Pes 2010

I got knocked out of the CL by Barca because Casillas had an absolute howler.

feck me the graphics are amazing. I have to put player support on at least 95 for every team I play as or I just end up getting outnumbered in attack.

That's something to do with the "sliders", isn't it?

I've noticed that my players are annoying reluctant to make forward runs in support of the player on the ball. Can you change that by fecking about with the sliders an' ting?

If so, it might also explain why I keep getting raped online.
That's something to do with the "sliders", isn't it?

I've noticed that my players are annoying reluctant to make forward runs in support of the player on the ball. Can you change that by fecking about with the sliders an' ting?

If so, it might also explain why I keep getting raped online.

Unlike previous PES, it's very easy. It's under tactics and you just put player support up to whatever you want (I'd recommend 90+). It makes a huge difference, you can also change how far away your player stay from you when you have the ball etc, you need to experiment. It's a bit like football manager in that respect. It's brilliant though, as you can pretty much play exactly how you want to and it's not complicated to implement.
OK, with regards to the option and what and why and where do I copy the data?...It's on a USB stick but so far it's only allowing me to copy it into my pictures folder, and not the saved game data folder??? HELP PLS?
I read somewhere that if you use an Option File you don't get the trophies.
don't worry I've worked it out now....but I'm having to copy them all individually onto the PS3 which is long....can I just pick and choose the teams I want?...It wont feck anything up will it?
don't worry I've worked it out now....but I'm having to copy them all individually onto the PS3 which is long....can I just pick and choose the teams I want?...It wont feck anything up will it?

its not as long as you think tbh, i did it last night and was finished in about 10 minutes
Which Option File are you guys referring to and can someone confirm if we can still get trophies.
sigh. Just played this at my firends house on the PC. It really looks like they've improved, but I got my ass kicked.

They've really improved, it feels a lot more realistic... seeing Rafael run down the wing when I'm using Carrick in the center of the park, seeing Rooney chase back defenders all the way back to left back, even though I was using him on the right wing... it's amazing

I do have a few bad habits from PES 09 I have to change though, since they've made it pretty hard to do in 2010. I used to use R2 to defend, jockeying players, and it seems a lot more difficult to do now; I let in like 5-6 goals every match.

The first touches for a lot of the players were horrible, but I was told because I was pressing a direction when I got the ball, which is another area of my play I need to change..

It seems a lot harder, but it does seem like a massive improvement... players make so much runs off the ball ow, but then again, you have less time to pick them out, as its harder to shield the ball now.
Things which bugs me:

Tackles from behind. It's apperently perfectly fine to completly slaughter the player, as long as you get a pinky toe on the ball, but if you stand front to front and slowly picks the ball then it's a foul.

Sidestep animation. Worst and slowest animation ever? I think so.
Things which bugs me:

Tackles from behind. It's apperently perfectly fine to completly slaughter the player, as long as you get a pinky toe on the ball, but if you stand front to front and slowly picks the ball then it's a foul.

Sidestep animation. Worst and slowest animation ever? I think so.

Whoever coded that bit obviously got briefed by Andre Marriner.
So I've got the option file all saved in the right place on my USB memory stick. But I can't copy it onto my ps3 hd. How do you just copy the data onto the hard drive?

Right, this is the problem I had. Firstly, make sure the file saved on your USB is the one named PS3...and not the rar folder with that inside it. The PS3 one needs to be the primary folder for the PS3 to recognize. Then, go to 'Saved Data Utility' or whatever that things called, in the 'game' section on your desktop, click on it,, and then click on the USB, which should be the first thing wont be able to click triangle and view, just click on it with X and all the files should be visible. You then have to copy each one individually....Geddit?...Also, don't copy the file in there called Saved data utility, or that will override your existing one I think...just the kits and the edit data
So anyone got it for pc then other than me?
I'm chuffed with the Game Face, pisses all over FIFA's much heralded effort and is far simpler...Here's me looking smug against Everton...which is almost exactly how I look smug in real life

Am I the only one who thinks the dribbling has gone to shite?

Fair enough, it creates a more passing team effort instead of the one man team, but how is it that a professional player cant dribble except in right angles? Thats just utter shite.
Am I the only one who thinks the dribbling has gone to shite?

Fair enough, it creates a more passing team effort instead of the one man team, but how is it that a professional player cant dribble except in right angles? Thats just utter shite.

Dribbling has always been shite on PES, the only thing that will get you past your opposition player is run sideways and then use pace to go in to right angle and back facing the opposition goal. It's a bit shit.
Somebody mentioned that the players movement looks and feels unrealistic. Well the more you play the more you realise that actually it looks and feels more realistic then ever.
How anybody can claim the keepers are crap or that the game is sluggish is beyond me. It just isn't true.
Then you have people criticsing the shooting and dribbling. Well, once you get to grips with the 360degree movement you realise this isn't true either. In fact Ive been playing this game none stop since Thursday and I haven't yet experienced anything as has been claimed on here by some posters.

