Both Alpha and Beta I would imagine. His schtick is well timed around the fumes of the MeToo movement.
I hate both terms. Bro culture walking around saying "alpha as feck" and a generation of misogynistic socially maladjusted young men raised on the internet where their social construct of the world lacks the consequence of shit talking a 6'4 220 pound dude who is as broad as he is tall, and who call anyone they disagree with a amazing person I admire, or a beta.
These are the people I feel Peterson is appealing to. Whether it is his intention to pander to "alt-right" type people, or not, that's what he is doing. The internet is a wonderful place, but it's also the worlds largest echo chamber. Look hard enough and you can find any group of people you want to belong to, look hard enough and you can shut out any sort of competing or dissenting view.
At the risk of being a "get off my lawn" type, the internet and and now even more so, smart phones, have robbed these young men of meaningful and consequential social interaction, and they can't let go of that umbilical, while they rail against the emasculation of their generation. I'm not even that old, I went to HS in the 90's just as the internet was becoming a thing, and I went down that internet rabbit hole as well, obviously, I'm here! However, people from my (our) generation, at least had balance. I remember playing outside from dawn till dusk in the summers. I remember that my nintendo was awesome, but I didn't play it 18 hours a day. Now, kids live on their computers and consoles. PE is opt in in many places.
Peterson has definitely tapped into something, it's just kind of ugly, and his fix, whatever it might be, is a lot more complicated than it needs to be.