Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
What do you mean by proper nets?...White ones?...No
What do you mean by proper nets?...White ones?...No
I'm still not sure what you're asking me....What's wrong with that net?'s too loose?
These nets look relatively tight, but they're dark, so I can't really see.
The keepers are actually still horrendous...I don't think I've scored a goal yet that a real keeper wouldn't save.
I'm still not sure what you're asking me....What's wrong with that net?'s too loose?
These nets look relatively tight, but they're dark, so I can't really see.
The keepers are actually still horrendous...I don't think I've scored a goal yet that a real keeper wouldn't save.
They look slightly perkier than that one.
I can't think of anything less important than nets. Except maybe the chicken suit you used to be able to buy in the PES shop.
I can't think of anything less important than nets. Except maybe the chicken suit you used to be able to buy in the PES shop.
Most of us who will be judging this demo have been playing FIFA for the better part of the year. Like Mockney said, you need to be in PES mode to truly appreciate the demo.
This is where PES has a huge disadvantage. Even if they make a great return to form, people will still opt for FIFA simply because they are used to it now. The only way they'd recapture the market is if EA dick around and put out a shit FIFA.
I wasn't having a go, I just can't imagine noticing that sort of stuff, never mind caring. I'm usually more preoccupied with idiotic stuff like the catch up bug and every keeper playing like Scott Carson.
One thing I like is the replays, look so much more fluid and natural than FIFA
Postby Alan » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:41 pm
Okay, first few games down and some quick impressions. It is worth noting that having played preview code, which is essentially a full game build with only a few modes unavailable and place holder materials, it is pretty much a complete, bona-fide multi-GB game on a disc as opposed to a 1.3GB demo. As such things do get compromised when looking to compress to a suitable size for a demo. This has been confirmed to me but I can't go into too much specifics. If you enjoy this demo though it only gets better IMO.
- Goalkeepers immediately appear worse than preview to the point of being almost place-holder. We went a spell of near 3-4hrs playing preview code where 'keeps were pretty solid but in this demo it took less than a minute for a calamitous moment to materialise.
- Passing assistance is ramped right up. Zero bars in this demo feels like an unrefined 2 bars in preview code. That is not to say that zero bars on preview was full manual, just minimum assistance besides, manual modifier is there for those little moments when you want to mix it up. Pitchside cam as a result doesn't seem to feel as good for playing.
- Shooting has improved a touch, particularly when shifting the ball to the side and striking. Still some work needing done on overall logic.
- Graphics have taken a hefty downgrade for the demo. Night time games look incomplete compared to preview. Again, this is down to demo compression I think. Less jaggies on PS3 compared to last year though and the copa libertadores game in afternoon lighting looks tremendous.
- I personally think after a quick play that some, maybe even a lot of the intricacies of dribbling and defending are not in place. I swear preview build looked and felt more agile and athletic. I'm not saying there is a poo-ton of animation work missing, just that it feels as though some - along with some smoothing out and speed in execution tweaking - might not quite be in place which will make the game feel a little more ''supple''.
- AI routines are impressive but having spoke to Adam who in turn has spoke to Jon and Steve, it appears a great deal of the AI algorithms are not present from preview/more complete builds that impact passing, movement and overall awareness; this will have a knock on effect on overall match flow and even look I dare say. Allegedly this stuff takes up a fair whack of match engine data. Still, damn impressive for what is being said is a ''trim down'' of an early build.
Impressed but like I say I do believe it only gets better and certainly needs to in some places. Hardf to pinpoint a lot of what makes me think the preview build was better but what I will say is not to fret over this demo's shortcomings too much. Obviously stuff needs fed-back but I do think certain things are already further progressed than this demo would have you believe.
Oh, quick note on atmosphere:
In the preview the crowd were much more reactive to play and I believe there was just generally ''more sound'' I'm not saying it was miles ahead of this but there was more sound detail from what I can recall. Commentary, however bad you think it is will add something as well.
I like the sound when it hits the advertising board, the little things make a difference.
TSome of it might be rubbish, I don't know enough about games to say...
Good to see people giving it a chance as ever.
For all it's still present failings, i's far better than the previous instalments. Only a super Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime could fail to notice that.
Still too many scissor kicks. Bah...
Right, I haven't even loaded this and I'm pissed off. If you release a demo that you want people to play don't include an extremely long video at the start of each game. We'll all see what you want us to see if you just let us play the fecking game.
I'm still not sure what you're asking me....What's wrong with that net?'s too loose?
These nets look relatively tight, but they're dark, so I can't really see.
The keepers are actually still horrendous...I don't think I've scored a goal yet that a real keeper wouldn't save.