Pro Evolution Soccer 2011


Full Member
Dec 31, 2005

Meh still looks average. Passing looks good, but the player animations still look robotic and heavy despite Konami saying they've done new animations altogether. Dribbling still seems like there's no 360 degree movement.

I could be wrong so, so I guess we need a demo to pass a proper judgement.
Okay so as to be expected with PES the body models look amazing, and i like the fluidity of the celebrations more than the interactive stuff on FIFA.

That said i'll still be getting FIFA.
Videos don't really show anything. I'll make my decision based on the demos. I can't see PES overtaking FIFA though to be honest. The gap in quality has been huge the last 2 years.
Videos don't really show anything. I'll make my decision based on the demos. I can't see PES overtaking FIFA though to be honest. The gap in quality has been huge the last 2 years.

But everyone said that around PES 4-6...when the gap between them was arguably bigger in PES heyday.
But everyone said that around PES 4-6...when the gap between them was arguably bigger in PES heyday.

Do Konami (in the PES department) simply have enough staff to make such giant strides? EA always had huge resources to catch up with Konami. I think PES will eventually surpass FIFA (or at least I'm hoping they will) but it'll take a few more years at least.

On the topic of PES 2011 itself, it still seems a bit laboured but I'm definitely going to be picking it up on release though, I just can't get into FIFA. Pro Evo at it's best + Master league, was an amazing combination.
Early word of mouth on this by those that have played it is PES is indeed back.

All scepticism aside (they say that every year don't they) I really hope it is.

After abstaining from last years 'updates' I need a new footie game.
Do Konami (in the PES department) simply have enough staff to make such giant strides? EA always had huge resources to catch up with Konami. I think PES will eventually surpass FIFA (or at least I'm hoping they will) but it'll take a few more years at least.

On the topic of PES 2011 itself, it still seems a bit laboured but I'm definitely going to be picking it up on release though, I just can't get into FIFA. Pro Evo at it's best + Master league, was an amazing combination.

Konami massively increased the PES staff from something like 40 to 200 at the begining of 2009. some were used to improve PES2010 (over 2009), a lot were put to task immediately on creating PES2011. Parts were used in PES2010, but the development on PES2011 has been longer than any other title.
apparently you can create stadiums in this one?
apparently you can create stadiums in this one?

I'd say that Konami would be best advised to put all their resources into improving the gameplay of PES (let's face it, that's what made many people fall in love with the series), instead of these pointless gimicks. Once they sort out the gameplay, then they can go after the casual market with promises of being able to "CREATE YOUR OWN STADIUMS".
I'd say that Konami would be best advised to put all their resources into improving the gameplay of PES (let's face it, that's what made many people fall in love with the series), instead of these pointless gimicks. Once they sort out the gameplay, then they can go after the casual market with promises of being able to "CREATE YOUR OWN STADIUMS".

Stadium Editor
2011’s most publicised editing improvement has been the ‘all new’ Stadium Editor - you now have the potential to create and personalise stadiums, which can added to the teams of your choice. Fancy making a stadium to accompany your Merseyside Blue - well now you can!

Though simplistic at first glance, this could be a bit more of a complex addition than it seems. Essentially, building a stadium just requires the choosing from the following:
• 8 types of “Turf Pattern”
• 8 types of “Layout” (which is basically the outer shape of the pitch)
• 8 types of “Track Image” (choose whether to have a racing track, gravel concrete etc surrounding the pitch)
• 6 types of Stand

Creating the stands has some sub-elements such as choosing seat colour, the design of the managers’ bench (4 options) and the light intensity. Also, as was shown with some old school Konami graphics on the recently released images - the designs can be completed by adding your own artwork for advertising boards and in-stadium banners. Depending on the size of the stands, you have between 4 and 7 elements that can be customised, allowing a lot of potential for personalisation. Finally, the finish of the stands can be chosen; corrugated metal, steel - or even a wooden effect roof for the lower league teams.


Once all that has been put together - it’s time choose the setting for your stadium. You are given the option to specify a background layout, with a variety of both urban and rural backdrops. After that, you can also add a background image, with stock items including city scenes - and a mountain range that looks suspiciously similar to the one seen in the background on the PES 3 intro (a little bit of nostalgia for you).

As with aspects within the stadiums themselves, the backgrounds can be customised even further by adding your own images. Sticking with the aforementioned Merseyside Blue example, uploading a picture of a panoramic view of a relative Merseyside Area could give your stadium the finishing touches that’s needed to bring it to life. News - PES 2011 Preview - Editing Explained...

looks like they have their priorities right.... News - PES 2011 Preview - Editing Explained...

looks like they have their priorities right....