The game just gets better and better the more you play. You really do start ending up playing as teams as they would do in real life.

For me the game is simply far more fun and fullfilling than FIFA10.
Dribbling has always been shite on PES, the only thing that will get you past your opposition player is run sideways and then use pace to go in to right angle and back facing the opposition goal. It's a bit shit.

On the contrary, PES 2009 dribbling was fair and at least realistic. You could dribble past a couple and slot in a goal Giggsy vs Arsenal style.

In PES 2010 the players make right angle turns, they cant even touch the ball from right foot to left foot as a quick dribble past - a move thats been in the game for eons.

This lack of balance by Konami in PES if frustrating. They either go all out shit, then amazing, then shit again. I mean why change the dribbling? Im talking basic dribbling that even I could do on a pitch the players cant!

Such a frustrating let down, especially for players like me whos game is based on dribbling in the PES series.

-- Close control is non-existant. No, honestly.

-- Did you used to do the shot feint? Square followed by X and a direction to leave the keeper / defender on the floor? Well, thats out.

-- Only "some players" can perform the roulette? Are you joking? My mum can do that, let alone a professional footballer.

-- The frustrating delay from the demo is almost fully removed, but not fully. Time and time again I change direction or pass for naught to happen or for it to happen a few seconds after running straight - not in a typical PES idiotic style - but proper delay.

-- R2 shoulder challenges, where'd they go? Drogba got pushed off the ball by the tiniest winger from the chilian national team. I dont understand the new physics of the game ..

Others who've never liked to dribble in PES wouldnt notice a difference. I unfortunately do, and am left utterly frustrated with this, as its almost getting me fed up with the game at this point.
Any of you gayers playing Master League yet?

Tell me, why are half of my tea on a blue or purple (I think) downwards arrow for form before most games?

Am I supposed to be doing something for training?
Any of you gayers playing Master League yet?

Tell me, why are half of my tea on a blue or purple (I think) downwards arrow for form before most games?

Am I supposed to be doing something for training?

Maybe too much training?
Why doesn't anybody comment on the fake short pass (2 x X button) or how easy and natural it is to do a i.e. Cruyff turn? No, we all just post complete shit about how sluggish the dribbling is.
Well, maybe you just need more practise.

Btw, on Xbox use the joystick and not the direction pad....
On the contrary, PES 2009 dribbling was fair and at least realistic. You could dribble past a couple and slot in a goal Giggsy vs Arsenal style.

You have got to be fecking kidding. It was the single biggest flaw in the game. With a player like Ronaldo in your team you could basically dribble the length of the pitch and score every single time he got the ball. It made for loads of really pointless one-sided games and was an incredibly gay and irritating tactic.

Dribbling is much improved this time round.
You have got to be fecking kidding. It was the single biggest flaw in the game. With a player like Ronaldo in your team you could basically dribble the length of the pitch and score every single time he got the ball. It made it almost completely pointless to play.

Dribbling is much improved this time round.

I agree with this.
Dribble merchants who abused the system in 08 and in 09 have realised they have to play a more passing game this time around
On the contrary, PES 2009 dribbling was fair and at least realistic. You could dribble past a couple and slot in a goal Giggsy vs Arsenal style.

In PES 2010 the players make right angle turns, they cant even touch the ball from right foot to left foot as a quick dribble past - a move thats been in the game for eons.

This lack of balance by Konami in PES if frustrating. They either go all out shit, then amazing, then shit again. I mean why change the dribbling? Im talking basic dribbling that even I could do on a pitch the players cant!

Such a frustrating let down, especially for players like me whos game is based on dribbling in the PES series.

-- Close control is non-existant. No, honestly.

-- Did you used to do the shot feint? Square followed by X and a direction to leave the keeper / defender on the floor? Well, thats out.

-- Only "some players" can perform the roulette? Are you joking? My mum can do that, let alone a professional footballer.

-- The frustrating delay from the demo is almost fully removed, but not fully. Time and time again I change direction or pass for naught to happen or for it to happen a few seconds after running straight - not in a typical PES idiotic style - but proper delay.

-- R2 shoulder challenges, where'd they go? Drogba got pushed off the ball by the tiniest winger from the chilian national team. I dont understand the new physics of the game ..

Others who've never liked to dribble in PES wouldnt notice a difference. I unfortunately do, and am left utterly frustrated with this, as its almost getting me fed up with the game at this point.

Whats the point in dribbling round everyone? wheres the fun in that. Its not realistic.

Have been playing it for a few days and have noticed that I can dribble with certain players. eg. Messi. Whereas if i try to dribble with a worser player, its hit and miss. He may beat one or two then a heavy touch will take it out of play.

