Or he's a terrible human being.He's either been on the cider again, or legit has a brain injury from the coma
They're the same thing.This is not pushing back against wokeness, protecting conservative values or anything remote similar. It's just pure hatred.
Disappointing to see Mike Judge on Rogan. Office Space was r/antiwork before r/antiwork.
I still think the fact that he's deemed 'controversial' says much more about those making the claim and the 'current culture' we live in than anything else.
Quite honestly I'm not against some of his actual content. I mean more the clean your room sort of stuff. It's not bad. Some of his takes are just so juvenile though.
The main thing is just how weird he is about it all.
The worst thing about him and Shapiro is they try and make some deep philosophical argument for their own biases. Shapiro to be fair is worse and a real hypocrite.
I find Jordan Peterson to be an interesting character in some aspects really. His fan following of incels really see him as a savior.
His whole take on identity politics etc is very dumb though
On the days and weeks that Kanye is off his meds, living in a football stadium, wearing a morph suit, asking Zuckerberg to find his creative visions….. He’s closer to the real world than Peterson on his best day.
The fella sounds sensible. He’s a fraud. A small minded snowflake pretending his worldly and wise. An intellectual midget fancying himself as a titan.
Questioner : “How do you feel about this?”
Peterson : “I can’t talk about that without also considering this-brainless-unrelated-word-salad-that-joins-dots-for-no-reason… So I guess the question is how YOU feel. In yourself. Your. Self. The true self. Because that’s all that matters. In the end.
[Red Pillers go wild]
Questioner : ?
[Red Pillers - “Leftist has no reply to Dr Jordan B Peterson”]
He hasn’t got an original thought that’s supported by anyone reputable. He’s a nonsensical shyster that talks in overly verbose self help language.
He made more sense in his coma and the world was a better place before he woke up again.
I loved him on art attack
how it never twigged in his fans that "something's not right" after he decided to treat drug addition with a "Russian Coma therapy" and claiming literally the whole of North American healthcare couldn't treat him is beyond me.
Like I said previously, the drug addition, "Russian Coma therapy", wild mood swings, promoting wild changes in lifestyle (all meat diet), I'm shocked he kept his academic position for as long as he did.
I think he was misusing it to be fair. I think he said as much himself and doesn't seem particularly self reflective as a rule.I don't really think its fair to call him a drug addict unless you consider all patients who can't get off psychiatric medications, drug addicts. His strategy to get off was mindblowingy stupid though.
I take clonazepam as well because its the only medication that works for treating the anxiety I have associated with a health condition that makes most people suicidal.
Not on Peterson’s or Shapiro’s level, but this makes me very happy…
Shit.Crowder is a complete scrotum. This happened like a decade ago, though.
Peterson started out somewhat lucid and sane. His back and forth with Cathy Newman was fun.
But lately he's gone nutty.
He definitely lost the plot.The sad thing about Petersen is that some of his early stuff for disaffected young men is quite good and he delivered it with feeling, but whatever positive impact that could have is vastly outweighed by all the nonsense and dangerous shit he speaks.
Is there a video showing multiple angles?Crowder is a complete scrotum. This happened like a decade ago, though.
The sad thing about Petersen is that some of his early stuff for disaffected young men is quite good and he delivered it with feeling, but whatever positive impact that could have is vastly outweighed by all the nonsense and dangerous shit he speaks.
He's so dumb. How is he so dumb?
We're dealing with idiots who genuinely believe Biden and the Dems have a radical socialist agenda, after all.If you want to see dumb, check out the replies to the first one. There are people seriously blaming this on socialism.
I dare anyone to watch this from start to end without laughing. This is hilarious!
I dare anyone to watch this from start to end without laughing. This is hilarious!
It's pathetic how much he wants to be a victim. He used to ask fans to subscribe to his Patreon so that he would still have an income after the University fired him, which was going to happen any day now. It never happened.
It's the same thing with this. I think it's fairly obvious that he's been trying to cop a ban from twitter, but he's not willing to go all-out to achieve it, he wants to maintain a certain level of respectability (however little.) That didn't happen, but he did get a suspension that will only be lifted once he deletes the tweet that triggered it, so he's decided to refuse to do so and call it ban so that he can finally don the mantle of victimhood and claim to be persecuted.
Also,at "I'm not taking down that tweet." It's already gone, lobsterman, but do go off.
That's the cringiest and funniest part about the cancel culture wars. Alt right tires SO hard to get cancelled so they can play victim but they even fail at that![]()
This is going to be funny for a very long time, so enjoy a repost.