Phil Jones

He is some athlete and has some hunger and has the skills to go with it apart form one or two wayward pass's but most of his football was top drawer and he doesn't have much experience at this level in that position at all!
I would still say we shouldn't use him in midfield. Unless we want to mark a specific player throughout the game or we play against a better team than us. First Fellaini and then Ronaldo. He gives us a new dimension against difficult opponents. His offensive qualities are not the best but he's such a handy player to have. Who would say he's 20 after watching yesterday's performance
He wasn't marking Ronaldo as such. Fellaini was a more man to man role.
If he were more composed and a better passer of the ball Jones could be an adequate replacement for the 07-08 Owen Hargreaves. He's got the physicality and bravery and he was one heck of an obstacle last night. If he could be more than just a roadblock we'd have a serious midfield dynamo again.
So much talent and SAF uses him as a man marker, Adam, Bale, Ronaldo, etc...

He hasn't showed he could anything other than a pure man marker in midfield.The few times he was played in an advanced position (mainly last season) he seemed lost out there.He is so young though, he has time to improve aspects of midfield play.Still better in a defensive position for me
He hasn't showed he could anything other than a pure man marker in midfield.The few times he was played in an advanced position (mainly last season) he seemed lost out there.He is so young though, he has time to improve aspects of midfield play.Still better in a defensive position for me

Agreed, again.
He hasn't showed he could anything other than a pure man marker in midfield.The few times he was played in an advanced position (mainly last season) he seemed lost out there.He is so young though, he has time to improve aspects of midfield play.Still better in a defensive position for me

If anything last night showed that he'll be a great defender.
How many other 20 year olds out there could have gone to the Bernabeu and perform like that? The only thing that will stop him is injury.

Should start any tough league game or European away game from now on.
Seems very flat footed when doing anything but chasing the ball and shutting players down, not really enough to warrant a full-time position in midfield. Although I can't help but feel that his current role as a midfield enforcer is going to impact on his career in defense, as he won't get the chance to develope that positional sense.

Based on that I really don't know what he is at the moment.
I think he played his part in shackling the midfield of Real Madrid, some key interventions. well played and great stamina to do all that chasing.
How many other 20 year olds out there could have gone to the Bernabeu and perform like that? The only thing that will stop him is injury.

Should start any tough league game or European away game from now on.

I've watched the game again and I agree with you. I thought he was excellent and to have the physical attributes he as at 20 is incredible. I thought his overall impact on the game was greater than Carrick's.

There was a moment 10mins into the game when Di Maria got away on the left wing, Jones' pace at that point to chase him down was epic, I think he scared Di Maria into running it out Of play.
There was also a great moment when he chased down someone else - Oezil? - got in front of him and poked the ball away, whereupon both of them dived pathetically to the ground.

Simultaneous Simulation, should be an Olympic sport.
Did his job, and did it very well. He wasn't in the team to spread the ball around and keep possession, but to restrict Real Madrid's schemers. He did this very well, and I dare say we needed him to.
The John O Shea question does raise its hand.

Imo, Jones has what it takes to be a great player - at center back, and nowhere else. But Fergie isn't playing him at center back. So where does he acquire the experience to become the great CB he was meant to be?

Would he have been better off joining another club - one that didn't already have Rio, Vidic, Smalling and Evans?
He will get games at CB, he has been injured for most of the season and has been moved around from RB, CB and CM but he has done well every time he has been on the field especially at CB so i'm not worried if he stays fit he will get chances to prove himself there.
If he were more composed and a better passer of the ball Jones could be an adequate replacement for the 07-08 Owen Hargreaves. He's got the physicality and bravery and he was one heck of an obstacle last night. If he could be more than just a roadblock we'd have a serious midfield dynamo again.

How dynamic was Hargreaves in midfield at twenty? I have every confidence Jones will develop into a top player.
People worry too much. Rafael can't defend because he attacks too much, CR needs to bulk up, Cleverley can't play in a midfield two etc. Jones will be fine. He'll get plenty of games at CB. He's been very good there this season whenever he plays there.
He got a rating of 5 out of 10 in a paper I read earlier. Shocking really

Ridiculous. People like that don't understand football and think a good footballer is only made in the amount of goals you score. Jones did his job perfectly.
His recovery pace and anticipation is top notch, someone mentioned the Di Maria run but he just has that ability that when someone knocks it past him, he just eats up ground like a beast and makes a timely interception.
Jones had a great game. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking otherwise.

The Guardian gives him 8, which is about right for me:

Phil Jones 8 Superb for large parts, helping out here, there and everywhere. A push on Di María could have led to Real penalty – but it didn't

The push on Di Maria was never going to be a pk, not even for this referee. My mind may be playing tricks on me, but I think there was one stray ball by Jones that led to a promising counter but Jones recovered well to snuff out the danger.
Jones had a great game. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking otherwise.

The Guardian gives him 8, which is about right for me:

The push on Di Maria was never going to be a pk, not even for this referee. My mind may be playing tricks on me, but I think there was one stray ball by Jones that led to a promising counter but Jones recovered well to snuff out the danger.

I thought 8 was a bit generous really. He did his job brilliantly well though. He was told to stop Real and that's pretty much what he did.
Never a penalty either. Far too soft.

I loved when he moved over to the left to mark Ronaldo and called Evra over for help and then gave him a few words for not listening.
Hodgson can feck off as far as I'm concerned.There is no need for an agreement, Jones will be best utilized for him and United, if that doesn't satisfy the England national team then so be it
Stuff what england want to do with him. We will use and develop him in the best interests of United