Paulo Dybala

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I'd be surprised if we went for him, particularly after picking up Eriksen.

He would essentially fill the role that Bruno, Eriksen and VdB all play. I thought we were looking to streamline/avoid over-stacking positions a la Woodward era.
Do not want this deal to happen at all. It would be a knee-jerk Ronaldo replacement and I'm far from convinced he'd work as a CF/false 9 in the PL. Not to mention huge wages and 3-4 year deal.
I'd be surprised if we went for him, particularly after picking up Eriksen.

He would essentially fill the role that Bruno, Eriksen and VdB all play. I thought we were looking to streamline/avoid over-stacking positions a la Woodward era.
ETH has been playing with 2 attacking midfielders for a while now, even though his lineups are often printed as 4-2-3-1.

Its more of 3-1-5-1, at least in his last Ajax season.

Gravenberch was often pushed forward in a more attacking role.
ETH has been playing with 2 attacking midfielders for a while now, even though his lineups are often printed as 4-2-3-1.

Its more of 3-1-5-1, at least in his last Ajax season.

Gravenberch was often pushed forward in a more attacking role.

I could see that being more the case if we had the wingbacks for that sort of formation. The fact we're not being linked with any RWB makes me think this isn't the way we're planning on going. It would also be hard to see how Sancho and Rashford are shoehorned into this setup, especially with the inclusions of FdJ, Bruno & Dybala - let alone Eriksen.
Not sure if he scored any free kicks but Dybala tallied in with 9 non penalty goals in Serie A last season.

I don't want Toney either I should add.
Well yeah, I’m not sold on Dybala either. I don’t think he or Toney would be a success. But we know he has a 15-20 goal top-level season in him - Toney has not proved this at all, despite peoples’ strange desires for him to join us.
He's not injury-prone. He did his MCL in 20/21 and has struggled a little to get back to full fitness since.

In his 7 years at Juventus, he played about 300 games.
In the last two years he has missed nearly 40 games
Not a fan and hoping the talk is hot air. He wasn't good enough at Juventus and he won't be good enough in the PL.

Also still remember him burning us a few summers ago and now no one really wants him, not even in Italy. Funny how that works...
He played 39 games for Juve last season..scoring 15 goals and 6 assists...clearly a "past it player"....of course it´s a no brainer to pick him up on a free and we need another striker plus him
Seven penalties in there though
Going into the summer - areas of squad most in need of improvement - RB, CB, CDM, ST.

Utd this summer - Focus on box-to-box midfielders, more 10s, a LB and a CB who may also be a LB. And a backup GK.
Henderson is on loan so he needs replacing.
Frenkie being a CM who can carry is a big need in our squad.
Martinez is signed to be a CB.
Eriksen is a free.
Malacia has huge potential at LB and may well displace Shaw. This was a bigger problem than RB for us last season.

Honestly I really dont get why people are complaining.
Henderson is on loan so he needs replacing.
Frenkie being a CM who can carry is a big need in our squad.
Martinez is signed to be a CB.
Eriksen is a free.
Malacia has huge potential at LB and may well displace Shaw. This was a bigger problem than RB for us last season.

Honestly I really dont get why people are complaining.

Absolutely nothing to suggest that either Martinez or de Jong are close to joining right now, and decent chance we'll go on tour with just one new signing through the door.

FdJ would be a class signing but doesn't plug the defensive gap, if Ronaldo goes we are seriously lacking goals, and RB is a massive concern. Far more likely Shaw will rediscover form than 2 players who simply aren't good enough at their best to offer what we need down the right. We also don't have a natural right-winger in the side.

Martinez would be a good signing, and could well plug the CDM hole in fairness, and the signings you mentioned are all good - it's just whether it's enough to compete with our rivals who are currently better placed in the window than us (bar Chelsea for obvious reasons, but they're already far ahead of us).
Absolutely nothing to suggest that either Martinez or de Jong are close to joining right now, and decent chance we'll go on tour with just one new signing through the door.

FdJ would be a class signing but doesn't plug the defensive gap, if Ronaldo goes we are seriously lacking goals, and RB is a massive concern. Far more likely Shaw will rediscover form than 2 players who simply aren't good enough at their best to offer what we need down the right. We also don't have a natural right-winger in the side.

Martinez would be a good signing, and could well plug the CDM hole in fairness, and the signings you mentioned are all good - it's just whether it's enough to compete with our rivals who are currently better placed in the window than us (bar Chelsea for obvious reasons, but they're already far ahead of us).
Im just going by your own list. We may start the tour with just Malacia and Eriksen but its evident that Martinez will be closed in the shorter term. Frenkie God knows when itl be done but it certainly looks inevitable.

Regarding Ronaldo, he can go, I dont think we struggle for goals with ETH coaching Bruno, Eriksen, Sancho, Rashford and even Martial. When free flowing weve seen what Martial and Rashford are capable of. I think Ten Hag is the difference maker for our squad, not Ronaldo.
Im just going by your own list. We may start the tour with just Malacia and Eriksen but its evident that Martinez will be closed in the shorter term. Frenkie God knows when itl be done but it certainly looks inevitable.

