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Sorry, 6.5 hours of game-play isn't worth £50. Doubt anyone did a speed run of the last of us in that time on their first crack at it. Why is it cynicism to state that something isn't worth the retail price? If I see a pair of jeans and say they aren't worth £100 is that being a cynic? No, it is just looking at the bang for your buck. The game is all over Youtube etc, it is out there to judge.
I havent watched it as I dont want to spoil anything but from what ive read the fella who completed it quickly was sprinting straight through entire areas meant for exploration and ignoring any collectibles just going straight to the next area so maybe not a speed run but he was definitely rushing through it, maybe to get his playthrough out there first. The four or five on neogaf who have completed it range from 9 to 13 hours so id assume these people are playing the game normally, those times seem fair to me.