Pokemon expert
Just got my 2DS and Pokemon Y today. I was planning on revising for my mid-semester test, which is tomorrow, but I'll just have to accept I won't do that well now.

Just got my 2DS and Pokemon Y today. I was planning on revising for my mid-semester test, which is tomorrow, but I'll just have to accept I won't do that well now.
Looks like Pikablu is to become a reality....
On Serebii, apparently they're making some detective game where Pikachu is your partner, and the bad guy is a Pikachu, one of them will be blue.Where did you hear that?
Aye. I thought Mega Charizard X would be a good 2nd option, but meh, doesn't look half as cool.I really really, more than anything else, want a shiny Charizard.
I'm going to breed a box of one pokemon everyday in the hunt for a shiny. Then wonder trade the rest with nicknames like Craig, George, Ben and other normal names.
Pantilimon must have leveled up during this, he'll probably evolve at the end of the match.
I made a reference you guys might like. No one in the other thread liked it, but I did. Tell me what you think.
Nice, that's quite a good haul.Not too bad, the Absol and one of the Honedge are lvl 1 and have decent natures, only one metapod too!
I made a reference you guys might like. No one in the other thread liked it, but I did. Tell me what you think.
You've been hatching them without it?!Damn hatching pokemon is much more fun with the bike, the bike music is a banger.