Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
I like Peterson a lot, not ashamed of that.

Would you like to invest in a juice bar?
Jordan Peterson. The @Successful of philosophers.
I like Peterson a lot, not ashamed of that.
If only I was as clever as you @Mockney
If only I was as clever as you @Mockney
i think the recent chapo made a good point about why people like peterson.
"And for the young men he's talking to, nobody in the monoculture is talking to them or addressing them. The only people who are talking to them are on YouTube. And he's talking to them through YouTube, and he's telling them a story that makes sense, or acknowledges some truths that make sense or are not acknowledged elsewhere."
"And it flatters prejudices that they already have. It challenges in a superficial way, in that they should clean their room or stop gaming every four hours ... but in the deeper sense, it's absolutely flattering every lazy prejudice."
I've seen Peterson's name a lot, but have never clicked on any of his videos. What's his general schtick ?
Have you actually read any of his prose though? I’ve admittedly only read snippets, but it’s all been kinda ridiculous. Ideological Barnum statements sieved through a Thesaurus. If he was Superhero, he’d be Obfuscation-Man!!
I think partly because of this he now feels like he has a dog in the fight against 'social justice warriors' and that whole culture which he dubs 'cultural marxism' or something. He goes on about this quite a lot and a criticism some people have is that this doesn't exist but a counter argument could be that the phenomenon exists and he's just given it his own label.
Yeah, no... He hasn’t “given it his own label”...Cultural Marxism was already a label. One invented by the Nazis in fact. A very prominent and historically relevant form of right wing brainwashing, in fact.
So you can probably see why some people find it tripe race baiting alt right bullshit?
But on the flip side, Dragon diagrams, so....?
He came into the spotlight heavily after in Canada they changed the law regarding how one refers to transgender people in the workplace, i.e. if you didn't refer to someone in their preferred pronoun, including new 'made-up' ones like 'ze' and 'zer' then you'd be committing a crime, I'm sure I've butchered that a bit and you can find the details elsewhere if you want. His issue was that it was a form of governmental compelled speech and he said he would refuse to obey this law. This was also interpreted by some that he was being 'transphobic' and that he's a bigot and a part of the alt-right and such.
There's a lot of standard self-help stuff in the midst of the psychology and theorising.
I completely get why a couple of annoymous arrogant nobodies on an Internet forum ripping into a best selling academic might seem unconvincing, but remember, we live in a world where Donald J Trump is the President of the United States, and Info Wars is a genuine part of his propaganda network...
A previously unknown middle aged academic outlier, suddenly gaining fame and prominence for tacitly supporting vague right wing ideology isn’t exactly a reliable appeal to authority these days, is it?
Just wait until he starts selling Brain Force Plus.
I feel like this needs to be commented on more.
To be honest mate, you and @Eboue not liking Jordan Peterson is one of the least surprising events that has ever been observed in my own universe, so I'm not going to get into some kind of debate with you about him or take the condescending rhetoric too personally. I get that guys like yourselves really don't like him or much he has to say. It doesn't bother me, more power to you. Like I said I just about knew that would be the case anyway. You aren't that anonymous to me, I've seen your formulaic put downs and posts about current events/political/social/religious views for years, countless times. They haven't changed at all. You're far cleverer than everyone else and that's that.
That’s all well and good, but Cultural Marxism is genuinely a Nazi phrase, and was only brought back into the modern public consciousness by Anders fecking Brevik.
I don’t really care what you think of me. But I genuinely do really really want you to appreciate that.
Bloke has some weird fans.
Bloke has some weird fans.
I'm familiar.To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head
I'm not..."One yeah i dance, but the dedication i put into breakin alone is far more than you've probably put into anything.
how you gonna act like it's something all feminne when the bboy culture is far more battle/fight than football is.
You insulting me cus i dance is pretty low, that's my life you basically cussing off. so it's personal."
Even if it is a 'Nazi phrase' originally, listening to everything he might say about 'cultural marxism' itself, I don't hear any alarm bells personally.
I mean, I’d like to counter with the notion that any sentence that begins “even if it is a Nazi phrase” should constitute an alarm bell in of itself, but I’ll admit you’ve check-Godwin’d me there.
Still. Think about. Please.