Oh. Dear. If konami haven't massively improved the gameplay for the 2011 installment, I may just not bother getting PES for a few years (I won't be picking up FIFA though), they need to realise that their core of loyal gamers, won't put up with gimicks like this and if they need to target the casual gamers before sorting out what really matters, then they can say good bye to my custom for a few years at least.
But everyone said that around PES 4-6...when the gap between them was arguably bigger in PES heyday.

Yeh it probably was. Konami just don't inspire me with the confidence they'll turn it around though.
This stadium editor smacks of Fifa style gimmicks from 5 years ago when Pes was dominating. Fifa became no.1 by concentrating on gameplay, and if Pes want that status back they should do the same

The passing looks like exactly the kind of quick pinball passing that FIFA is trying to eliminate.

The player models look good, and there also looks to be more space on the pitch for the players than in FIFA, but it still looks like they are limited to 8 way movement.
I will get the demo like I always do, however I doubt I will be buying it. Imo the demo of PES10 was dreaful, the gameplay w as quite frankly a joke and I stopped it after playing 45 minutes. I hope this is a real improvement, then hopefully FIFA will be pushed to work on the finer details in the game more and the competition between the 2 will be back
So am i the only one that preferred PES 2010 to Fifa 10?
The thing with Pro Evo is that there is still that odd moment of utter magic that captures your imagination.

I hated PES2010 and thought it was turd judging by the demo. I did however Lovefilm "to give it a chance". Me and a mate then played about 7 hours of Master League. It was incredibly frustrating and annoying up until I scored a late goal to get through to the final of a cup against much fancied opposition. I haven't had that much joy out of a football game since the old pro evo 4-5 days.
The passing looks like exactly the kind of quick pinball passing that FIFA is trying to eliminate.

The player models look good, and there also looks to be more space on the pitch for the players than in FIFA, but it still looks like they are limited to 8 way movement.

This is pretty spot on imo, the models look good and I like that the pitch seems bigger/more space. However the passing looks awful and unrealistic, and the players run like it's still a PS2 game.
So am i the only one that preferred PES 2010 to Fifa 10?

I prefered PES, but that had a lot to do with me thinking Fifa was the most pathetic effort of a game I'd ever played

I thought Fifa 09 was better than either (it was basically Fifa 10 without all the things that made it shit). Same goes for the world cup game.
The graphics look an improvement but everything else seems the same. But I've not played it for 5 years or so. . .
This 2011 game looks to be behind FIFA10. Which is an embarrassment for Konami. The ball still looks to be played inch perfect for every pass & the commentary hasn't improved either. Easy one for me this year.
The graphics look an improvement but everything else seems the same. But I've not played it for 5 years or so. . .

Well in that times PES has got a lot worse and then slightly better, so I guess it's an improvement if you reckon it looks the same after 5 years.
This 2011 game looks to be behind FIFA10. Which is an embarrassment for Konami. The ball still looks to be played inch perfect for every pass & the commentary hasn't improved either. Easy one for me this year.

seemingly it is being played by people who know how to play it.

Passing power and direction is manual this year - so passing is going to take a lot more skill
seemingly it is being played by people who know how to play it.

Passing power and direction is manual this year - so passing is going to take a lot more skill

Apparently you have the choice between the same old precise and scripted passing (by pressing X or A) or you'll have this sort of manual passing (by pressing LB+A,L1+X).
I don't see the point tbh, if introducing such a "freedom" tool why give the users to possibility to use the same old easy passing ? Why not force everyone to use this new and more realistic passing ?
When playing online I don't think many would wanna go the hard way
Looks awful, very constipated and slow... I miss the days PES was insanely fast and high tempo.

Fifa is a very fast game, this just looks laboured.
Fifa is too fast anyway. They slowed the World Cup game down and it improved things massively.

and I don't remember Pro Evo ever being insanely fast.
Yes noodle, FIFA 10 was too fast.09 was okish and 08 was slow and perfect for me.
Even if I changed the speed settings on FIFA I was never really satisfied with the last 2 FIFAs.
I'm a big fan of slow football
Manual is certainly the way foward for creating a real simulation game. Although the manual setting should be advertised more as it brings in a completely different element of the game. Thankfully, FIFA are introducing manual leaderboards to the game which in itself is enough to get my money. However, due to only a small minority playing not on full assisted, FIFA or PES as a business will never convert the game to a real simulation, as a large percentage of these gamers are kids looking for an easy game goal fest against their mates.