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Zabaleta will be right back in the team of the year and rightfully so as he's been class. Don't think Johnson will be anywhere close, while Rafael will probably just miss out. And Sagna... well Sagna has no fecking chance.
No it isn't, certainly not in this situation. Ronaldo could just as easily dart inside there and Higuain could stand the ball up, you can't blame Rafael for not being a mind reader. He reacted just as you'd hope he would, this wasn't a situation for guessing, he had to hold his line and wait for Ronaldo to make his move. The ONLY way to have prevented that goal was to start running back a second earlier than Ronaldo, which would be retarded defending.
Ronaldo could have easily stepped back and waited for the header, the only moment when it was apparent that this wouldn't happen was after Vidic got turned, and that's exactly when Rafael reacted.
No RB in the world would've stopped that goal IMO.
Ronaldo gains 3 yards on Rafael within the space of 10 yards: he's clearly culpable.
Seems some fans just need to have someone to point the blame at for every lose/goal we concedeThe only other possibility was an own goal.
I can understand Pete, as he is a blatant WUM, but can't believe our fans trying to pin the goal on Rafael.
Seems some fans just need to have someone to point the blame at for every lose/goal we concede
Looking at that gif, it seems like Rio was dealing with his man in exactly the same way that Rafael was trying to deal with Ronaldo? It's almost identical and if the ball went to Kaka instead then he would've put it away.
Yep. It's the type of ball that needs to be cut out before it comes into the box. Otherwise the attacker is always likely to be able to put it away or an own goal is conceded.It's pathetic.
Ronaldo is at the back post and still has to slide and strech to reach the ball, Rafael would either have to run back to his goal line a second earlier than Ronaldo makes his run like a complete fecking idiot or it's a goal, he aint fecking getting there and the idea that Neville would of... well, that's just some stupid re-writing his history, Neville was a great defender but he'd have been fecked here.
The only other possibility was an own goal.
I can understand Pete, as he is a blatant WUM, but can't believe our fans trying to pin the goal on Rafael.
Ronaldo's at full stretch to meet that and what is he like 3/4 inches taller than Rafael?
1. He's the attacker and obviously has the advantage here in this situation, if you don't understand that, you don't understand football.
2. 3 yards? really? He gains about 0.5 yards max. See the gif below. You really have misunderstood if you think he gains 3 fecking yards on him. The entire run is only about 6 yards ffs.
Rafael's a yard ahead of Ronaldo as the move develops. He is then two yards behind the ball when Ronaldo slides it in.
3=1+2. And why did Ronaldo end up where he did? He anticipated where the ball was going to go unlike someone else.
3=1+2. And why did Ronaldo end up where he did? He anticipated where the ball was going to go unlike someone else.
It's about anticipation, otherwise man-marking is an impossible job and defenders are forever powerless reacting to what attackers are doing.
Rafael's a yard ahead of Ronaldo as the move develops. He is then two yards behind the ball when Ronaldo slides it in.
3=1+2. And why did Ronaldo end up where he did? He anticipated where the ball was going to go unlike someone else.
He anticipated it at the same time as Rafael, he just a moment longer to get there and the extra height advantage, as well as no nagging feeling that he may score an own goal.
Why do you keep mentioning the OG possibility? Rafael as proven in this pic has no chance of getting to the ball, even Ronaldo doesn't get there with his run if he's in the fullback position and slides in from when the ball is closest to the fullback.
As I said, Ronaldo is still miles from the ball, so Rafael certainly had no chance of getting there.
There's the white line showing even Ronaldo doesn't make the ball from the fullback position so can we shut up about own goals, anticipation, sliding in, mind-reading etc etc. It's just a fecking perfect ball. Rafael had absolutely no chance.
There's the white line showing even Ronaldo doesn't make the ball from the fullback position so can we shut up about own goals, anticipation, sliding in, mind-reading etc etc. It's just a fecking perfect ball. Rafael had absolutely no chance.
Please stop talking utter shite Gio, it's just clogging up my photobucket account. I've posted a pic above that rubbishes your "anticipation" theory, even Ronaldo himself wouldn't have reached the ball from the fullback position.
If you'd played at a level above Sunday League you'd know this. As proved above, even Ronaldo's run stood in the fullback position doesn't reach the ball.
Yeah as Rafael did - but I put the ball into row Z not stand flatfooted and open-mouthed as Ronaldo zips in to score.
Agree with Gio on this. Its a cracking cross and Ronaldo anticipates it well but i also play full back and would certainly apportion some blame to myself if i was in that situation. Not significant blame but i would think i could have anticipated it better. Rafael should have been proactive rather than reactive in this case.
I love the little fecker, but he could have done better on this occasion. Its not an undefendable situation.
It's not an impossible situation for the full back no but you have take into account who he was marking, one of the fastest and greatest players ever, and the angle of the ball. The ball's too far out for De Gea to get and too close to the goal for Rafael to get. For either to get to the ball they'd have to take massive gambles. They played it safe and got burned by one of the greatest players ever and a wonderful cross.