Regarding Ronaldo, he can go, I dont think we struggle for goals with ETH coaching Bruno, Eriksen, Sancho, Rashford and even Martial. When free flowing weve seen what Martial and Rashford are capable of. I think Ten Hag is the difference maker for our squad, not Ronaldo.

ETH will definitely make a big difference, it's more of a case of how long the bedding-in period takes. Without significant squad improvement, the knives will be out for him - guaranteed.

But I hope you're right, because now I'm seeing more similarities with some of our worst summers under Woodward than I am this new dawn period. And what's even more evident is how we're currently being outspent by clubs who finished around us. Villa, Arsenal Spurs are all improving massively, Newcastle will presumably follow. No need to mention the likes of Liverpool, City - even Chelsea - we're not in the same conversation. As of now - and this can all change - but we are massively underprepared.
This guys a fantastic player. I don't know if he could translate his ability to English football but he's a great passing and dribbling attacking player.

Passes completed 99%
Goals 75%
Assists 84%
Key passes 93%
Progressive passes 98%
Progressive carries 93%
Passes received 99%
Dribbles completed 88%

I know this is in the Serie A but these are impressive stats either way, and the are perfect attributes for a possession team.
I think he'd be perfect for Ten Hag.
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Who has come from the Italian league in their late 20s and done the business in the premier league? Remember, Lu-donk-u looked like a world beater in Serie A. I don't think we should be stockpiling players, or picking up players just for a get-out-of-jail moment. If Dybala fits into ETH's plans and can help this team get higher up the table - and - he's not going to suck up the funds for a player we desperately need, then get him.
Henderson is on loan so he needs replacing.
Frenkie being a CM who can carry is a big need in our squad.
Martinez is signed to be a CB.
Eriksen is a free.
Malacia has huge potential at LB and may well displace Shaw. This was a bigger problem than RB for us last season.

Honestly I really dont get why people are complaining.

None of these are solving the defensive midfield gap. As it stands, we're going to enter next season depending on Scott and Fred to shield the defense just like last season.

FDJ and Eriksen are good signings, but instead of chasing useless player like Dybala, we should try to sign a defensive midfielder.

Instead we're chasing more and more attacking targets. Feels ridiculous.
None of these are solving the defensive midfield gap. As it stands, we're going to enter next season depending on Scott and Fred to shield the defense just like last season.

FDJ and Eriksen are good signings, but instead of chasing useless player like Dybala, we should try to sign a defensive midfielder.

Instead we're chasing more and more attacking targets. Feels ridiculous.

FDJ plays deep so it'll be one of Fred and McT alongside him. I agree we need an upgrade on those two, but if we get De Jong, they won’t be playing much together.
Not a fan and hoping the talk is hot air. He wasn't good enough at Juventus and he won't be good enough in the PL.

Also still remember him burning us a few summers ago and now no one really wants him, not even in Italy. Funny how that works...

Doesn't look like we are getting de jong so Dybala would be a nice consolation prize.
I mean, he’s clearly the most qualified football person on hand, but saying that, I think we are all aware that United have several people involved in this. The DoF Murtough, the head of recruitment, Brown, and the Coach Ten Hag. So assuming the reality of the structure, if Ten Hag wants him, and Murtough and Brown agree and a deal is pursued, with all three of our football decision makers agreeing he is a good signing for Ten Hag’s vision, are you suggesting that you know more than they do? I mean, evidently you are. So should we devolve power to armchair fans on the internet? Because I am sure that will work great.

So back to my previous point. If the coach really wants him, and the DoF agrees, I am all for it. All transfers are a risk, and none of us know exactly what Ten Hag has planned in terms of his line up. As a club, our best chance of success is to support the judgement of the highly rated coach we’ve brought in and back him. The alternative is to undermine him.

If he was pursuing a 30 year old, for a substantial fee, on massive wages, you could make the argument that this could be financially imprudent. But, and again there are always caveats, assuming the club bring in Dybala - on a free - because the coach really wants him, on reasonable wages, on a 3+1 deal and heavily incentivised - I don’t see it as being a particularly risky transfer. In fact one with plenty of upside.

There are IFS, but there are also tons of assumptions in the counter argument too.

Well given our transfer strategy has been to chase Ajax and Eeredevise players, I think it's safe to say our scouting department is crap. ETH, Murtough etc are unknown qualities when it comes to recruitment.

We'll see how that plays in the upcoming season but my personal opinion is that Dyabala isn't very good. But I don't expect much from United these days so sign him up.
That move does not make much sense. I wonder why not more clubs went for Jovic, including us
Thats a lot of years in Italy, anyone know if he speaks english ?
In a market dry of strikers, if he cannot get a deal as a free agent, it makes me doubt everything he offers.
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