we see the team and the displays and we are judging the guy on that. We complain about what isn't changing and why certain players are played over others and the style and the philosophy and what not.

But is that and was that the reason for Ralfs appointment as interim manager with a consultancy role after?

Yes he is interim manager and will be given a consultancy role after but does that not suggest his remit is wider and more far reaching than just how we are on the pitch currently? Or even for his 6 month interim manager period?

We read reports (more than likely made up) how he has done a presentation to say 3 players are not good enough for us. Obviously discussion has ensued and I stress it's more than likely rubbish, however isn't that kind of his role now going on to when he is in the consultancy role?

Having some experience in consultancy type roles I undertook a feasibility study into community centres. Long story won't bore you with it but it was tasked as there was a demand for one in an area I was working in. On taking the role I was welcomed by the locals but not so loved after I finished as my result was basically no we shouldn't build one. The initial love in was because they finally felt they had someone who was going to go away and fight for them to get a community centre. But that wasn't my role. It was to take stock, see what the demands were, the logistics, the money, the day to day running, volunteers etc etc. It involves visiting other centres around the country, highlighting the issues (negative and positive) and ultimately writing a report and doing a presentation.

I was obviously not well liked when I submitted my findings, the pressure from locals via councillors and MPs meant we set up a temporary one. The very vocal locals who had hated me for saying no we're happy. But 3 months down the line desperate for the thing to stop as the reasons I had highlighted came to the fore. End result no community centre.

Sorry to bore you with the story but ultimately isn't Ralf in to do what I did? And initially be criticised or disliked as we don't see the changes we want?

As fans we just want to see good football and league position and trophies. But is that really what Ralf has come in to do in 6 months or is it a case of taking stock, giving reports about what is working what isn't and a forward plan?

Are we then being harsh on judging him in the now? The performances, players leaving or not performing etc or is this basically the pain we will go through to see some semblance of progress from the last few years?

It's a difficult one as only time will tell and even if his remit is a feasibility/taking stock one doesn't mean he will be the right guy in the end. He could well be but we simply won't know untill we see what major changes happen during and after his 6 months eg players out players in and manager.

Maybe I'm just grasping at straws because I can't take where we are as a club or maybe we shouldn't be judging Ralf on the performances alone and need to see the bigger picture?

Edit: maybe someone could she's some light onto something I read about the Glazers and their American football team. Didn't they bring in a guy, similar to how they've bought in Ralf, to help guide them?
Of course we are being harsh on the guy. Read my earlier post He has been parachuted into a complete mess by a board with no clue, waited way to long to replace Ole when there were no obvious replacements. We should have made him DoF after the interim role, not a vague consultancy which means nothing. THen we would have a proper and established DoF, the players would take him far more seriously and the club would be moving in right direction. Instead we have the usual panicked decisions by Ed and co and no plan.
There's nothing wrong with my memory, I remember Shaw being shocking for years, I've never been convinced by Maguire and Wan-Bissaka had one good season at Palace before we splashed out £50m. There's a lot of recency bias in football and people are quick to forget just how shit some of our players were before they had one good season. None of those players start for a top 2 team.

All the above players start for a top 2 team.
Falling for the same trick over and over again. Post SAF we all loved what the new managers other than Moyes had to say initially. Some are falling for the same trick under Rangnick too, in fact he does the most talking without anything to show for it so far and people are eating up his quotes.

The squad was called toxic under Jose and Ole came in and did his first two jobs immediately. Restored the feel good factor and had us playing on the front foot and winning. Ralf so far just does a bunch of talking in press conferences with nothing to back it up, that's easy to get away with as a DoF but as a manager you look clueless if you talk a good game but are unable to back it up.

We still have a lot of football left to play and while the players seem to be the whipping boys at the moment, the longer we continue to be mediocre, people will get fed up with him talking a good game.
Falling for the same trick over and over again. Post SAF we all loved what the new managers other than Moyes had to say initially. Some are falling for the same trick under Rangnick too, in fact he does the most talking without anything to show for it so far and people are eating up his quotes.

The squad was called toxic under Jose and Ole came in and did his first two jobs immediately. Restored the feel good factor and had us playing on the front foot and winning. Ralf so far just does a bunch of talking in press conferences with nothing to back it up, that's easy to get away with as a DoF but as a manager you look clueless if you talk a good game but are unable to back it up.

We still have a lot of football left to play and while the players seem to be the whipping boys at the moment, the longer we continue to be mediocre, people will get fed up with him talking a good game.

But… he’s literally been brought in to be director of football. He’s merely covering the manager role short term
Ok then

His actual long term role is far closer to that of a DOF than it is a manager
Still incorrect.

