Playstation Network is a Joke!


The premise of my argument isn't that Sony fecked up, they obviously did, on more than one front, all I said is that due to this I'd expect Microsoft's network engineers to have also been working overtime checking that they are as secure as possible.
you'd expect a lot of system engineers are running around like headless chickens now checking their e-security on the back of Sony's problems
feck it i ordered LA Noire then seeing as weaste wont even try getting sony to do us a good compensation deal and get us the game for free
Apparently the PSN is running for developers and will return for users in the next few days.

Meanwhile Eidos & Deus Ex websites have now been hacked and personal information stolen, allegedly it's some cnuts who fell out with Anonymous that have carried out these attacks.
Catch these shitheads and ban them from the internet for life. They will probably top themselves.
I'm not sure how one gets banned from the internet but I do want those idiots arrested and thrown in prison. Although most of them are probably under 18.
I wasn't being serious. Although that said, isn't the guy who hacked into the Pentagon looking for evidence of UFOs, banned from using a computer full stop?
I always watch my step for fear of getting you stuck under my shoe.

Nick, anyone who continues to outrageously and flagrantly taunt Uppercunt faces forfeiture of their manhood, self respect, sense of belonging, Mother's love, Father's approval, self worth, dignity, honour, board access, internet privileges, public acceptance, circle of friends and woman.

You have been warned.

We have been working on a new PS3 system software update that requires all PSN users to change their password once PlayStation Network is restored. The update (v3.61) is mandatory and is available now.

If using a PS3, your password can only be changed on your own PS3 (or a PS3 on which your PSN account was activated), as an added layer of security. If you have never downloaded any content using your account on the system, an email will be sent to the registered sign-in ID (email address) associated with your account when you first attempt to sign-in to PSN. This e-mail will contain a link that will enable you to change your password. In this email, click on the link and follow the instructions to change your password. Once you have changed your password you can sign-in to your account using your new password.

We strongly recommend that all PSN account holders with PS3s update their systems to prepare for when PlayStation Network is back online. The release of this update is a critical step as we work to make PlayStation Network significantly more secure. Thank you for your continued support and patience.

Light at the end of the tunnel gents, shit is on.
About time. Once they've sorted out PSN I hope they turn their full attention on Anonymous and bring those feckers down.
Dont think theres any confirmation yet that its going to be on, but the update is so you can reset your password which you need to do before you can online when its back
Yep, downloaded the update. Still says undergoing maintainence. Down for a while yet in the UK at least
They are rolling it out region by region, even state by state in the US.
Wouldn't you prefer they focused their full attention on securing those systems?

Either way, there is no way you can bring down Anonymous - it's not even possible to define who is within Anonymous?

Didn't they say that it was a guy who was with them but went rogue and stole bunch of stuff from Anonymous as well?
Will it make any difference that I have a US account?