CE Specialist
I know - wanted Danny boy to admit it and show Putin is as desperate for legitimacy in this situation as Assad.Anyone seeking to depose Assad apparently.
I know - wanted Danny boy to admit it and show Putin is as desperate for legitimacy in this situation as Assad.Anyone seeking to depose Assad apparently.
Not the 4 "moderate" fighters the US trained.So who has Putin been bombing?
Haha hilarious innit people in Syria dying. Lololol.Not the 4 "moderate" fighters the US trained.![]()
No one's yet get given a reasonabe explanation as to why the US aren't keen to share intelligence relating to ISIS with the Russians
Who's the biggest threat to Syrian civilians and the average citizen in Syria? It sure as hell IS. What metric do you want to use this time?No one's yet get given a reasonabe explanation as to why the US aren't keen to share intelligence relating to ISIS with the Russians
Nations don't share intelligence because it would reveal the methodology of how the information is collected. In this case, the US aren't going to reveal anything to the Russians, because it would compromise their ability to collect information on the Russians.
Who's the biggest threat to Syrian civilians and the average citizen in Syria? It sure as hell IS. What metric do you want to use this time?
Fair enough, never considered that angle tbh.
If they're in Syria, they're close enough.
The discussions are interesting, although I wouldn't forget the Molotov - Ribbentrop pact, if I were you. In the short term, Israel's reputation for uncompromising defense of its territory is likely to stand it in good stead. The Russians will be very, very careful. It's the real possibility of radical, long term change in Middle East politics that poses a threat to its security.
Nations don't share intelligence because it would reveal the methodology of how the information is collected. In this case, the US aren't going to reveal anything to the Russians, because it would compromise their ability to collect information on the Russians.
What about the nations in the US led coalition? You don't share it with them either or the US aren't concerned with revealing anything sensitive to them?
Nothing's ever Russia's/the Soviet Unions fault is it.You are aware that the M-R pact came about because Britain and France, probably due to a Polish veto, refused to form an Anti-German alliance with the USSR right?
Otherwise, what in the absolute feck does M-R have to do with Syria?
You are aware that the M-R pact came about because Britain and France, probably due to a Polish veto, refused to form an Anti-German alliance with the USSR right?
Otherwise, what in the absolute feck does M-R have to do with Syria?
Cuba's history of sending troops to Africa and the Middle East dates back into the 60's. Would not be surprised if this is true.Top Cuban general, key forces in Syria to aid Assad, Russia, sources say.
Top Cuban general, key forces in Syria to aid Assad, Russia, sources say.
In the Last 24-hours, Russia Has Destroyed Nearly All ISIS Ammunition & Heavy Vehicles
Well, that's how its done. Fair play to Russia.
So why was Putin whining about a lack of intelligence information from the U.S. about where to and where not to bomb?In the Last 24-hours, Russia Has Destroyed Nearly All ISIS Ammunition & Heavy Vehicles
Well, that's how its done. Fair play to Russia.
So why was Putin whining about a lack of intelligence information from the U.S. about where to and where not to bomb?
All part of the Putin show - he overcomes the treacherous Yankees to destroy ISIL. After confronting the fascist junta in Kiev and destroying Islamist militants in Syria, I wonder what the next production will be? Just don't mention a currency worth a third of its 2007 value, inflation back at 15% and rapidly falling living standards.
I never understood the point of hiting the target with a roof knocking why Israel just send a real deal rocket because if I owned a house and someone was using to target the "enemy" I would be running away in less than a second.Thought so. When were those used in Syria? How about roof-knocking? The type of measures that let civilians flee unharmed at the cost of the terrorists potentially fleeing as well.
All part of the Putin show - he overcomes the treacherous Yankees to destroy ISIL. After confronting the fascist junta in Kiev and destroying Islamist militants in Syria, I wonder what the next production will be? Just don't mention a currency worth a third of its 2007 value, inflation back at 15% and rapidly falling living standards.
All what you said is true, he is a dictator in disguise, and so is that in two weeks has hit ISIS / Al Nusra stronger than the Americans in 18 months. The precariousness of the Russian economy , badly thrown bombs, short-term strategy , supporting a dictator ... but are showing the initiative and leadership that would correspond to US . Assad will remain in power, but it was ISIS who was defined as the most evil regime from the NazisBy all accounts putin is wrecking Russia - the economy is in the toilet, as is the currency. Living standards are plummeting, capital and investors are fleeing the country, opposition are being assassinated in the streets; speech, press, and civil society have been drastically curtailed, and 54% of Russians lack the basic necessities to live their lives during a time when his kleptocratic patronage network have plundered over $1 Trillion of the people's.
So what does he do to cover up all of his corruption and incompetence ? Launch two wars on the back of a massive media controlled propaganda campaign, cynically playing on Russian nationalism and blaming the West.
He is now trapped in that he can't revive his economy due to the price of oil and sanctions and is stuck in a cycle where he has to fight wars that he can't afford.
