Peterson, Harris, etc....

Nope, you're just clueless if your genuine position is giving people on the right and left a platform to speak means you're on the right, which might not be your actual viewpoint but it's the statement you made that I replied to and since you seem to have an issue with my reply it can only be assumed that that's your position. The company I work for refused to kick Breitbart off our platform and we're probably one of the most liberal and progressive company in the country spearheading legal weed. It's not uncommon for left leaning people to give a platform to both the left and the right and let people make up their minds rather than sticking to an echo chamber.

Here's a guy who votes democrat every time and who is on board with climate change, for universal basic income, medicare, legalizing weed to name a few but sure, that's right wing.

Not sure which aspect of this post is more cringe-worthy. You thinking it is "progressive" to give a platform to Breitbart and supporting legalization of weed or that you talk about echo chamber thinking while boasting about your company out of context.
Not sure which aspect of this post is more cringe-worthy. You thinking it is "progressive" to give a platform to Breitbart and supporting legalization of weed or that you talk about echo chamber thinking while boasting about your company out of context.

Then you should probably go back to school and pick up some common sense. many right wingers are out there promoting DMT use.

I think the problem is that 'ring wing' now encompasses whatever the speaker disagrees with. That said, around 2011-14, DMT was huge in the libertarian community in the US on youtube and other social media.
libertarians are almost always right wing

Perhaps, the problem comes when some people lump people as disparate as fascists to libertarians under the same umbrella. In this thread, people identify drug legalisation as a left wing policy, but it's a rather massive issue for libertarians too.

Joe Rogan is not right wing though, he's an idiot, but he seems to float depending on the issue. And I don't think his guests are necessarily reflective of his personal politics. At the end of the day, he makes money off his podcasts so it makes sense to get the most interesting/controversial people on there.
I think the problem is that 'ring wing' now encompasses whatever the speaker disagrees with. That said, around 2011-14, DMT was huge in the libertarian community in the US on youtube and other social media.

I think you hot the nail on the head here. It’s become more of a reflexive unbrella term for disagreeable people in an increasingly tribal online world where “you’re either with us or you’re with them”, and whenever anyone else is hard to pigeonhole into one or the other, they are by default viewed as on the other side.
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I dont really get this suggestion that talking to or interviewing right wing people means you should be disregarded and dismissed.
I dont care that much what Joe Rogans views are, i listen to hear his guests and i like that he gets a weird mix in. I'm never going to listen to all of his shows or even a fraction so I can just skip the ones i'm not interested in regardless.
As someone pointed out earlier in the thread, Peterson seems to do just fine as long as he sticks to his actual profession. Its when he deviates into the work of other professions that he makes a mess of things.


Clinical psychology, fine.

When he starts going into politics he talks the usual conservative stuff and therefore because he's a scientist, his followers hang on his every word, connecting the two things - coming to the conclusion that right-wing political stances are the most 'rational'.
As someone pointed out earlier in the thread, Peterson seems to do just fine as long as he sticks to his actual profession. Its when he deviates into the work of other professions that he makes a mess of things.

From what I've heard from other people in the field, even this might not actually be completely true. He's certainly no Dawkins, for example, compared to their own fields.
From what I've heard from other people in the field, even this might not actually be completely true. He's certainly no Dawkins, for example, compared to their own fields.

Yeah, my mrs seconds that, having a masters in psychology. Not talked to her in depth about it, as she prefers steering clear of hot button nonsense. She assures me that he’s talking out of his arse with regards to evolutionary psychology, though.
Noticed the last week my youtube feed full of suggestions for Peterson and Shapiro videos. I've watched no more than three or four videos of them combined, and none in the last year at least.
His politics are fairly middle of the road though. Mainly libertarian.

