Phil Jones

He always makes me nervous. He tends to injure himself with the way he goes in for challenges either in the air or on the ground.
Life isn't fair - John Terry can jump in with both feet miles apart - land with both legs going in different directions, have a player land on both his ankle and then have a teammate step on all his joints.....and the next day you can read: Terry lucky to escape injury - probably back in 2 weeks
This is absolutely ridiculous. What the hell do we do in training?
ffs.. lets hope Evans, Vidic and Rio stay fit for the next 6 weeks.. Smalling might be back by then
Life isn't fair - John Terry can jump in with both feet miles apart - land with both legs going in different directions, have a player land on both his ankle and then have a teammate step on all his joints.....and the next day you can read: Terry lucky to escape injury - probably back in 2 weeks

Bollocks :(

On the plus side it means Rafael will get a run of games at RB, if he can stay fit :nervous:
Out for 8 weeks with knee surgery. Our defensive injuries are a joke.
This is all a fecking joke. I don't know why it happens every year.
At least we can use that old cliche when he's back, "it will be like having a new signing!"
This is getting old fast. Our defence constantly being injured and down to the bare bones seems to be the norm now :(

Each time it starts to look like they are getting closer to having some cover another injury hits us.
This has gone beyond annoying.

We just need to hope the others get a bit of luck while Smalling and Jones are sidelined. Either way both of them are gonna be way behind the rest of the squad in fitness when they eventually get back.
Just got up and read this, fecking ridiculous I reckon they must have a game of British Bulldog to warm up.The physios musy of thought they'd have a quiet time once Michael Owen left but we somehow find a way in training to keep them busy.No wonder we're building a bleeding hospital.
I reckon it's that fecking tree Scholes keeps battering with those long balls, it uses it's roots to trip up players in revenge.
It's like they are catching it from the others. I don't remember Smalling haven't serious problems in his first year. Second year - He was out several times. Jones, first six months, fine. Since then - injury after injury. Two now in a month and he hasn't even played a game yet!
It's getting so extremely annoying. Honestly we must be doing something wrong.
What's his injury records before joining us?
We need to get rid of Rio at the end of the season and bring in a defender with a proven injury record. We can't afford to have 4/5 centre backs who have persistent injury problems.
Should conduct some form of exorcism on the lockers, and areas around or adjacent to them, especially those used by Saha, and Owen Hargreaves as well as Michael Owen.

Could be some rival club has got some witchcraft spell cast in the area.