Gaming Playstation VR2 | Discounted in the UK to around £330


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Ok so there may or may not have been a previous thread, a brief search didn't reveal one. Anyway I feel that with the impending launch next week it deserves it's own thread... for first impressions, videos, info, meltdowns, etc...

I'll be getting mine day one, who else is?

Link =
I'd love to be able to get it day one but will probably have to wait until around Christmas time.
I hope it's amazing, and I think it (eventually) will be. I'm going to get it next summer.
Yea I was gonna wait too, but then I tried one... figured why not?

If I dont like it I can flip it on ebay quick enough for little to no loss, I think I'm gonna like it though :drool:
I would jump on it day one but for money reasons and the fact that new hardware isn't that satisfying in the beginning, I reckon I'll wait until it's been out a while and I've picked up an upgraded PS4.

Veeery excited about it, though.
Yea I was gonna wait too, but then I tried one... figured why not?

If I dont like it I can flip it on ebay quick enough for little to no loss, I think I'm gonna like it though :drool:
What's it like? I haven't had the chance to try one yet. IF you can describe it, what are the main difference's between a normal game version and then VR?
Im avoiding the temptation and I think I can manage it

I love buying new stuff though, so release day will be hard

From what I can tell they will be easy to get in some shops in Ireland on day 1

America seems to be all sold out
What's it like? I haven't had the chance to try one yet. IF you can describe it, what are the main difference's between a normal game version and then VR?
This is the thing, it's hard to convey. The best way I can say it succinctly is it puts you in the game, tricks you into feeling present in that world. Ymmv of course...
When is day one and how much, not really looked into it too much but I'm not the smartest and will probably just jump day one as its new and shiny
I have to wait until January for the SA release. But I can handle that. I'm going home in December for a month and I'm currently playing the hell out of PES 17 and still have Mafia 3 and Battlefield 1 to enjoy for the next few months. Definitely getting though even if it is no mans land disappointing.
I have to wait until January for the SA release. But I can handle that. I'm going home in December for a month and I'm currently playing the hell out of PES 17 and still have Mafia 3 and Battlefield 1 to enjoy for the next few months. Definitely getting though even if it is no mans land disappointing.
Aargh I was wondering when it will be released this side. It's been very quiet wrt everything related to VR.

Think I'll gauge the feedback from the users up until January before I decide to buy it.

I bought that playstation eye, and it's been a bit of a waste. (not that I'm comparing the 2, it's just that available games etc take a while to catch up).

Plus I've also got PES and Battlefield (soon) to keep me occupied till then. Not to mention all the summer festivals :drool:
Think I'll gauge the feedback from the users up until January before I decide to buy it.
Hopefully that's what this thread will be for ;)

Plus I've also got PES and Battlefield (soon) to keep me occupied till then. Not to mention all the summer festivals :drool:
Hmm... I've actually been thinking of somewhere lively to go to for December. Do tell.... you can PM me.
Also, I can sit down and use it yeah? Cba with this standing up malarkey! How do I control? DS4?
The better Games
Battle zone
Rise of tomb raider
Batman arkham
Final fantasy XV
Until Dawn
VR Worlds
Here they lie
Resident evil 7

You can sit down and use a DS4 but the move controller might be the better option
Aargh I was wondering when it will be released this side. It's been very quiet wrt everything related to VR.

Think I'll gauge the feedback from the users up until January before I decide to buy it.

I bought that playstation eye, and it's been a bit of a waste. (not that I'm comparing the 2, it's just that available games etc take a while to catch up).

Plus I've also got PES and Battlefield (soon) to keep me occupied till then. Not to mention all the summer festivals :drool:

I only read it yesterday about the South Africa January release as Sony still had it as being released this October. It sucks slightly but SA tends to be a bit behind with everything I have noticed in 3 years living here.
I haven't got any extras for my PS4 so will have to buy the camera and move controllers.

I should really gauge the feedback first but I'm known to just get something because I want it, whether good or not, much to the wife's anger at times.

Not too sure on the festivals, maybe I'm a bit old for all that plus I live in the ass end of nowhere, bang in the middle of the country. You enjoy them though!!
I only read it yesterday about the South Africa January release as Sony still had it as being released this October. It sucks slightly but SA tends to be a bit behind with everything I have noticed in 3 years living here.
I haven't got any extras for my PS4 so will have to buy the camera and move controllers.