He is taking on a consultancy role, which will entail advising the club, on club decisions, essentially managing the 'club' on how to run themselves as a football club, presumably rather than a business, so this consultancy role entails far more than just a "director of football" role.

So as the below points out, while the role does/may include recruitment, the far more important part of the consultancy role, is getting Man Utd back up to speed to the likes of Liverpool, Bayern and dare I say it, City, to run the club as a football club.


Rangnick, who is poised to take charge for the first time when Arsenal visit Old Trafford next Thursday evening, is one of the most experienced and deepest thinkers in the game, and will bring a wealth of know-how to the table in terms of how United should be operating.

The exact ins and outs of his job description and what the role will entail are yet to be revealed, but it is likely going to involve him having a say in the key decisions United make as a club moving forward. At least you would like to think so, anyway.

If one of those responsibilities includes Rangnick having a major voice in recruitment discussions United will have made another excellent decision.

Because not only has Rangnick developed a firm understanding for how a football club should run, but he also played a direct role in unearthing some of the most familiar names now playing their trade in European football: the likes of Erling Haaland of Borussia Dortmund, Chelsea striker Timo Werner and Bayern Munich ace Dayot Upamecano.

Still incorrect.

He is taking on a consultancy role, which will entail advising the club, on club decisions, essentially managing the 'club' on how to run themselves as a football club, presumably rather than a business, so this consultancy role entails far more than just a "director of football" role.

So as the below points out, while the role does/may include recruitment, the far more important part of the consultancy role, is getting Man Utd back up to speed to the likes of Liverpool, Bayern and dare I say it, City, to run the club as a football club.


Rangnick, who is poised to take charge for the first time when Arsenal visit Old Trafford next Thursday evening, is one of the most experienced and deepest thinkers in the game, and will bring a wealth of know-how to the table in terms of how United should be operating.

The exact ins and outs of his job description and what the role will entail are yet to be revealed, but it is likely going to involve him having a say in the key decisions United make as a club moving forward. At least you would like to think so, anyway.

If one of those responsibilities includes Rangnick having a major voice in recruitment discussions United will have made another excellent decision.

Because not only has Rangnick developed a firm understanding for how a football club should run, but he also played a direct role in unearthing some of the most familiar names now playing their trade in European football: the likes of Erling Haaland of Borussia Dortmund, Chelsea striker Timo Werner and Bayern Munich ace Dayot Upamecano.


So it’s far closer to a DOF than a manager, as I stated in my follow up.

So it’s actually you that’s incorrect on this one, based on the article you linked in an attempt to look clever
So it’s far closer to a DOF than a manager, as I stated in my follow up.

So it’s actually you that’s incorrect on this one, based on the article you linked in an attempt to look clever

Oh so a Director of Football runs the whole operation does he? Like the WHOLE football club and not just the football side.
I love Ralf's press conferences. He is such an honest and educated football man. So refreshing after Ole's garbled nonsense. I really hope Rangnick stays on to head up recruitment and an overhaul of the whole football side of the club after his stint as manager is over.
I for one am extremely disappointed in what he has done as a coach/manager. Maybe it's my fault for having expectations but he has been terrible.

And now if he wants to play 4-3-3 how is he going to fit in Pogba and Bruno?

I think this is the most defeated/pessimistic I have been since SAF retired. I don't see a way out.
I for one am extremely disappointed in what he has done as a coach/manager. Maybe it's my fault for having expectations but he has been terrible.

And now if he wants to play 4-3-3 how is he going to fit in Pogba and Bruno?

I think this is the most defeated/pessimistic I have been since SAF retired. I don't see a way out.
Maybe because people are starting to realise that the manager isn't the sum of all our issues? People thought sacking Ole would mean instant title challenge and now Ralf can't do that people think he's shit and Poch or Ten Hag will do it instead, I've got some news for you folks. Not every manager we hire can be bad, statistically to even be in with a shout for the United job they have to have been good for a while.

We don't need the best manager in the world to win things, yes it helps, but a club with resources like United just needs strong management and good recruitment to win titles. We need a clear out of the toxic players and we need to stop with these daft contracts before we see any improvement or consistency. We're totally rotten and these players will throw any manager under the bus who makes them run, train at night, won't let them go to Dubai when injured, or calls them out on their bullshit.

It doesn't matter what formation you play when you've got a collective of players like that.
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On the flip side it may just further highlight we have a weak midfield and reduce any attacking threat or creativity we have.
Teams are and can be successful playing 2 midfielders so that isn’t the reason we play so disjointed in possession.

