Peterson, Harris, etc....

He's exposed himself as an ignorant, hypocritical and emotionally unstable moron on numerous occasions, he's got a loose relationship with facts and research, he's heavily promoted rehashed nazi propaganda in his rantings about "cultural marxism" (and was then shown to know nothing about Marxism in the debate with Zizek), he's a massive sexist... I could go on, but I think I've illustrated pretty clearly why anyone who admires or respects him would have to be an idiot. Or an odious cretin themselves.

I don't agree with everything you sau here, and from what I've listened to, and read about him, he doesnt seem sexist at all. Maybe what he says goes over your head, I dont know. Or maybe you want some of his facts not to be true.
I don't agree with everything you sau here, and from what I've listened to, and read about him, he doesnt seem sexist at all. Maybe what he says goes over your head, I dont know. Or maybe you want some of his facts not to be true.

Unless you're one of the mole men this statement is impossible.
I don't agree with everything you sau here, and from what I've listened to, and read about him, he doesnt seem sexist at all. Maybe what he says goes over your head, I dont know. Or maybe you want some of his facts not to be true.

Which of his writings/interviews do you feel are good or useful ?
Which of his writings/interviews do you feel are good or useful ?

If you'd like you could check out his piece on equality of outcome. From someone who lives in Scandinavia I find his "findings" true. That being said, I havent read any of his books, just some pieces on his webpage and he did some appearances on Norwegian TV (NRK)
To be fair his interview with Cathy Newman was a pretty good guide in how to shut down dishonest interview techniques and bad faith debating.

Though that was before he went off the deep end with benzos and meat.

I've seen that one. I suppose you could say that was his high point (if you could call it that). Ever since then, he's really been in decline imo.
You have a small and boring definition of beautiful.
She looks human which is a drastic improvement over the instagram reality weirdness that is the standard for most beauty magazines (which im definitely an expert on). I get that looking borderline malnourished is fashionable at the moment but i just think that shes a long way off being a particularly unhealthy weight which is where i'm inclined to say it starts looking unattractive.
Anyway if were judging i'd take her over the bitter, dried out husk of a skeleton that is jordan peterson. I'd need an epic amount of booze to sleep with him.
she is probably at a weight where a doctor would be advising her to lose weight from my eyes. i guess our definition of beautiful differs but then so does everyones
she is probably at a weight where a doctor would be advising her to lose weight from my eyes. i guess our definition of beautiful differs but then so does everyones

Agreed. But there is a constant of what most of society agrees is attractive. Otherwise most fitness magazine, TV shows, and IG feeds would be bustling with overweight people instead of fit, healthy ones.
The Intellectual Dark Web strikes again. This guy is a biologist.


To clear up any confusion before it happens, that this guy is an idiot does not mean that everyone on earth who disagree with me are idiots. Some of them are probably not.
The Intellectual Dark Web strikes again. This guy is a biologist.


To clear up any confusion before it happens, that this guy is an idiot does not mean that everyone on earth who disagree with me are idiots. Some of them are probably not.

Clearly a neo-marxist plot.
I don't agree with everything you sau here, and from what I've listened to, and read about him, he doesnt seem sexist at all. Maybe what he says goes over your head, I dont know. Or maybe you want some of his facts not to be true.
He's not be virulent, foaming-at-the-mouth and hates women sexist, he's more the old-school "men are rational and logical, women are emotional and illogical" kind of sexist. And if he doesn't seem sexist at all to you, there's a good chance it's because you're a bit of a sexist too.

What are some of his "facts"? Far as I can tell, he's a layman on 90% of the topics he likes to ramble on about. Or are you suggesting that a guy that has no relevant expertise outside the field of psychology knows better than the experts in all these other fields?

He's a wordy dunce who became famous for being too fecking dumb to understand an amendment to an existing law, and has continued serving up hot takes in what has got to be the clearest case of Dunning-Kruger ever observed. People flock to him because he confirms their biases, not because he has any facts or truths.

Also, he gave himself brain damage to kick an addiction. Clearly something a genius would do.
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That's not really a constant, given that it's changed.
The Intellectual Dark Web strikes again. This guy is a biologist.


To clear up any confusion before it happens, that this guy is an idiot does not mean that everyone on earth who disagree with me are idiots. Some of them are probably not.

Is he threatening to force-feed nuts to people with nut allergies?
The Intellectual Dark Web strikes again. This guy is a biologist.


To clear up any confusion before it happens, that this guy is an idiot does not mean that everyone on earth who disagree with me are idiots. Some of them are probably not.
This is a parody account, yes?
If you'd like you could check out his piece on equality of outcome. From someone who lives in Scandinavia I find his "findings" true. That being said, I havent read any of his books, just some pieces on his webpage and he did some appearances on Norwegian TV (NRK)

For someone else who lives in Scandinavia I find Peterson to be full of shit.
I still think the fact that he's deemed 'controversial' says much more about those making the claim and the 'current culture' we live in than anything else.
I still think the fact that he's deemed 'controversial' says much more about those making the claim and the 'current culture' we live in than anything else.

He's a 'complete' weirdo and grifter, and 'it' makes me sad that there are 'people' out there who take him 'seriously'
Man needs actual therapy. His tendency to extreme lifestyle choices seem to be getting worse. I'm shocked he held down a university position as long as he did. Just goes to show how far you can decline, even from a mental wellness perspective, when you engage with the right-wing culture war.
I still think the fact that he's deemed 'controversial' says much more about those making the claim and the 'current culture' we live in than anything else.
It’s not really that he’s controversial. There’s plenty of contrarians with even more offensive opinions.