I should really gauge the feedback first but I'm known to just get something because I want it, whether good or not, much to the wife's anger at times.

Not too sure on the festivals, maybe I'm a bit old for all that plus I live in the ass end of nowhere, bang in the middle of the country. You enjoy them though!!

Yeah those festivals have caused their fair share of troubles with the missus as well.

Where in SA are you, if I may ask?

We usually get things a bit slow, but not usually 4 months slow. So there must be a real issue with their demand/supply etc.
Aye, was just thinking that :nervous:

It's a good friends "baby shower" soon. I might just need to get myself an extra pack of adult nappies!
Was gonna leave it for a bit before investing. Might not now, I need the new RE, so might neee this too then!
Yeah those festivals have caused their fair share of troubles with the missus as well.

Where in SA are you, if I may ask?

We usually get things a bit slow, but not usually 4 months slow. So there must be a real issue with their demand/supply etc.

In Kathu, Northern Cape. It is where my wife was born but she did a year break in Cardiff after matric, met me and ended up living there for 10 years. Now I have been here since 2013 as we have a Steers, Fishaways and Debonairs together - she missed her family and the sun also!

The town itself though is good for one thing - Golf. Going from a capital city to here was a serious head f*ck especially when my closest cinema is 280km away in Kimberley....and I don't play golf.

Where are you living? You are right it is not too bad with music, movies and games so it must be a demand thing, I just hope there is enough shipped here and they will be available in Game, Makro, Musica and not just specialist stores.
In Kathu, Northern Cape. It is where my wife was born but she did a year break in Cardiff after matric, met me and ended up living there for 10 years. Now I have been here since 2013 as we have a Steers, Fishaways and Debonairs together - she missed her family and the sun also!

The town itself though is good for one thing - Golf. Going from a capital city to here was a serious head f*ck especially when my closest cinema is 280km away in Kimberley....and I don't play golf.

Where are you living? You are right it is not too bad with music, movies and games so it must be a demand thing, I just hope there is enough shipped here and they will be available in Game, Makro, Musica and not just specialist stores.
Nah you can bet your life the big boys like Game, makro and Musica will get it when it arrives.

Kathu - we actually do a lot of work at the mines over there. Assmang mines and Kolomela. We're in the management consulting space. Small town, in the middle of nowhere and super fecking expensive to fly to :lol: but at least you have the businesses to keep you busy.

I'm in Cape Town, Century city/canal walk. Like 5 mins away from the CBD. I think I'd die if I lived that far from a major town/city tbh. But different strokes for different folks. I know the small town people (I assume like your wife), generally do end up missing their small "dorpies" and family though, and yearn to go back at some point.

Let me know if you ever make it down to Cape town for a bit of a holiday or so, then we can go watch a united game or something. I doubt I'll be travelling to Kathu anytime soon (I've only been there 1s the past 3 years), as I am involved in our back office operations/finances etc.
I have preordered this but won't be picking this up, money down the drain currently if I do IMO.
Nah you can bet your life the big boys like Game, makro and Musica will get it when it arrives.

Kathu - we actually do a lot of work at the mines over there. Assmang mines and Kolomela. We're in the management consulting space. Small town, in the middle of nowhere and super fecking expensive to fly to :lol: but at least you have the businesses to keep you busy.

I'm in Cape Town, Century city/canal walk. Like 5 mins away from the CBD. I think I'd die if I lived that far from a major town/city tbh. But different strokes for different folks. I know the small town people (I assume like your wife), generally do end up missing their small "dorpies" and family though, and yearn to go back at some point.

Let me know if you ever make it down to Cape town for a bit of a holiday or so, then we can go watch a united game or something. I doubt I'll be travelling to Kathu anytime soon (I've only been there 1s the past 3 years), as I am involved in our back office operations/finances etc.

Small world.

Her dad was a mine engineer at Kumba for 30 years and yeah it is very expensive to fly, a return to Joburg is half the price of a return (direct) flight to Heathrow. Crazy expensive. We just flew to Joburg as went to Zanzibar for holiday and we had to do an emergency landing in Kimberley as the landing gear was stuck down and we were running out of fuel! Plane had propellers too so I was proper sh1tting it.

I hate not living in the City but we are only giving Kathu 5 more years max then moving, probably moving down to Mossel Bay which itself is tiny but her parents already have a beach house at Diaz and George is only 20 mins away and then Cape Town 4 hours, which is what I drive now when I regularly visit Bloemfontein.

