ever get that feeling of déjà vu?
Is watchdogs only for PS4??
Why not?
I never had an issue with that, but then I don't play COD.
I appreciate that the Console industry subsidizes the PC Games industry but at the same time it holds it back and that's why I'm disappointed the technology in the PS3 isn't any sort of a step forward on current PC technology because it means it's going to be a slow 5 or so years for PC Gaming.
So to sum up. A slightly different looking controller, slightly better graphics, and an option to share your gameplay.
So was it confirmed there would be no backwards compatibility?
Gaikai is developing a cloud service that could offer PS3 games on the new console without the built-in hardware compatibility.
"The technology is so advanced that some day we could easily stream PS1, PS2, PS3 and the PS Mobile games on any device, including the PlayStation 4," Perry added.
It'll be backwards compatible in the future with Cloud.
It'll be backwards compatible in the future with Cloud.
Both Lambs and Weastey said it would "play the (PS1, PS2, PS3) disks"
I hope that doesn't mean repurchasing the games!
It most certainly will, I cannot see any other solution.
Both Lambs and Weastey said it would "play the (PS1, PS2, PS3) disks"
Bollocks, I didn't talk backwards compatible, Weaste did.
Why are you so eager to prove us wrong anyway? What do you know?
If you look back, everything I said is bang on. Right down to beating all the numpties, like your favourite sites on the memory issue.
Oh and not only did I beat them, I even gave the reason Sony were talking about trying to double it - all in this very thread. It means what I know about the 720 is true, but hey if you know something about that, do you want to share it with us?
I told you all it was a mid/high level PC, I told you why Sony were doing it and I told you to look at old tech demos to see the power. Weaste, to his credit, got the specs and layout right too, and no it's not exactly the same as your precious sites got out of the dev kits. And they were even wrong about them.
As for the CELL, do you know Weaste is wrong about them getting some of it in there then? I haven't read up fully on this yet, so if you can save me time, please share...
It is backwards compatible.
It might melt them, but it'll play the discs
There could be a possible workaround, as games with online require registration, so the registration could possibly be used to prove prior purchase.
That obviously won't help with older games, but it could be possible. I'm sure they'll just end up making you buy them again though.
Buying Vice City all those years ago didn't stop me having to pay for it again to play it on the PS3. Bastards.
I'm not sure why people get so hung up on backwards compatible games, you can keep the old console you know?
Give me the new games, the old games have had their day.
I'm only falling mate, I dont think many assumed you where ITK to the point of knowing exact specs.
I'm not sure why people get so hung up on backwards compatible games, you can keep the old console you know?
Give me the new games, the old games have had their day.
You could have kept your Ps2
I know what you mean though. I spent quite a bit on the Nintendo virtual console on games I previously owned on 2 or 3 different systems!
That was a wind up to weaste about the heating issues
Like you suggest, it's not like I expect my people to break NDA's to the point of telling me everything.
I always come at it from the viewpoint of the gamer, because that's what I am and that's what I used to make. You'll notice I contributed very little to the actual specs and layout, Weaste got all that down.
However, I'll repeat again, I beat everyone on the memory thing, it's a coincidence I talk about them doubling it for a specific reason, then Edge mention that same thing two days later, independent of everyone else? Even they didn't say the full reason, like I hinted at on here. Maybe they did read my post and couldn't figure it out
Anyway, the memory doubling IS a last minute thing, and there's a very real reason for it.
As for discs/controllers/downloads and all that shit, I have no answers other than I said quite some years back on here that they will try to shoehorn everything into one controller, and although it was semi-joking, look as the monstrosity they've come up with.
One final point, I also told you that this leap wouldn't look as big as the last one, and indeed these consoles wouldn't be as future proof as the last. i even gave some reasons for that too.
All in all, I should be smug, but since I knew all this anyway I'm not at all. I just like to try to share things with you guys on here, rather than the dicks elsewhere. I'm keeping my mouth shut about the 720 for the time being though, but obviously Sony know something...
I haven't played COD for a good 2 years now in any meaningful way but the whole of Killzone felt heavy, whether this is meant to reflect the armor weight and that kinda thing I don't know. Battlefield got the controls just about perfect for me and Killzone was 'heavier' than BF.
Why shouldn't we be allowed to play used games?
Weaste and Lambs favorite place too.
I'm going to stick my neck out and say that doubling the RAM from 4 to 8gb isn't going to make a damned bit of difference.
Of course 256MB of RAM was too little, but when 32 bit PC's are limited to 3.5 then 4gb is enough