Pes 2010

GE mate I agree 100% with your assessment/review. I to am disappointed with both games but FIFA definately ticks more boxes this year.

The implementation of the champions league into the master league is excellent though.

On a plus note for PES, this is a massive improvement over the two previous installements however, konami need to really up there game next year to truly compete with EA.

Go back to basics ffs and give us what we want, a next gen version of pes 5!!!
Have both games, told myself this is the year I'm not letting Seabass and the other hentai-watching cnuts in the PES-team rob me of my money with a rubbish excuse with the name PES on it... but couldn't resist, as ultimately this is the game I grew up with and love... however, FIFA is simply a better game again this year and I would agree with GE's assessments... and add another one major gripe: this game still has those PES 2009 moments, where you try to play a pass to someone in front of you and it goes the opposite way or anywhere other than the direction you've directed it to. At times it fecks you up but even during the times that it turns out 'well' and you find that you've suddenly played a brilliant through pass you've never intended, you feel like: ''nice goal, but I didn't do that' the computer did.''
You're not enough in control, and I never had that feeling in pes 6 or earlier.
i might pick up a copy today when i am out
I'm really struggling with this...I always buy PES, but I don't have enough money for 2 games and I think, since I've already got FIFA, Uncharted 2 seems a more worthwhile acquisition....Goddammit!
Wow, what a game. Stunning. The more you play, the better it gets. It just feels so real. The movement of the players, the tactics, just everything. I don't get all this nonsense about it being sluggish, arcade like, not been able to driblle, etc. It all just aint true. Far from.
It's once again too easy - at least on the PC.

Against the computer?

Have you got it on the hardest setting?

I've only played the computer on normal and I'm absolutely whupping it every time. I can't be arse ramping up the difficulty though because it provides a much-needed morale boost after I get repeatedly owned by random French blokes online.
Created a Redcafe Community so if anyone wants to be added leave your name thingy and I'll add you. If not I'll play by myself :)
Created a Redcafe Community so if anyone wants to be added leave your name thingy and I'll add you. If not I'll play by myself :)

zub2008 is my psn ID is that what you mean.

If anyone would like to add me that be great give some of you guys a game.
Wow, what a game. Stunning. The more you play, the better it gets. It just feels so real. The movement of the players, the tactics, just everything.

:lol:...I generally ignore everything you say in both this and the FIFA thread...but even for you this is quality. ...Shameless


feck it, I'm going to buy it now
Ah, figured it out. So if you go into online mode, then click community and then join community. Search for Redcafe and the password is Manucho. Add yourselves in.

We can set up competitions etc.
got it there, will download the option file tonight it seems as if people are liking it i hope that i enjoy it too, i always want konami to have a good year since the good old days of pes5
Have people played online games with each other over here yet? How's the lag?
Well i'm loving it, it's as good as ever as far as i'm concerned. I've not payed for any football game for the last 5 years, i'm more than happy with this. Playing brazil on hard is a real test unless you adjust your tactics accordingly.
I played some English lad last night and he was Brazil. He had 23 shots and 16 on target.

I had 4 shots with 2 on target and somehow managed to win 1-0. He was using a headset and I could hear him shouting and swearing :lol:

So for those on PS3, go to online mode. Click community and search for Redcafe. Password is manucho.
I played some English lad last night and he was Brazil. He had 23 shots and 16 on target.

I had 4 shots with 2 on target and somehow managed to win 1-0. He was using a headset and I could hear him shouting and swearing :lol:

So for those on PS3, go to online mode. Click community and search for Redcafe. Password is manucho.
All i've managed to beat them with is 1-0, when i get back home later in the week i'll start playing online. Although i know i'll get hammered.
Well i have played a couple of games against the computer. Played a bit of training and multiplayer games offline and online.

I feel the game has got the balance of acrade and simulation spot on. I love the fact that scoring the first goal is sooo crucial as if you get that first goal, you can control the game with the ball and make the opponents come out and play.

The sliders make a real impact on the games. You can try and play a real attacking game butleave too many gaps and can get caught out at the back. My first game was 5-4 against Lierpool. Torres banged in 5, the next game i had my team was no way as attacking as the previous game and i won 2-0.

Online is fun however, i can only recommend playing people with either green or yellow connections as the rest seem to be too laggy which is a problem.