Just because it's the same two words mashed together doesn't mean they have the same meaning to Peterson as they did at the time. You're too clever to be this lazy and disingenuous, though admittedly it is 4am.
But consequently, he’s too clever to not know it’s connotations. I mean, why has the term Marxist even been resurrected to apply to modern day Social Justice Warrioring? What does Marxism and its largely economic outlook have to do with PC culture, feminism and identity politics in 2018? feck all. So why use a phrase - and a scaremongering tactic - so explicitly associated with fascism?
The cultural Marxism that our societies are infected with is a particularly Western phenomenon. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Marxists in Europe believed that the dictatorship of the proletariat was at hand. They were wrong. The revolution failed to spread. In despair, and in one of Mussolini’s prisons, a young Italian socialist Antonio Gramsci wrote that the problem was the Christian bedrock of Western European cultures. He encouraged Marxists to develop a fifth column inside these countries to destroy the foundations of Western cultures. Only then would international socialism be achievable.
This call to subversion was picked up by Marxist scholars based around the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany. In the tumultuous milieu of Weimar Germany, theorists such as Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, Theodor Adorno and Georg Lukacs integrated the theories of Sigmund Freud with classical Marxism to develop the foundations of critical theory, deconstructionism, post-structuralism and postmodernism. Known as the Frankfurt School, many of these intellectuals fled Hitler’s Germany for the United States where they were welcomed by Progressives and socialist intellectuals. The theories of the Frankfurt School unified the vanguard of the 60’s countercultural movement and have since spread to every discipline in our universities, colleges and schools. These theories, which obsess about colonization, subjugation and oppression, have indeed colonized higher education in the West.
Petterson's interview with Vice is a good example of the massive tool-box he really is.
These theories, which obsess about colonization, subjugation and oppression, have indeed colonized higher education in the West.
this has been proven to not be accurate
I'm not sure it has, it would take some time for the full ramifications of the change in the law to work through to judgments in court and sanctioned behavior to be tested.
So your source here is according to google Brenda Cossman Professor of Law and the Director of the Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies at the University of Toronto. I guess a direct opponent of Peterson at his University and in a department, he is on record as being very insulting towards.
But from your source, we find the following,
"Non-discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression may very well be interpreted by the courts in the future to include the right to be identified by a person’s self identified pronoun. The Ontario Human Rights Commission, for example, in their Policy on Preventing Discrimination Because of Gender Identity and Expression states that gender harassment should include “ Refusing to refer to a person by their self-identified name and proper personal pronoun”.
Isn't this exactly what Peterson is saying the law will do and why he thinks its wrong?
I'm not sure he can be dismissed on the basis that the state is only putting into national law the mistake ( as he would see it ) that various Canadian regions have already made.
She is not the only law professor who has contradicted him:
So your point is that yes, you can be sanctioned for refusing to use a pronoun of a particular person's choice but as you can't be put in prison for it, his wider point is invalidated because of his exaggeration of the consequences?
No it's just making some of the protections that trans had apply to federal agencies, you know, like the right not to get dragged out of a bathroom stall and have the shit kicked out of you.That gives prosecutors more power if they press charges in a case like X v. Sugar Daddy’s Nightclub, where a transgender person who uses the men’s bathroom sought financial damages for being dragged out of a stall, called transphobic slurs, and beaten.
Bill C-16 would also give the Canadian Human Rights Commission new powers to impose civil penalties, or fines, on businesses for discriminating against transgender people. But Moon and Kyle Kirkup, a law professor at the University of Ottawa, said several provinces banned gender discrimination by businesses years ago. Bill C-16 would just apply those same standards to federal agencies and federally regulated industries, Kirkup said, like banks and telecoms.
Sacked yes, found guilty of harassment, yes but no jail time so this law is fine and dandy.
Finally cought what people are talking about once when I saw him make up absolute bs about the changes to ISP laws.
Same with Steven Crowder who made up statistics about Norway being worse than the US on gun-violence. (not that he ever was in a good light).
Now I'm waiting for something I know about from Peterson. But those hating on Dave Rubin I find hard to understand as most stuff on his channel is him giving a platform to others & the odd speech about the importance of having the option to speak.
But who knows, maybe I'll see what people mean there as well. I'll take it in my own, slow time though.
Yeah I totally forgot to even mention that. Kind of low hanging fruit.Rubin is Koch-funded: