That's definitely part of it, but I think there's a particularly British idea of what constitutes "hard work" in football which exacerbates that for Pogba. Running towards your own goal is lauded as a heroic effort, running forward towards the opposition goal is ignored entirely. That feeds into all sorts of assessments about the level of commitment, determination, selflessness, effort etc. that plays a huge role in shaping people's views on footballers over here. So even if he contributes a lot outside of that, the frustration that comes from Pogba's perceived laziness just make him a constant target. If only he put in more effort...
The very obvious reality is that Pogba runs more than most players, but he gets criticised for not running enough because of the kind of runs he makes and the ones he chooses not to. The fact he's the only player in the team consistently making lung-busting runs to support Lukaku right up until the 90th minute is simply overlooked. No-one ever criticises Matic for not running forward enough, despite the fact he opts to take a breather and hang back in almost exactly the same way with the same kind of frequency. He does it in a different part of the pitch and his body language is different, but that hardly matters. Running is running, a lot of the time it's selfless and it's always mentally and physically draining.
People associate it with a sense of ego and teamwork but that doesn't hold up to much scrutiny. Running up to support Lukaku in the 90th minute is every bit as important to holding onto the lead as sitting deep is. It is not an ego-driven surge but an essential team contribution. The fact he gives us that outlet to allow the team to re-group is incredibly valuable, and the fact he has the energy levels and sheer explosiveness to actually provide a threat on top of that is invaluable. It's something that Pellegrini touched on a while back:
Distance covered stats aren't really available in the public domain but FIFA and UEFA show some of them for their major events. If you look at the distance covered stats averaged over the course of the World Cup for the finalists' four main centre mids - Modric, Pogba, Rakitic and Kante - you can see they're in the same ballpark. Yet only one of them is frequently described as lazy, two of them are described as unusually hardworking playmakers, and one is described as almost superhuman.
Modric: 9.4km
Pogba: 9.7km
Rakitic: 10.2km
Kante: 10.4km
(distance covered per 90 mins)
The point is not that Pogba runs more than Modric. The fact Modric played another 150 minutes in a short space of time likely brought down that overall average, and on the whole he probably runs more. The point is they are not that far apart in the numbers, but they're worlds apart in the descriptions. Pogba runs less but makes longer, more explosive runs more frequently. The nature of that style of running and the role he occupies as a result of that makes it entirely expected that he takes breathers high up the pitch more often. It's not about laziness.
The fact that even Lukaku chased back a fullback towards the end of the game should not be in any way shocking. He doesn't have to make the draining runs minute by minute that Pogba does because he's saving his energy for the explosive runs, so he should be expected to do that every now and then. In the same way he shouldn't be expected to do it all the time, because that wouldn't be the most valuable use of the energy he has. His average was 7.8km in the World Cup, for what it's worth. That isn't something that is purely down to where he plays - e.g. Kane's was 9.9km, Giroud's was 9.3km - nor is it a measurement of effort. It's just a reflection of the kind of running they do. Explosive running like Lukaku's is far more draining than Kane's or Giroud's, and repeated long bursts at speed like Pogba (or Toure) is more draining than Matic or Fellaini's constant movement at a much steadier pace.