A patch needs to be released so all the transfers acn be updated and maybe a patch to sort out the lag issue with people with bad connections.

In all PES is Back.

Will join Redcafe Community when i get home from work.
i am impressed, downloading option file now too its a decent game massive improvement on previous years imo
awful goalkeepers

Are we talking about the same game here????????????
The keepers are excellent, certainly 1,000x better than on FIFA.

I cannot believe some of the crap written in here about PES2010.
There is criticsim about things, yet the opposite is true.

It must be the case that everybody who has actually played the game a decent time haven't yet posted in here and are too busy playing it because it is so good. And the people slagging it off are doing so because they haven't actually played it.
if they took the dribbling and movement from fifa and put it in this game it would be heaven
The thing I love the most about this years edition is the player cards - it makes each player unique and identical with his real life counterpart.
After adding the player cards myself, of course - Konami are as clueless as ever when it comes to defining stats and the likes.
The thing I love the most about this years edition is the player cards - it makes each player unique and identical with his real life counterpart.
After adding the player cards myself, of course - Konami are as clueless as ever when it comes to defining stats and the likes.

They copied Fifa in that aspect :smirk:
if they took the dribbling and movement from fifa and put it in this game it would be heaven

If they bring the player models of this game to Fifa's. Fifa would be Heaven, obviously the latter is a bit easier to do. So, in the next series i tip FIFA to take another leap.
For me the players on FIFA all seem pretty much the same, albeit different types, I've never really been able to see the real players in their digital image on FIFA - that's always been one of PES' strengths.

Seeing Evra maze his way down the left, before crossing it for Giggs, who backheel-volley-flicks it on to Valencia who blasts it behind the goalie, is pretty sweet.
It's funny though, both games are now out and pretty much everybody has remained entrenched in their position, PES Fans prefer PES and FIFA fans FIFA...

I know four people who have turned over to Fifa but am sticking with PES. Everyone has thier own opinion. One thing that annoys me is that the transfers are not done yet.
PES graphics this year are unbelievably good! Which is strange as up until 3 years ago FIFA was miles ahead in that department but miles behind in gameplay!
Roles have truly been reversed now though I feel. Animations and way players move, take kicks, control the ball, try to get a touch on the ball etc are horrible in the new PES and all the more better in FIFA..

gameplay wise FIFA miles ahead and more realistic than PES for me, graphics wise, PES however is sublime!

FIFA it is for me this year again... If only Konami could have matched the gameplay they had 3-4 years ago...
I took it back to Game earlier on today & got a refund. Frustrating just isn't the word that could cover the game.

The passing is far too rigid, the players look like they're running at 100mph but only going 10mph. The AI of the players are dumb meaning you have to tinker with them on the tactics to actually do something which should be a natural instinct to a footballer. The keepers though are just abysmal, i was defending a free kick & the ball hit the upright & came back to my keeper, instead of picking it up he just watched it & my defender automatically slid in and whacked it in the net for an OG.

Turned it off there & took it back. Konami should really go back to the board for the next game, get a new engine built & watch how football is played, cos at times PES its a country mile away from the game.
The graphics are unbelievably good....the cut scene graphics that is. And the general look of the game in, what I would call, screen shot mode. The pitch, the crowd, the goals, exceptional. Once the players start moving however, it's atrocious. It's incredibly robotic and they all run like they've got a pencil up their arse....this better get better
Have to say I like it. It is too rigid, and the players react FAR too slowly to anything, but it does feel like PES again, and it's annoyingly addictive

The thing I love the most about this years edition is the player cards - it makes each player unique and identical with his real life counterpart.
After adding the player cards myself, of course - Konami are as clueless as ever when it comes to defining stats and the likes.

Player cards?
Have to say I like it. It is too rigid, and the players react FAR too slowly to anything,

but isn't that exactly....and I mean, exactly!, what we all said about FIFA during Pro's heyday? Responsiveness was one of PES USPs

The AI is terrible so far too....I was just tearing through the middle with Rooney, Nani to my left, waited for him to make a run before i played the through ball and he just stopped!.....The defenders seem to make no effort to challenge me when the ball comes in low across the box either...still, it looks amazing.

I'm still in FIFA mode with regards to how I'm playing it, so it'll take a while for me to get back into the PES mentality and give this a fair rating