Premier League Week 29 5/6 March

Why is Hoddle so adamant that Lamela will be sent off the next time he fouls someone? Just because he's on a yellow card doesn't mean he'll be straight off next time.
At the moment arsenal look as weak a force as us at our most average. That midfield plus Wellbeck as a main strike threat. Can't believe I'm watching a team disappointed not to be top.
So did United, it doesn't always work that way in football. Just Look at their upcoming games, they will be dropping a lot points from now until the end of the season. It'll be much easier for ourselves and City to go on a run than them
I put that down to Ferguson retiring and the Moyes factor. Arsenal have more stability than United did in 13/14. I don't think Arsenal are guaranteed but I'd back them over City. If they win today then people might start talking about them for the title again.

1-0 Arsenal, Ramsey.
He's been shite so far bur that's a nice goal right there!