Considering where Russian people and their country were when Putin took over I'm fairly certain they are still grateful for what he's done - basically kept together the country that was falling apart and brought it back from its knees. A lot's been said about his flaws, but his popularity is largely based on him being a Russian patriot, someone who defends the country's national interests. Yes, he's a product of the Soviet system and his autocratic tendencies made him unpopular in the West. So what? Most Russians aren't liberal, never were and they couldn't care less what the rest of the world think about that. The popular opinion in the western mass media is that Putin is trying to distract the population from the economic problems. That may be a part of it, but you have to be a total idiot to think that he didn't plan to get involved in Syrian crisis for a quite some time, it wasn't just some fluke, it's a strategy. He took the Americans by surprise and made them look like fools, and that irritates the hell out of them. He gets in their way in Ukraine, now he gets involved in the Middle East. Obama looks weak and the whole world sees it. You bet he's a constant pain the ass for the US and their EU vassals, they can't control him and he is too unpredictable in his actions.
I'm sure the West felt much warmer toward the 90s version of Russia, with those 'liberal' reforms that robbed people of their life savings, non - existent foreign policy, with an alcoholic for a president, two wars in Chechnya, resources torn apart by oligarchs, criminal rate going sky high and a large chunk of the population living close to or below the poverty line. Now that was the Russia that knew its place and therefore was acceptable to the West. The 2015 version, on the other hand, is quite unpleasant.
Just a thought, but the Russian people, when Putin took over, were exactly where they were because Russia had been run by people exactly like Putin following the policies he is currently following home and abroad.
Yeah you have been told you one upped the US in Syria, if everything goes to plan long term which never seems to happen in the middle east. ( go Putin )
What makes you think that; making the west your enemy and following the bare chested ,bear strangling, bare back ridding Judo black belted former KGB officer,polonium poisoner and now glorious undisputed, undefeated heavy weight political leader of the world; is going to end any differently for you this time than it did the last time you were were fed and believed the same unimpeachable, unquestionable diatribe of bullshit?
Considering where Russian people and their country were when Putin took over I'm fairly certain they are still grateful for what he's done - basically kept together the country that was falling apart and brought it back from its knees. A lot's been said about his flaws, but his popularity is largely based on him being a Russian patriot, someone who defends the country's national interests. Yes, he's a product of the Soviet system and his autocratic tendencies made him unpopular in the West. So what? Most Russians aren't liberal, never were and they couldn't care less what the rest of the world think about that. The popular opinion in the western mass media is that Putin is trying to distract the population from the economic problems. That may be a part of it, but you have to be a total idiot to think that he didn't plan to get involved in Syrian crisis for a quite some time, it wasn't just some fluke, it's a strategy. He took the Americans by surprise and made them look like fools, and that irritates the hell out of them. He gets in their way in Ukraine, now he gets involved in the Middle East. Obama looks weak and the whole world sees it. You bet he's a constant pain the ass for the US and their EU vassals, they can't control him and he is too unpredictable in his actions.
I'm sure the West felt much warmer toward the 90s version of Russia, with those 'liberal' reforms that robbed people of their life savings, non - existent foreign policy, with an alcoholic for a president, two wars in Chechnya, resources torn apart by oligarchs, criminal rate going sky high and a large chunk of the population living close to or below the poverty line. Now that was the Russia that knew its place and therefore was acceptable to the West. The 2015 version, on the other hand, is quite unpleasant.
Yeah, let's wait til Fox tell us what really happened.
I never understood the point of hiting the target with a roof knocking why Israel just send a real deal rocket because if I owned a house and someone was using to target the "enemy" I would be running away in less than a second.
Nothing's ever Russia's/the Soviet Unions fault is it.![]()
The United Kingdom and Russia had been historical allies for the last several hundred years leading up to the Communist revolution btw
US suspects Turkey shot down Russian drone aircraft near Syrian border, official says
Turkey has shot down an aircraft of unidentified nationality in its air space near the Syrian border after it issued three warnings.
In a statement, the military said it shot the aircraft in accordance with its rules of engagement and would continue to follow its duties in line with its rules.
Turkish officials confirmed it was a drone shot down more than a mile inside Turkish airspace.
"It's a drone. We are trying to identify its nationality," a senior Turkish government official told Reuters.
Reports indicated it was not a Russian aircraft after the country's defence ministry told RIA that all planes had safely returned to base and all drones were operating as planned.
Just a thought, but the Russian people, when Putin took over, were exactly where they were because Russia had been run by people exactly like Putin following the policies he is currently following home and abroad.
i won't derail the thread further but clearly there was an attempt to blame the west for the M-r agreement which ignored the basic fact that the soviets were negotiating with both sides at the same time. Also that Polish fears of soviet troops entering Poland and then refusing to leave after the war (which turned out to be well founded). Then the fact the Sovs used to agreemeny as a huge imperialistic land grab. Well then silly statements like they only entered the M-R because of the French and British are just pretty damn stupid.What does fault have to do with it.
Whether or not the alliance was realistic, or possible. It paints a slightly different picture of the actual geo-political situation at the time. With all the historical revisionism and wehraboos around, you would think that Stalin was jumping at the chance to sign a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany. That isn't actually the truth. The truth is that the Soviet state recognized the threat Germany posed to them and sought outside help in containing it before it became too late. The United Kingdom and Russia had been historical allies for the last several hundred years leading up to the Communist revolution btw. Russia had been Britains continental counter balance to Germany and France at various times.
Nobody is trying to excuse what the USSR did after the war, or what it did to Poland during the war, but we're not exactly in a position here on our Islands in the west to judge a country facing an existential crisis.
The point is, what the feck does M-R have to do with Syria. I'm going to state this unequivocally. Only a moron compares what is happening now with Russia to what happened in WW2 Stalin or Hitler. There are zero points of relevant comparison.