I think at this stage people are just looking for a quick fix, and there isn’t one. Both Mourinho and Ole clearly did not coach controlling the ball well (Mourinho is famous for liking his teams to play without the Ball and Ole just isn’t a top level coach who seemed to be able to coach counter attacking and nothing else) you don’t just get over 5 + years of bad coaching in a few weeks.
Add to that out squad building has been terrible for over a decade, again that is reflected on the pitch and what team a manger coming in can put out.

The bottom line is what ever formation you pick there is significant issues because of the imbalance and sustained bad coaching of the squad.
Yeah, amazing what our attackers have produced in the past 2 years, breathtaking stuff
Just feck off please
It’s not him man, it has to be this team and there lack of know how, they are afraid, lazy, just plain poor! The next manager will have a monumental job to fix this, just hope he gets the funds to do it
You can see what we are trying to do by controlling the game and playing incisive passes. But we are just not good enough at retaining the ball, seeing a pass and then making the pass. City are just miles better than us at this.
You can see what we are trying to do by controlling the game and playing incisive passes. But we are just not good enough at retaining the ball, seeing a pass and then making the pass. City are just miles better than us at this.
I genuinely can't see what his game plan is. There is no difference between this football and Ole's reign.
Someone… please… find me a positive.

we have been garbage in every game he has managed us in
I would have rather stuck with Ole, than watch this.

Ole was bad, but somehow, this is even worse.
I think the first half of the Brentford match has been decent so far. I think he's identified the shape that gives us the most control. Most of their attempts came via set pieces and the most dangerous situations were from silly turnovers including an awful corner from Bruno. We need to figure out the final third though ... I don't think Telles' low probability crosses should be our main source of chance creation. Let's see if he recognizes where changes are needed (Fred's gotta sit a couple of games out).
I genuinely can't see what his game plan is. There is no difference between this and Ole's reign.

You've got to be really bad not to get the new manager bounce out of a group of players
I think the first half of the Brentford match has been decent so far. I think he's identified the shape that gives us the most control. Most of their attempts came via set pieces and the most dangerous situations were from silly turnovers including an awful corner from Bruno. We need to figure out the final third though ... I don't think Telles' low probability crosses should be our main source of chance creation. Let's see if he recognizes where changes are needed (Fred's gotta sit a couple of games out).

Are you drunk?
I genuinely can't see what his game plan is. There is no difference between this football and Ole's reign.

There is a difference. We are trying to control the game by being in their half. We just dont have the technical players to do that. As well as have the vision to see a good pass and then the skill to execute it. We dont have what city have in abundance.

If it were Ole, the majority of the game would be played in our half.

It is frustrating how we are playing gifting up counters, but like i say we dont have the technical players to do what city do. Then when we have mini counters we play the wrong pass.

I still think this ends in a draw. Brentford as well to give them credit are tough to play against.
It's fair to say we deserved to lose every single game under him besides maybe Palace. I am quite impressed at how many points we've actually accumulated in those games considering the limp performances.
It's fair to say we deserved to lose every single game under him besides maybe Palace. I am quite impressed at how many points we've actually accumulated in those games considering the limp performances.

And even against Palace they should have scored before we did
Still incorrect.

He is taking on a consultancy role, which will entail advising the club, on club decisions, essentially managing the 'club' on how to run themselves as a football club, presumably rather than a business, so this consultancy role entails far more than just a "director of football" role.

So as the below points out, while the role does/may include recruitment, the far more important part of the consultancy role, is getting Man Utd back up to speed to the likes of Liverpool, Bayern and dare I say it, City, to run the club as a football club.


Rangnick, who is poised to take charge for the first time when Arsenal visit Old Trafford next Thursday evening, is one of the most experienced and deepest thinkers in the game, and will bring a wealth of know-how to the table in terms of how United should be operating.

The exact ins and outs of his job description and what the role will entail are yet to be revealed, but it is likely going to involve him having a say in the key decisions United make as a club moving forward. At least you would like to think so, anyway.

If one of those responsibilities includes Rangnick having a major voice in recruitment discussions United will have made another excellent decision.

Because not only has Rangnick developed a firm understanding for how a football club should run, but he also played a direct role in unearthing some of the most familiar names now playing their trade in European football: the likes of Erling Haaland of Borussia Dortmund, Chelsea striker Timo Werner and Bayern Munich ace Dayot Upamecano.


The bolded about Haaland is so depressing because Ole quite literally told Manchester United to sign Haaland in 2018 when the selling sum was £5 million. The club didn't follow through and here we are, one Ballon D'or candidate less.
He's shit. That's the reason really. Look at the fixtures we've had and we haven't been good in a single one since he came. People really think me the players aren't good enough to produce at least one decent performance??
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