Meant for anyone on custom firmwares. Carry on.
Don't get your hopes up, Konami rarely change major things from demo to final retail version. I hate this current PES engine I wish they would have rebuilt it from scratch. To me its just another footy game with a 12 instead of 11 in the title and some changed squads.
Same shit on a different skin, they're all comic updates, their game engine haven't change much.
It just take a few hours of excitement before this game bcomes another one of the same old same old PES. As always
The only good thing about buying a new one is that you get updated lineups and tweaks on youngster like Cleverly and Smailing.
Other than that, if you just need something to play with your mate, any PES can do the job.
I agree. After about 15 years or so of the same shit over & over again i'm bored with it. If you see what NBA2K have done then FIFA & PES are way behind as sport games.
The demo was rubbish and proved once again that PES these days seems to be developed by a team of idiots made for idiots. Why the heck is it so hard to control my defence. One opposition player can practically dribble past every one of your defenders, and when you press the button to make a challenge, the defender takes so much time before getting the tackle out, even that misses. Passing is improved, but that wasn't hard given last year's complete crap passing. Why do the players always shoot like they're firing rockets? Animations still look robotic, goalkeepers are still rubbish. I know it's only a demo and they have time to iron out problems. But with this amount of problems to solve, I doubt they can do it. It will be another flawed game this year.
Just gave it a quik go. I'm hoping the actual game will be nothing like this at all?
Some things are good.
For example, I quickly found myself playing passes to where I thought team mates should be running to, because they usually were. As opposed to previous efforts where you'd find yourself having to do the Hargreaves circle about 5 times before your fullback clocks on that you're waiting for an overlap.
Crossing the ball is no longer like firing a turbo missile out of a cannon.
Didn't last long enough to find out whether that thing where EVERYONE on your team decides to spend the entire last 20 minutes of the game stood about 5 yards offside happens.
On the bad, most other things. I turned it off after the fourth unfathomably stupid goal went in (this one having deflected off Rio's foot and curled inexplicably round the outside of De Gea with al the pace of a dead rabbit decomposing.
THE NETS HAVE NOT BEEN FIXED - and Konami still haven't figured out that sometimes players pass the ball into the goal, rather than fire it into the net faster than the speed of light.
The ratings are extremely odd too. They've decided to address the Hernandez/Owen imbalance, by not improving Hernandez at all and simply making Owen nearly as shit as him. Do they spend all year examaning player's facial expressions and then just guess how good they are at football?
I hope it ends up A LOT better than this. I don't want another year of hoping Fifa wont turn out to be as shit as everyone pretends it isn't.
I don't play on beginner, or amateur or anything, I just dont play on the hardest level. I also don't just like scoring easy goals, I deliberately avoid them actually. But I like scoring difficult, cool looking goals to be easier to do.
I'm getting really into this btw...Despite it's many flaws.
I think you're just a shit player.There are new controls for defending, work on them and you'll realize that defending isn't that difficult.
What is it nba2k have done? Is that an EA title?
I haven't played it again yet, but I think my main gripe is it's just too blatantly last year's game tweaked a bit. That worked back in the PS2 days when you had a smooth running game which everyone was happy with. Now, that isn't the case...not for the thrid/fourth year in a row anyway. Too many of the flaws are too apparent and a result of the game engine rather than something that can be ironed out by simply removing a few bugs or tweaking things here and there.
It's the same with Fifa. I feel like I've been buying the same two games each over and over for the last three/four years. PES has done more improving, but that's because Fifa had a decent game back in 09 and have simply done feck all with it, where as PES started with a pile o shite and have been gradually dressing it up into a decent game...but they're both incredibly worn now, and neither is nearly perfect enough to get away with it.
Something new next year please.
When did this release!?
Is it out on the Playstation Store?
2K sports is another game developer. Their NBA2K and Top Spin 4 are, IMO, two of the most brilliant sports games out there right now (despite me not really liking basketball btw). Those two are proper sports games that have excellent gameplay. NBA2K's presentation is ridiculously good. Forget gampleay where FIFA is miles behind, even in presentation FIFA looks half a decade older.
I'm not going to even bother if they make it this retarded on first impressions. I don't even see how even after getting used to it, it will get better.
With regards graphics, I expect a game such as FIFA is packing feck loads more data than a basketball game. How many teams does FIFA have compared to an NBA game for instance?
I agree. After about 15 years or so of the same shit over & over again i'm bored with it. If you see what NBA2K have done then FIFA & PES are way behind as sport games.
I didn't wanna emphasize the graphics (they're excellent for the reasons you mentioned) but more like the animations, the atmosphere in the arenas and more importantly the variety in gameplay.
Football games will always be bigger but the way the 2k series has evolved in the last few years is something both EA and Konami can be inspired from.The number of options (sliders) given in this game is surreal, it can satisfy all kinda players.The hardcore gamers and the casual ones.
Exactly. It's not all about polygon count. Leaving the gameplay of their games which is miles ahead, even the whole atmosphere and 'look and feel' (not necessarily pure graphics) just look like they've been worked at in great detail. Like someone really wanted to give the best representation of the sport he could. With the football ones, it's more like "hmmm so we need grass. Let's put in some grass. Players need faces. Ok, last years ones will do. Do footballers play in Rain? Yeah we'll add that'. It just seems as though they do what is necessary rather than trying to give the most real experience they can.
I mean look at the cutscenes. What game has almost the same cutscenes for 3 years? I mean that's a serious 'what is fricking going on here' issue. Cup celebrations do not deserve to be part of the current generation of games. Look at the way the CL trophy and Premier League trophy is lifted and REPLECATE it. These aren't the toughest things to do really, especially given these people have had ages and ages to do it.