Haven't been in Cape Town since March though last year but yeah, cheers, will do when next there. Not many football fans in Kathu and the ones there are all support Chelsea for some bizarre reason. The lack of things to do is why I will be 100% getting the PSVR and the reason I watch way too much TV and play too much PS4!
I got it preordered. Problem I have is you need to pay £50 more for the camera also. So why not include that or charge more to include it. As everybody has decided to hike the prices up for that.
I got it preordered. Problem I have is you need to pay £50 more for the camera also. So why not include that or charge more to include it. As everybody has decided to hike the prices up for that.
Bu then that would suck for those that had already bought the camera (not that there were many who did!)
Bu then that would suck for those that had already bought the camera (not that there were many who did!)

I meant originally they should have included it. Or charge £375 with the camera included.

Rather than telling people to pick up another device or else your VR headset won't work.
Small world.

Her dad was a mine engineer at Kumba for 30 years and yeah it is very expensive to fly, a return to Joburg is half the price of a return (direct) flight to Heathrow. Crazy expensive. We just flew to Joburg as went to Zanzibar for holiday and we had to do an emergency landing in Kimberley as the landing gear was stuck down and we were running out of fuel! Plane had propellers too so I was proper sh1tting it.

I hate not living in the City but we are only giving Kathu 5 more years max then moving, probably moving down to Mossel Bay which itself is tiny but her parents already have a beach house at Diaz and George is only 20 mins away and then Cape Town 4 hours, which is what I drive now when I regularly visit Bloemfontein.

Haven't been in Cape Town since March though last year but yeah, cheers, will do when next there. Not many football fans in Kathu and the ones there are all support Chelsea for some bizarre reason. The lack of things to do is why I will be 100% getting the PSVR and the reason I watch way too much TV and play too much PS4!
Cheers NJ :lol: I can imagine how terrifying that landing must have been. And it was probably on one of those smaller, charter flights? :nervous: Yikes.

Hahaha stop bragging about how much PS you're able to play! The rest of us are struggling for time! :p

I usually invest in these new gadgets anyway. So I'm sure I'll be getting one. Like the camera, which I've barely touched. Cheers bud. Glad to know another (adopted) Saffer on these boards.
Eurogamer say its a good piece of kit, but lacking the killer title.
You been watching GB stream tho?

Not seen it. Just been reading the reviews. They all seem to be saying the same.

Decent bit of equipment , but lacking the wow factor. For the price of £350 you expect something big at launch.
Is VR and gaming the best combo ?

It seems you can't really wear the headset for longer than an hour, the games themselves are tech demos and even then the best one's seem to be rail shooters or flight deck shooters. Maybe I'm being too cynical (I've never used a VR headset)but VR Gaming seems a lot closer to how we talk about 3D glasses and film rather than the future of gaming. The answer to how games can be more immersive shouldn't be a £350 head set.

The most interesting stuff I've heard about VR is the way it could be used in sporting/music events.
Giant Bomb seem to be the only place that really had major issues

Most other sites seem to think its good to great
I believe there have been others but generally most accounts have been favourable. I'm still on the fence if I'm being honest... Waiting for the game reviews to start now.
Is VR and gaming the best combo ?

It seems you can't really wear the headset for longer than an hour, the games themselves are tech demos and even then the best one's seem to be rail shooters or flight deck shooters. Maybe I'm being too cynical (I've never used a VR headset)but VR Gaming seems a lot closer to how we talk about 3D glasses and film rather than the future of gaming. The answer to how games can be more immersive shouldn't be a £350 head set.

The most interesting stuff I've heard about VR is the way it could be used in sporting/music events.
A good VR game experience can be mind blowing, try it out of you get the chance.
Is VR and gaming the best combo ?

It seems you can't really wear the headset for longer than an hour, the games themselves are tech demos and even then the best one's seem to be rail shooters or flight deck shooters. Maybe I'm being too cynical (I've never used a VR headset)but VR Gaming seems a lot closer to how we talk about 3D glasses and film rather than the future of gaming. The answer to how games can be more immersive shouldn't be a £350 head set.

The most interesting stuff I've heard about VR is the way it could be used in sporting/music events.

Pretty sure the main draw of VR headsets will be for watching porn.