If anyone hasn’t listened to his interview with Andrew Yang they really should. Haven’t listened to JRE in ages but this is one of his best ever IMO. Andrew Yang is the man. Would get my vote, that’s for damn sure.
I listened to that today. Excellent UBI argument
I'm starting to notice that Jordan Peterson is actually having a huge effect on people right now. In the last couple of months, I've had conversations with at least 7 friends/aquaintances who have somehow bumped into his stuff on twitter or youtube and have been impressed by what he has to say. And these are the kind of people who you normally wouldn't expect to have an interest in psychology, politics or the like.

My cousin is the most interesting example, last year, if you spoke to him he was very much into social justice, was opposed to Brexit and loved welfare. I took him to the Eubank Jnr v Degale fight and it's strange how far his views have flipped. Opposes social justice, loves Brexit and believes in free markets and small government.

Not sure what to make of it in general, but I feel like with these particular people, the impression they are getting from 'the left' (for lack of a better term) is that there is no longer a room for men in social conversations and they are gravitating towards people like Peterson who are telling them that they can offer something (whatever that is) to society.
I was at a hipster coffee shop on Saturday and all the SJWs and people who love welfare were whispering about how they had been "red-pilled" by Jordan Peterson and that they couldnt wait till to read some more Hayek on their Amazon Kindle.
I was at a hipster coffee shop on Saturday and all the SJWs and people who love welfare were whispering about how they had been "red-pilled" by Jordan Peterson and that they couldnt wait till to read some more Hayek on their Amazon Kindle.

Interesting, I mean as you would expect I think it’s a great thing people are even bothering to pretend to read Hayek. That said, not surprised hipsters are doing it, the surprising thing is my friends/cousins are young black men from south London. Not what you would expect to be the usual demographic for Peterson.
Truly powerful brain

:lol: WTF. I suppose an apocalypse triggered by WW would diminish any threat posed by climate change.

I'm starting to notice that Jordan Peterson is actually having a huge effect on people right now. In the last couple of months, I've had conversations with at least 7 friends/aquaintances who have somehow bumped into his stuff on twitter or youtube and have been impressed by what he has to say. And these are the kind of people who you normally wouldn't expect to have an interest in psychology, politics or the like.

My cousin is the most interesting example, last year, if you spoke to him he was very much into social justice, was opposed to Brexit and loved welfare. I took him to the Eubank Jnr v Degale fight and it's strange how far his views have flipped. Opposes social justice, loves Brexit and believes in free markets and small government.

Not sure what to make of it in general, but I feel like with these particular people, the impression they are getting from 'the left' (for lack of a better term) is that there is no longer a room for men in social conversations and they are gravitating towards people like Peterson who are telling them that they can offer something (whatever that is) to society.

I know someone like your cousin. I don’t think it’s all down to Peterson. He’s a part of it. A bigger factor (IMHO) is the left crawling up its own arse with constant bickering about identity politics on social media. It feels as though there’s a whole generation starting to push back against that and ending up watching Jordan Peterson videos as part of that process.
I know someone like your cousin. I don’t think it’s all down to Peterson. He’s a part of it. A bigger factor (IMHO) is the left crawling up its own arse with constant bickering about identity politics on social media. It feels as though there’s a whole generation starting to push back against that and ending up watching Jordan Peterson videos as part of that process.
Two things don't quite add up there for me, or at least it's less self-explanatory than usually assumed.

First one is: If these people's estrangement from the left ends up with following Peterson & company of all people, what were they searching for in the first place? It's not like there aren't any alternatives.

And then, if they're supposedly fed up with identity politics as such, why do they gravitate towards someone whose current career is practically built around identity politics?
Two things don't quite add up there for me, or at least it's less self-explanatory than usually assumed.

First one is: If these people's estrangement from the left ends up with following Peterson & company of all people, what were they searching for in the first place? It's not like there aren't any alternatives.

And then, if they're supposedly fed up with identity politics as such, why do they gravitate towards someone whose current career is practically built around identity politics?

