Playstation Network is a Joke!

The odd thing is that you actually think that they are networks rather than standard internet traffic.


You'll try and defend the Playstation and it's awful online mode despite there being a 10 page thread of peeps moaning about it! I don't get "fanbois" at the best of times and I expected better from an intelligent and mature gent like yourself!

You'll try and defend the Playstation and it's awful online mode despite there being a 10 page thread of peeps moaning about it! I don't get "fanbois" at the best of times and I expected better from an intelligent and mature gent like yourself!

It's hardly a 10 page thread of people moaning about the quality of PSN from a gaming/online perspective, is it? The majority of posts stem from people's concern whether their financial info had been compromised due to the system being cracked....not about the system being poor in general.

Any system can be cracked. This episode wont have anywhere near as much influence on my future console buying decisions as Microsoft's past hardware horror stories will, tbf.
I fecking hate these sad little twats.

They're planning another attack in 'retaliation' to the way Sony handled the last one? What exactly did they expect Sony to do? Congratulate them on a hack well done?

Get a life you god damn losers.

Apparently it was in retaliation to Sony suing someone who had jailbroken (ability to play pirated discs) the ps3 and was selling his services. They were trying to organize some gay protest against said law suit.

If the above is true it shows the hackers up in even more embarrassing light. Sony have every right to clamp down on piracy of their product.

As I said, these people need to get a life. I hope they get punished severely.

You'll try and defend the Playstation and it's awful online mode despite there being a 10 page thread of peeps moaning about it! I don't get "fanbois" at the best of times and I expected better from an intelligent and mature gent like yourself!

I've never had a problem playing online with the PSN, other than the last few weeks obviously. But that is down to some very sad people hacking their way in, rather than any problems with the PSN itself.
In the end most things can be hacked but people are usually really afraid to do so. So it's important to punish these people severely and frighten the living day lights out of the next set of dimbulbs who try it.
I've never had a problem playing online with the PSN, other than the last few weeks obviously. But that is down to some very sad people hacking their way in, rather than any problems with the PSN itself.

They both work over the Internet, only really using the Live or PSN server to do matching. Once that's done, the consoles themselves, for the vast majority of games, run the show. What Plan M is talking about is a load of total bollocks. If there is extra lag with the PS3, I can only suppose that it's down to the fact that many more PS3s run wirelessly due to it being built in than XB360s do, and that most people have badly configured wireless home networks. Other than that, there is basically no difference between the two systems other than services offered "on the top" such as cross game voice chat which PSN does not offer. The core multi-player gameplay setups work in very very similar ways.

PPU is however supposed to be very poor at running a TCP/IP stack, but then XB360 CPU is basically 3 PPUs.
The odd thing is that one works and the other doesn't

Everything else is semantics.

That's a silly argument, they both work.

One has been taken offline due to some malicious geeks, one hasn't been targetted hence it still being online but if it was targetted, would also be down. That's it. Nothing 'doesn't work.' They both work but one has been switched off for the moment because it has been targetted where the other one hasn't.

The argument is tiresome, I had 2 XBoxes that both broke within 6 months, I've had a PS3 for years and not one single problem online or offline. Does this mean that PS3 > XBox and the argument is over? No it doesn't... People have different opinions and experiences, that's it.
I too have had a Xbox go bust and the second one my brother bought every once in awhile gives these funny red lights and gives error messages.

I haven't had a single problem with my ps3 barring this latest hack.

Besides, noone really knows whether Xbox live is secure against a similar hack. So I'd rather look at the safety of these systems as a whole rather than claim Sony, one of the giants in the industry, has a poor system.
Yay, we're getting free games! :drool: I wonder if I'm going to get two packages as I have two accounts.
Moaning about free games before they even announce which ones they are!

Id take Wipeout in a heartbeat, would more than make up for it.
Warkhawk would be a good game to give away, bring in some new players just as they announce the sequel.
bah, i haven't played my ps3 in ages, but had the urge to play it today, thinking the psn network would be up by now...:mad:

Anyway, here is my guess of what the 5 game choices will be:

Uncharted 2
Resistance 2
Little Big Planet 2

I want GT5 & Killzone 3 :)
What happens if I have all 5 games already? Do I get some form of different compensation then? Maybe like LA Noire....
They are going to be PSN games, so the list will look more like...

Wipeout HD (Fury you buy yourself)
Super Stardust HD
Fat Princess
Quest for Booty
A PixelJunk game

I would take Wipeout, and, maybe, Warhawk. I already own Quest For Booty and am unfamiliar with the others on the list.
I have some 3 PSN accounts, does it mean I'll get games on each of them?
I have 5 accounts, 3 were attempting to sign up with different countries in order to get FIFA11 demo a day early.
After all that has gone on, i doubt Sony would be so naive as to give free games out to every created account. I would think it will be free games for every registered ps3 on the psn.
Well we know that you'll have to change your password on the PS3 where the account was created for obvious reasons, so they know what the specific PS3 is. I don't know how they are going to do it for people who have moved to a different PS3.
Sony's PlayStation Network might not be fully up and running online until May 31, the company has clarified.

Speaking to Bloomberg over the phone, PlayStation Tokyo spokesperson Shigenori Yoshida said Sony was still "uncertain" when it can resume the full suite of PSN services, including music service Qriocity.

He added that the plan to be back online by May 31 was "unchanged" - although his comment comes after Sony said it wanted to restart a partial PSN service by the end of last week.

"When we held the press conference in Japan last week, based on what we knew, we expected to have the services online within a week," spokesperson Nick Caplin has since clarified.

"We were unaware of the extent of the attack on Sony Online Entertainment servers, and we are taking this opportunity to conduct further testing of the incredibly complex system.

The news comes after Sony pledged to offer EU PSN users two free PS3 games as compensation for the PlayStation Network's down time.

Dam I need to get myself some single player games.
There goes the LA Noire pre-order bonuses, won't be able to unlock them without the store up I would imagine.