Sweet Square
The memes have been great.

The memes have been great.
It caused me to take an interest in Murray that I hadn’t previously had. I had never read The Bell Curve, because I thought it was just ... It must be just racist trash, because I assumed that where there was all that smoke, there must be fire. I hadn’t paid attention to Murray.
Surely there are actual people that care about this stuff you could target your ire towards - like Murray himself - rather than Sam Harris?
In April of 2017, I published a podcast with Charles Murray, coauthor of the controversial (and endlessly misrepresented) book The Bell Curve. These are the most provocative claims in the book:
At the time Murray wrote The Bell Curve, these claims were not scientifically controversial—though taken together, they proved devastating to his reputation among nonscientists. That remains the case today.
- Human “general intelligence” is a scientifically valid concept.
- IQ tests do a pretty good job of measuring it.
- A person’s IQ is highly predictive of his/her success in life.
- Mean IQ differs across populations (blacks < whites < Asians).
- It isn’t known to what degree differences in IQ are genetically determined, but it seems safe to say that genes play a role (and also safe to say that environment does too).
Uncontroversial science “at the time it was written”. You omitted an important phrase there.
Has anyone on here actually read The Bell Shaped Curve? Or are we forming opinions based on other people’s opinions?
I haven’t read it but listened to the podcast where Murray and Sam Harris discussed it. Which seemed like a reasonable enough discussion to me.
But I definitely can’t rule out the possibility the book/research on which that discussion was based is all a load of bollox. I’d need to read the book (and a whole lot of related scientific literature) to have an informed opinion. So I’ll reserve judgement. But I’m curious if those who have such definitive opinions on the whole subject matter have done their due diligence?
Obviously not given that this is after all the internet, where people get cherry picked content from sources they already agree with, then gleefully scamper into forums like this to score points against the opposition.
Have you read it?
The Bell Curve ? Not a chance, which is why I'm not getting involved in the comments. I have read a couple of Harris' previous books.
Here's a 3 hour video about Jordan Peterson and if you don't watch all of it you aren't allowed to criticize people who criticize Jordan Peterson. You need the full context, see.
It's genuinely baffling how some people can look at him and think he's actually intelligent, or worth listening to about anything other than maybe (but not really) his actual field.
Is the not a chance part because you don’t agree with the premise or just not that interested by the subject matter?
If I don’t watch it can I still criticise Peterson?
If I don’t watch it can I still criticise Peterson?
Marxism has well and truly arrived. You can't even buy a snowmobile anymore, and the cruise-ships are being scrapped.
I say we go with Bill Burr's plan of sink random ones and build new ones while we do so no one noticesScrap all the fecking Petrie dish cruise ships.
I have certainly heard JBP say that if there's one things psychologists know how to test for, it's IQ. If you don't agree with the commonly prevailing understanding of IQ then you don't agree with any of the prevailing assumptions about psychology. Kind of thing, trying to paraphrase.Once again, not going to go down rabbit holes with posters who have already made up their minds (and are just making things up) but this is my take. If anyone here doesn't have an opinion, go listen to some podcasts. They're free. If you don't like him, or if they're too dumb for you or if his inherent racism permeates the very subtext of every argument then go find something else to listen to.
Sam does indeed argue that the BLM movement - in hindsight - probably did more harm than good. He agrees that defund the police was a hugely idiotic move politically and did more damage to the good that was coming out of the initial George Floyd protests than anything else. And I agree with him on that. Does that mean I'm a racist? Because I'm willing to challenge the notion that the pendulum swung too far, and images of rioting and looting - no matter how sporadic - give ammunition to the right to create a false narrative that enables the middle to sit this one out and avoid actual change? No, I think it's a perfectly valid view.
On Charles Murray - he did an experiment. The results were numerous, one of which was that in his experiment, IQ and race were shown to be correlated. His experiment has repeated and disproved. IQ tests in general are bunk science. There are countless reasons why there is no reason to believe IQ and race are in way tied. But having this discussion should not be taboo. Murray's book should not be burned, him appearing somewhere should not result in violence and him showing up on a podcast should not see the podcast cancelled. We should be able to acknowledge bad science, bad conclusions and challenge them in the public, rather than pretend their very existence is an affront. All the quotes you're taking from Harris are very much around this - cached in a 'well if we found genetics and X are correlated, we should be able to talk about it, not dismiss it because we don't like it'.
Also to suggest that Sam is so clearly racist I have to assume does a bit of a disservice to the countless black guests who choose to join him to discuss topics - including race.
When you're faced with two possible scenarios and you think one of those is implausible, then the other scenario is the only plausible one. This is so obvious it should be impossible to deny, but apparently it's very possible. We can even math this out. If you only have two possibilities, A and B, then the sum of those probabilities equals one. P(A) + P(B) = 1. This can be written as P(A) = 1 - P(B), and if B is implausible then P(B) is (way) less than 0.5. This means that P(A)>0.5.