This one seems to be more driven by passing than ever before. Personally i think its as good as its ever been.
Dribbling's fine. You can beat people with a burst of pace or sidestep, or you can beat them with stepovers or a Zidane turn thingy if you time it right and arn't using a crap player. It gets a bit silly on the edge of the box, where you can't even control the ball before you're muscled off it, but I guess that isn't too far removed from what tends to happen in real life.
Why doesn't anybody comment on the fake short pass (2 x X button) or how easy and natural it is to do a i.e. Cruyff turn? No, we all just post complete shit about how sluggish the dribbling is.
Well, maybe you just need more practise.

Btw, on Xbox use the joystick and not the direction pad....

Im on the PS3, I use the analog stick not the d-pad, i always have done.

In terms of practice, tell that to someone whos just new to the game, ive been playin it since the get go and can confidently whip any of yow asses on the caf (Yeh, i did just say that, bitches :lol: .)

Ill need a whole lot more practice on this one to get any good at all, and thats saying something on its own there!

You have got to be fecking kidding. It was the single biggest flaw in the game. With a player like Ronaldo in your team you could basically dribble the length of the pitch and score every single time he got the ball. It made for loads of really pointless one-sided games and was an incredibly gay and irritating way to play the game.

Dribbling is much improved this time round.

Pogue fair enough, but to go from one extreme to the other? I mean, a Ronaldo on your team with the decent body balance he has makes him very difficult player to stop. Now its gone to the other extreme, where it doesnt matter who you choose, you just cant dribble past players as easily. I take that back, its become DIFFICULT to dribble past players.

Fair enough, with the Ferdinands, Puyols and Terry's of the game, that would be ok. But against the shittest of the shit teams and yet still that difficulty? I would think thats gone the other end of the spectrum now.
I agree with this.
Dribble merchants who abused the system in 08 and in 09 have realised they have to play a more passing game this time around

I wouldnt call myself a dribble merchant as such, but i must say it was definitely a strength. Passing is fine and im not debating that, but those odd runs when you wanna take a few players on look like they're out of this game.

Whats the point in dribbling round everyone? wheres the fun in that. Its not realistic.

Have been playing it for a few days and have noticed that I can dribble with certain players. eg. Messi. Whereas if i try to dribble with a worser player, its hit and miss. He may beat one or two then a heavy touch will take it out of play.

This one seems to be more driven by passing than ever before. Personally i think its as good as its ever been.

I agree, its not fun to dribble round everyone cuz that just aint right. But so is a game based solely on passing. Yeh its realistic, and yeh its fun to see that amazing play, but end of the day this is a game and a bit of oomph from a mazy run now and again would add to it me thinks.
Pogue fair enough, but to go from one extreme to the other? I mean, a Ronaldo on your team with the decent body balance he has makes him very difficult player to stop. Now its gone to the other extreme, where it doesnt matter who you choose, you just cant dribble past players as easily. I take that back, its become DIFFICULT to dribble past players.

Fair enough, with the Ferdinands, Puyols and Terry's of the game, that would be ok. But against the shittest of the shit teams and yet still that difficulty? I would think thats gone the other end of the spectrum now.

Tis as it should be IMO. I reckon they've got the balance bang on.
Right, this is the problem I had. Firstly, make sure the file saved on your USB is the one named PS3...and not the rar folder with that inside it. The PS3 one needs to be the primary folder for the PS3 to recognize. Then, go to 'Saved Data Utility' or whatever that things called, in the 'game' section on your desktop, click on it,, and then click on the USB, which should be the first thing wont be able to click triangle and view, just click on it with X and all the files should be visible. You then have to copy each one individually....Geddit?...Also, don't copy the file in there called Saved data utility, or that will override your existing one I think...just the kits and the edit data

Ok cheers I think I managed to figuer most of that out but when I get to the USB bit in saved data utility is says data corrupted.

I've tried several different files and tried removing my usb stick properly from the laptop. Perhaps it's the usb stick?
Last year I picked up fifa 09 instead of pro evo due to pro evo dropping below par (up until this point I had bought pro evo for 7 years running over fifa). This year, thanks mainly to this thread and many people saying that pro evo was back on track, I picked up pro evo 2010. First impressions were that it was again a below par game, why? because it lacks true 360 degree movement (I had got used to the Fifa movement and this just didn't look right) but after sticking with it and playing a few matches on it, this nearly takes me back to the pro evo that I grew to love on the PS2. I've got used to the movement again and again pro evo has delivered great free flowing gameplay. The individual aspects of players come straight through even the younger ones (e.g the da silva brothers). The graphics are top notch too. I can safely say that this will be in my disc tray for the majority of the time.

I can though understand why people who are used to Fifa will find it very hard to like this game but for me I won't get the same gratification of playing Fifa that I do when I'm playing pro evo, something about Fifa just doesn't sit right with me, I'm sure other pro evo players feel the same way.

If Konami continue at this rate of progress then pro evo 2011 might truly be a special game but until then this will keep me occupied for hours on end. Welcome back old friend:D:D