Rehab's Pete Doherty
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- May 30, 2009
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2DS on sale for £80 on Amazon. Thinking of getting one to play X or Y. Total would be £110 quid. Worth it? Also, which version has the better selection of Pokemon?
Just replaced Lillipup with Bagon before the 2nd gym in Blaze Black. Never really tried a proper Dragon type in the game before
2DS on sale for £80 on Amazon. Thinking of getting one to play X or Y. Total would be £110 quid. Worth it? Also, which version has the better selection of Pokemon?
Decent list here
I prefer the ones from X but its preference I guess. Problem is X and Y look so slick I almost don't like going back to the older games now, even the last generation.
Team of Eevolved Eevee?Yeah that's a dangerous game, only takes getting hooked on breeding or something and it's all over!
Happy days here, went to route 11 on my nuzlocke run and first pokemon was eevee! Now to pick what yo evolve it into.
I started Black but really couldn't get into it.
Are their any cool pokemon? They all look a bit lame, with stupid names.
The starters are all a bit naff looking but I thought quite a few of the wild ones were pretty cool. Ones I think look alright:
Rogenrolla line
Drillbur & Excadrill
Venipede line
Darumaka & Darmanitan
Tirtouga & Carracosta
Archen & Archeops
Zorua & Zoroark
Gothita line
Solosis line
Deerling & Sawsbuck
Joltik & Galvantula
Ferroseed & Ferrothorn
Litwick line
Axew line
Cubchoo & Beartic
Mienfoo & Mienshao
Golett & Golurk
Pawniard & Bisharp
Rufflet & Braviary
Deino line
Larvesta & Volcarona
I caught a Rogenrolla, but isn't its final evolution a stupid trade one? Which is a bit rubbish.
I think I'll for X if I go for it. Not sure if I can afford to buy a distraction from uni at the moment though.
You can't even concentrate on your current distractions ffs!
True. I'll do loads of FM experiment stuff on the weekend. 2 pieces of coursework in on Friday so I'm not doing any more work over the weekend. Girlfriend's going out as well on Saturday I think so it's the perfect opportunity to get stuff done.
Sounds good man!
I know the feeling, i've got deadlines fast approaching now. And all i seem to want to do is watch tv shows and play games ffs!
I've been playing Light Platinum, long game.
Yup, there's one gym with 3 puzzles where you can't step on any tile twice.Well Twitch is playing Emerald in 17 hours, looking on their Reddit theres a few tricky puzzles that democracy won't help as you can't stand on the tiles too long.
Treecko's final form is kinda junk though. I like Torchic but I guess that's negative too because it started that whole fire/fighting thing that got boring as feck real quick.I hope they pick treecko, Mudkip has been internetted to death.
Treecko's final form is kinda junk though. I like Torchic but I guess that's negative too because it started that whole fire/fighting thing that got boring as feck real quick.
This is exactly why we need to pick Treecko! It forces us to catch things and rely on them (or overlevel Sceptile to death). Mudkip would make things far too easy.Treecko's final form is kinda junk though.
This is exactly why we need to pick Treecko! It forces us to catch things and rely on them (or overlevel Sceptile to death). Mudkip would make things far too easy.
I need to start uploading, I'd easily have them all from every gen, probably close to every pokemon all together.Yeah it's not my favourite that's for sure.
On the subject of starters, anyone got anymore up for grabs now pokemon bank is in action?
Ehhh, the fun was dying half way through the 2nd.Only recently played Emerald so I know it very well but I can't be bothered to follow another one of these.
Ridiculous, indeed, bad enough as is.The memes would be unbearable too with Mudkip.