That's working with the presupposition that one of them is definitely plausible. That's not the same as saying one possibility is definitely implausible.
Yeah. I think his problems with health have destroyed his rationality, his mind. I used to like him for the most part, I still do, his passion at least. Feels a bit bad to talk about such things but I feel there is little left there except for eloquence. Eloquence without rationality is just verbal diarrhea. The ideas are lost. I would not put him in the same category as Harris anymore, or any other. Unless they need the money, If I was his daughter I would take him out from the public eye.Peterson's anger is the most apparent thing when he speaks. Then his command of the language. Then his lack of cogent arguments. His fans don't ever get to the third bit.
I take some of that back. He has 5 mil subs on youtube so of course he/ his family are going to continue no matter how irrational he is. I feel sorry for what he has become, but If I ware him I would do the same and keep milking the cow that made me famous.Yeah. I think his problems with health have destroyed his rationality, his mind. I used to like him for the most part, I still do, his passion at least. Feels a bit bad to talk about such things but I feel there is little left there except for eloquence. Eloquence without rationality is just verbal diarrhea. The ideas are lost. I would not put him in the same category as Harris anymore, or any other. Unless they need the money, If I was his daughter I would take him out from the public eye.
Being an ass online for money does seem to work for a lot of folks.I take some of that back. He has 5 mil subs on youtube so of course he/ his family are going to continue no matter how irrational he is. I feel sorry for what he has become, but If I ware him I would do the same and keep milking the cow that made me famous.
It does. But with him is a bit sad because he is educated. I have no problem with low level educated people getting as much as they can in life, even if it's manipulation (Brexit).Being an ass online for money does seem to work for a lot of folks.
Is he though…?Seeing a man that I know is much better then this
Yeah keep twisting the knife will you.Is he though…?
Oh, gladly. He’s always been a cowardly little shit, so I’m enjoying his downfall.Yeah keep twisting the knife will you.
Uncontroversial science “at the time it was written”. You omitted an important phrase there.
Has anyone on here actually read The Bell Shaped Curve? Or are we forming opinions based on other people’s opinions?
I haven’t read it but listened to the podcast where Murray and Sam Harris discussed it. Which seemed like a reasonable enough discussion to me.
But I definitely can’t rule out the possibility the book/research on which that discussion was based is all a load of bollox. I’d need to read the book (and a whole lot of related scientific literature) to have an informed opinion. So I’ll reserve judgement. But I’m curious if those who have such definitive opinions on the whole subject matter have done their due diligence?
Given the money he is still probably making, not so much of a down anything. Just a disappointment for me, I guess. Guy is doing fine. A testament to the ability of having lots of fans with next to 0 brain function; like Trump.Oh, gladly. He’s always been a cowardly little shit, so I’m enjoying his downfall.
I’m not talking about his income. The American right will give money to any idiot that parrots what they wanna hear.Given the money he is still probably making, not so much of a down anything. Just a disappointment for me, I guess. Guy is doing fine. A testament to the ability of having lots of fans with next to 0 brain function; like Trump.
It's not just politics. Lots o people despise everything to do with "standard" politics and are willing to get in bed with something new. The one big horror of politics is to think that Trump, Brexit, La Pen, etc are there because of the power of the right; no; they are there because the status que failed the common man and they have become desperate. These idiots presented themselves as the alternative, that is all.I’m not talking about his income. The American right will give money to any idiot that parrots what they wanna hear.
Is he though…?
I garnered a key and crucial insight from the several years’ work devoted to my contribution: I learned that the fastest and most certain pathway forward to the future we all want and need (peaceful, prosperous, beautiful) is through the economic elevation of the absolutely poor. Richer people care about “the environment” – which is, after all,outside the primary and fundamental concern of those desperate for their next meal.
Make the poor rich, and the planet will improve. Or at least get out of their way while they try to make themselves rich. Make the poor poorer – and this is the concrete plan, remember – and things will get worse, perhaps worse beyond imagining. Observe the chaos in Sri Lanka, if you need proof.
There is simply no pathway forward to the green and equitable utopia that necessitates the further impoverishment of the already poor, the compulsion of the working class, or the sacrifice of economic security and opportunity on the food, energy and housing front. There is simply no pathway forward to the global utopia you hypothetically value that is dependent on force. And even if there was, what gives you the right to enforce your demands? On other sovereign citizens, equal in value to you?
Jordan Peterson has solved climate change with an absolutely meaningless word salad of bollocks.
You can accuse him of verbosity, and fair enough that's a matter of opinion - I personally love his linguistic style, I think it's a stylistic choice, it's an art form, nobody criticizes a painter for using too many strokes, but our primary interest is football where as in all practical things, economy of movement is paramount.