Playstation Network is a Joke!

Well im getting Wipeout HD definatly, then its a choice of Ratchet and Clank or Dead Nation.
They don't really owe anyone anything though really, a bunch of geeks got angry and had to nerd rage and they were obligated to do what they did despite how annoying it was.

Sony were the ones who chose to turn off the PSN and store for a lenghthy period. And they could have had stronger security so that it never happened in the first place. The only argument against that is to say that its not possible to have stronger security in which case, this whole period with the PSN off is for nothing as it'll still get hacked easily.

Sony owe plenty. I dont really care about free games, but get that ps store up and running tomorrow please.
They don't really owe anyone anything though really, a bunch of geeks got angry and had to nerd rage and they were obligated to do what they did despite how annoying it was.


Not that I'm going to complain about getting Little Big Planet and Wipeout for free though.
Sony were the ones who chose to turn off the PSN and store for a lenghthy period. And they could have had stronger security so that it never happened in the first place. The only argument against that is to say that its not possible to have stronger security in which case, this whole period with the PSN off is for nothing as it'll still get hacked easily.

Sony owe plenty. I dont really care about free games, but get that ps store up and running tomorrow please.

They had to rebuild it and had congress breathing down their neck to do it properly. Every system is hackable. Anybody could have gone down, the argument that security should have been stronger isn't really a strong one because we don't know how secure it was. It could have been the best hacker in the world Swordfish style.

They don't owe anyone plenty.
WipeoutHD for me, is Infamous any good?
Sony owe plenty.

You're such a troll! :D

How can anyone complain about getting this stuff when they never paid a penny for the access to PSN in the first place? I can see that you might feel a little butt-hurt if you already have all five of what's on offer, but fecking hell! It's one hell of a gesture!

I paid over 20 quid for WipEout HD and Fury, download them, enjoy them.
They had to rebuild it and had congress breathing down their neck to do it properly. Every system is hackable. Anybody could have gone down, the argument that security should have been stronger isn't really a strong one because we don't know how secure it was. It could have been the best hacker in the world Swordfish style.

They don't owe anyone plenty.

Oh right it just happens to be the best hacker in the world, you'd think he'd have better things to do but apparently not. Its not just a coincidence that they were hacked and its obvious that they could have had stronger security evidenced by the fact they are now ensuring they have stronger security.

They owe everyone plenty
You're such a troll! :D

How can anyone complain about getting this stuff when they never paid a penny for the access to PSN in the first place? I can see that you might feel a little butt-hurt if you already have all five of what's on offer, but fecking hell! It's one hell of a gesture!

I paid over 20 quid for WipEout HD and Fury, download them, enjoy them.

You pay for games to play online on their system. You pay extra for downloadable content and online passes. And you cant use them. Even though they came on the disc you have in your hand, with Sony's name on it. You cannot use whats on it because you need to download the key to unlock it from their service.

I do have some of the games on offer, but like I said I dont even care about getting free games. I just want the ps store back so that I can redeem my code for online play and the dlc I paid for when Mortal Kombat came out last month.

There are many, many people in my position and unfortunately it will hurt the longetivity of this game online as many people have already lost interest in it, having bought this game like most fighting games for online play.

It wasnt Sony's choice to have an online pass, but they allow this system. And xbox had one as well, microsoft havent had this problem honouring it. And their MK community wont suffer because of it.
Oh, you won't regret that, brilliant game. Interesting that you get Fury with it as well though. It would have made sense to me to give Wipeout HD away for free and then let you dig into your pocket for Fury.

I've played it at a mates but never got round to getting it myself, bonus with the extra content too. Anyone thinking about getting Infamous I would recommend it, I think their motive is to hang it out there as a taster to get more interest in Infamous 2.
I only just got Wipeout a few weeks ago.

Will certainly get inFamous. I didnt like Little Big Planet I have no interest in Ratchet and Clank

So by default I will get the game I have never heard of too.

24 hours and counting. Still no password reset email.
Sorry but I am interested in Dead Nation but do I get it for free for 30 days or I'll own the game?
Hrm, definitely getting InFamous anyway. Not sure about R&C. I've played the 3rd which is amazing and I think this would be a bit of a let down in comparison.

Maybe get Wipeout HD or Dead Nation. Decisions decisions.
right then got the update downloaded eventually,
Wipeout HD/Fury
Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty

Dead Nation*

Already have these, looks like Infamous and Dead Nation for me
£22 for not even using my PS3. That's amazing, Sony great men. InFamous and LBP will do me, PS+ is useless since yeah, I rarely use the thing as it is.

Sorry psfags who already bought these, shit out of luck I guess.
i never got the first LBP, looks like LBP and Infamous for me
Infamous is the game where the bloke has electricity powers right? he can start/stop subway trains and shit?

think i played the demo but found it a bit clumsy and repetitive - was the finished game any good?
Well, it's not a full game is it? ;)

It was always a budget PSN title.

I know, but it is on the list with at least three "full games." I am not sure about Dead Nation.

If I didn't own any of them I would go for inFAMOUS and LBP. As you say, QFB is a budget title which you can pick up for buttons.
Ratchet and Clank/Dead Nation for me then, as I've already got the rest.
This, when can we get them then? When the store comes back up?

Pretty much. When the Playstation Store is fully restored they'll be up for download.

I can't believe some people are moaning just because they own the games already, or that they are "old" games.

What were people expecting, La Noire ? They should be grateful Sony are giving any sort of compensation.