Given the stigma attached with being known as a racist, have we not reached a point where people should be equally condemned for so casually accusing people of racism, just because they don't like their point of view on other issues?
I know it wont be a popular opinion on a forum like this with a huge leftist slant, but surely, given how we've seen to growth in identity politics and how the left use it as a weapon, even the most ardent leftist must realize it's not on and it's actually pretty vile.
When you see protests outside Ben Shapiro events and they are calling him a Nazi, racist or fascist, doesn't it make you feel like these people are using the suffering of others to push their own agenda? How can anyone call Ben Shapiro a Nazi? He's so clearly a million miles from being a Nazi. He's a Jew! Yet because he's a conservative these people want to vilify him and therefore throw these horrid terms at him. I don't see how they are much different from the actual Nazi'a at Charlottsville. They claim to be against hate speech and fascism, yet try and get his events closed down by behaving like fascists and using hate speech (well what I think should be deemed as hate speech.) I can't see how calling a Jewish conservative, a Nazi, isn't hate speech. I know Shapiro himself believes it's their right to do so, but I don't see why those on the left can't see how unacceptable their behavour is according to their own values.