Just chanting "We Want Gkazers Out!", and letting off flares, is an embarrassment, and anyone doing so, really is clueless.
That does nothing to help the situation.
There is no point in this protest, except to placate the ego's of those that partake in it.
It will not change a single thing at the club, nothing at all.
The only way to stand any chance of seeing any changes, is by having calm, and rational dialogue, none of this loud, foaming at the mouth, drunken stuff.
Anyone thinking that helps in any way, should be ignored.
We need a clear message of what changes should be happening, but we can't do that whilst people are doing their own self importance thing, with shoddy bedsheets.
The issue is, we don't as a fanbase, know what we want, there are plenty of issues, but we can't agree on what order we would like to see them completed.
I could come up with an order sheet, and other people could come up with theirs, and they could all be very different from each other.
That is the issue here, we are not all singing from the same hymn sheet, so to speak.
Divide and conquer, is a brilliant method, and that is what has happened with us as fans, we are very much divided over what we want to see happen at our club, and as such the owners have conquered us.
We have people splintering off into little groups here and there, doing their own thing, thinking they are right, and others with a different message, thanking that in fact, no THEY are the ones with the correct message.
When in fact neither are correct, and both are just blurring the bigger picture point.
Today's protest will go ahead, I have no doubt, it will be over Twitter for a few hours, people will get a cheap, quick buzz, and a few likes etc, but then, it will be over, they will go home, and then that will be it.
Nothing will have changed, and life, and business will carry on as normal.