It’s that as a person he is all round risible. He’s straight out of satire, presenting himself as this expert professor - on every field, no less - who is all seeing and all knowing and enjoys being the bastion of self help and self control in between bouts of benzo addiction, making himself sick on beef diets and randomly bursting into teas talking about benign subjects.

Anyone with half a brain watches two or three minutes of him, sees straight through his shtick and appreciates him as a comedy act while being utterly bemused at anyone who takes him seriously. It’s like a Sacha Baron Cohen character suddenly became a guru for millions of people while the rest of us live out the Anakin Skywalker meme template. He is some sort of performance art, right?
It’s not really that he’s controversial. There’s plenty of contrarians with even more offensive opinions.

It’s that as a person he is all round risible. He’s straight out of satire, presenting himself as this expert professor - on every field, no less - who is all seeing and all knowing and enjoys being the bastion of self help and self control in between bouts of benzo addiction, making himself sick on beef diets and randomly bursting into teas talking about benign subjects.

Anyone with half a brain watches two or three minutes of him, sees straight through his shtick and appreciates him as a comedy act while being utterly bemused at anyone who takes him seriously. It’s like a Sacha Baron Cohen character suddenly became a guru for millions of people while the rest of us live out the Anakin Skywalker meme template. He is some sort of performance art, right?

For me, and I think for a lot of other people, it's also due to the reaction he gets from his fans and people not familiar with him. He's a mess and a horrible person, but if he was ranting in a pub or on Youtube with a few thousand views, who cares, really.

He's the current prime example where his fans' most uttered phrase is "you're taking him out of context", and where they will deny things he's said either because of a combination of extreme confidence coupled with ignorance, or by twisting themselves into pretzels when evidence is staring them in the face. In the late noughties and early parts of last decade it used to be Sam Harris, now it's Jordan Peterson.

One example is that they'll strongly deny that he's right wing or conservative. They'll also use this claim as evidence that his critics are liars and smear merchants. They'll say he's a centrist, a classical liberal or non-political. They'll say he wants universal healthcare, forgetting that he's Canadian or being ignorant of the fact that in many countries most conservatives are. Meanwhile Peterson is preaching at PragerU, writing 12 rules for conservatives, and recently even directly endorsing a member of the Canadian Conservative Party as the next president.

Another example is that whole pronoun thing, where they say that his opposition is only the legal aspect of it; he is opposed to compelled speech by the government, he doesn't have anything against trans people and will use his students' preffered pronouns. And even though he did say those things, with the added caveat that he'll only respect trans students if they present acceptably as their professed gender, whatever that means, he'll also go on national TV and say that he will never use neopronouns, and that they/their as a gender neutral pronoun doesn't work, making it effectively impossible for him to use the preffered pronouns of non-binary people. He'll do newspaper interviews where he directly and purposefully misgender a non-binary colleague of his, and he'll go on Rex Murphy where they both purposefully misgender a trans woman because they think (probably correctly) that she's a bad person, thereby proving that it's not just the non-binary he has problems with. He'll also do interviews where he calls people identifying as a trans a psychological epidemic, and likens it to other crazes like hysteria in women or the multiple personality disorder part of schizofrenia that isn't real. Not exactly a hallmark of respect to say that trans people aren't actually trans.

There are plenty more examples, of course, this is just an illustration.
It’s not really that he’s controversial. There’s plenty of contrarians with even more offensive opinions.

It’s that as a person he is all round risible. He’s straight out of satire, presenting himself as this expert professor - on every field, no less - who is all seeing and all knowing and enjoys being the bastion of self help and self control in between bouts of benzo addiction, making himself sick on beef diets and randomly bursting into teas talking about benign subjects.

Anyone with half a brain watches two or three minutes of him, sees straight through his shtick and appreciates him as a comedy act while being utterly bemused at anyone who takes him seriously. It’s like a Sacha Baron Cohen character suddenly became a guru for millions of people while the rest of us live out the Anakin Skywalker meme template. He is some sort of performance art, right?

My knowledge of his rise to prominence rests with his initial interactions with students at a Canadian university (which went viral), together with his early appearances on Joe Rogan and then of course the famous Cathy Newman and GQ interviews. As I recall most of these concerned gender, gender discrimination and the gender pay gap, discrimination, and rights and responsibilities amongst other things.

He wasn't articulating something shocking but simply something that hadn't been talked about in the public, or at least, media sphere for a long time, and for which there was a strong appetite. The reason the Cathy Newman and GQ interviews for example helped to propel his popularity wasn't just because of Peterson himself, but it was also down to the interviewers, who expressed a world view that I'd say many or most in those circles subscribe to. If he was simply voicing contrarian views at this point, what does that say about the prevailing view?

As for him straying out of his lane, that may very well be the case and there's a very long history of 'intellectuals' doing just that.
this sack of shit built his name with speech-at-work issues. he, of course, was not fired for his transgressive speech, but made his name off the possibility of being fired/jailed.

it's impossible/dumb to take anyone who professes free speech as their #1 issue seriously, they NEVER ever mean it.
Unless the physician has a criminal record I suppose even fans can now admit that it's not just about hypothetical compelled speech, and that he is in fact anti trans? Even if the misgendering isn't enough, the breast removal comment is going to be hard to explain away.