Anyone whose been playing FIFA constantly for years needs to give this a long, thorough play before complaining about it. Otherwise you'll just be playing it like FIFA, getting annoyed when things you're used to doing in FIFA don't come off like they do in FIFA. It's a completely pointless way of approaching it.
I've been slagging this off for ages but finally switched back to it last year. There were still lots of annoying niggles, but I found it impossible to go back to FIFA's predictable, cartoony game play after sticking with this for a full week. All its cosmetic features are consistently appalling and I've heard online is regularly a mess, but as an actual football gaming experience I think it's comfortably the better. Though I'm aware people were still saying that during the PS3 era (because I was making fun of them)
Eitherway, it's very, very close to being back, gameplay wise. Though in a age where computer games are huge in scope and breadth, and people expect Ultimate Teams, ProClubs, Journey modes and SuperRainbowTrout trophies, I'm not sure that alone is enough anymore. The PS2 era days of just bungling it on for a quick match 'round your mates, all seems a bit quaint now.