Forgive me if I'm wrong but didn't Raiola burn his bridges with Madrid (Florentino) when he tried to pimp his boy out to the highest bidder before Pogba returned to United?
Whatever the case it now seems to have formed a wedge between Zidane and Florentino. According to reports in Spain Florentino doesn't want to get involved in the Pogba circus and prefers to sign Ericksen but because Zidane is obsessed with Pogba, Florentino may have to drop his trousers and take one for Madrid because he promised Zidane whatever it took to get him back.
I was looking through the Madrid Forum in the Pogba thread and it's now up to over 450 pages. Really if I was Pogba I'd have a quick flick through before deciding to go there

80% think he's the most overhyped player of all time (sound familiar?) 10% think he's god (sound familiar?) and the other 10% are willing to give him a chance because he's Zidanes obsession.
I'll post a link of the forum so any Spanish speakers on here can see for themselves exactly what they think of Pogba