Dribbling has always been shite on PES, the only thing that will get you past your opposition player is run sideways and then use pace to go in to right angle and back facing the opposition goal. It's a bit shit.
On the contrary, PES 2009 dribbling was fair and at least realistic. You could dribble past a couple and slot in a goal Giggsy vs Arsenal style.
In PES 2010 the players make right angle turns, they cant even touch the ball from right foot to left foot as a quick dribble past - a move thats been in the game for eons.
This lack of balance by Konami in PES if frustrating. They either go all out shit, then amazing, then shit again. I mean why change the dribbling? Im talking basic dribbling that even I could do on a pitch the players cant!
Such a frustrating let down, especially for players like me whos game is based on dribbling in the PES series.
-- Close control is non-existant. No, honestly.
-- Did you used to do the shot feint? Square followed by X and a direction to leave the keeper / defender on the floor? Well, thats out.
-- Only "some players" can perform the roulette? Are you joking? My mum can do that, let alone a professional footballer.
-- The frustrating delay from the demo is almost fully removed, but not fully. Time and time again I change direction or pass for naught to happen or for it to happen a few seconds after running straight - not in a typical PES idiotic style - but proper delay.
-- R2 shoulder challenges, where'd they go? Drogba got pushed off the ball by the tiniest winger from the chilian national team. I dont understand the new physics of the game ..
Others who've never liked to dribble in PES wouldnt notice a difference. I unfortunately do, and am left utterly frustrated with this, as its almost getting me fed up with the game at this point.