Honestly not sure how it works. Maybe someone ends up feeling peeved about pronouns and ends up watching Peterson as a result? Or Peterson’s messages strike a cord when they end up stumbling across a video by accident?

Well, I say by accident but youtube algorithms are sneaky as feck. Peterson content probably gets pushed onto the feed of most susceptible young men. Especially with his focus on self improvement. Anyone who ends up looking to youtube gurus for a path through life will end up finding him at some point.
I know someone like your cousin. I don’t think it’s all down to Peterson. He’s a part of it. A bigger factor (IMHO) is the left crawling up its own arse with constant bickering about identity politics on social media. It feels as though there’s a whole generation starting to push back against that and ending up watching Jordan Peterson videos as part of that process.

Is it you?
I know someone like your cousin. I don’t think it’s all down to Peterson. He’s a part of it. A bigger factor (IMHO) is the left crawling up its own arse with constant bickering about identity politics on social media. It feels as though there’s a whole generation starting to push back against that and ending up watching Jordan Peterson videos as part of that process.

Yeah, it's interesting. My cousin surprised me because it was such a big change and it kind of came out of nowhere. What you say about youtube algorithms is true as well. Jordan Peterson seems like the latest iteration of the Nassim Taleb type of academic - sells himself as a sort of anti-establishment figure and his presentation style really appeals to, very stereotypical now, young men.
Honestly not sure how it works. Maybe someone ends up feeling peeved about pronouns and ends up watching Peterson as a result? Or Peterson’s messages strike a cord when they end up stumbling across a video by accident?
I think it's the "striking a chord" aspect that I felt was missing before. I'm convinced it's crucial, and it can't be ignored while just focussing on purported or actual failings of leftists or liberals. That's essentially what my two questions were aiming at.

And it's my impression that this aspect is surprisingly often underestimated in squabbles between liberals and leftists over identity politics or economics, and their (again: purported or actual) role in recent successes of the right.
Well, I say by accident but youtube algorithms are sneaky as feck. Peterson content probably gets pushed onto the feed of most susceptible young men. Especially with his focus on self improvement. Anyone who ends up looking to youtube gurus for a path through life will end up finding him at some point.
This aspect is probably important, but it likewise shouldn't be overrated, imo. Constant plugging certainly helps to explain the general spread of Peterson content, but not why an individual person reacts positively to these messages. If I'm not receptive to a particular message to begin with, I'll only get annoyed when bombarded with it.
I think it's the "striking a chord" aspect that I felt was missing before. I'm convinced it's crucial, and it can't be ignored while just focussing on purported or actual failings of leftists or liberals. That's essentially what my two questions were aiming at.

And it's my impression that this aspect is surprisingly often underestimated in squabbles between liberals and leftists over identity politics or economics, and their (again: purported or actual) role in recent successes of the right.

This aspect is probably important, but it likewise shouldn't be overrated, imo. Constant plugging certainly helps to explain the general spread of Peterson content, but not why an individual person reacts positively to these messages. If I'm not receptive to a particular message to begin with, I'll only get annoyed when bombarded with it.

You can see the appeal though.

If you're a young white bloke, struggling to get by in the current economic climate (the fella I know has been unemployed for ages and lives in a fairly impoverished town in Ireland) then you can see why they might get jaded by being reminded how privileged they are and/or that the patriarchy has the game rigged in their favour (even if both these things are true!). From there, it would be easy to be seduced by someone like Peterson. Especially if you're exploring these ideas in an online echo chamber.

Besides, a lot of Peterson's core concepts aren't that controversial. It's self help 101. Get your own shit in order before blaming anyone else, fake it til you make it, make sure you have the right priorities in life etc. etc. He's such a divisive figure that most people on the left get all worked about his most whacky and outlandish statements. Whereas most of what he says is actually fairly mundane and obvious, just delivered in a fairly obtuse manner. I find people like Shapiro and Stefan Molyneux infinitely more problematic.
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