SteveJs bum aside, I dont get why people are against us signing Pogba though.
The excuses I've seen in here is:
- Too expensive
- He is not good enough
- We're better off spending the cash on multiple others
- Afraid that it'll mess up our economy
- Not what we need
- Embarassing to buy him back
Did that cover it?
Anyways, I'm gonna give you the correct answer to this entire thread (sorry):
Pogba is worth as much as the exact amount that we're willing to pay for him. Let's be honest; No one in this entire world is worth any of the fees that are going around in football. If we ignore the previous statement, let us take a look at what determines a players worth:
- The importance of the player for his current team
- The happyness of the player at his current team
- The lenght of contract at his current team
- The demand of the buying club
- The economic boundaries that the selling club is operating within
- The economic boundaries that the buying club is operating within
- The potential RoI of the player
- The ability of the player
- The marketability of the player
- The market / levels of value of players in the current market
I'd argue (some would say a somewhat controversial statement) that the value of others as well as the ability of the player is more or less irrelevant when it comes to the actual value of the completed transfer.
This is one of the reasons why the likes of Troy Deeny is touted for insane amounts of money (in the general publics view), as the perceived demand of the buying club is so high for a player of Troy Deenys profile. We can agree or disagree with the people in charge of these decisions and to claim that they are crazy to require someone with his profile enough to bid these high sums. Yet, Raniere (or someone at the club) has identified the players as someone that the club needs, and they've valued this need and profile at the level of which they've submitted a bit.
I could go on and on about this, but I'm starting to get sick of reading / writing this post already.
The point is; Manchester United values the need of a player with the exact attributes of Paul Pogba to (lets say) £100m. This is either because they appriciate his talent, they need to fill a demand for a player of his profile at the club, or we possess the economic muscle to accept that Juventus values him at £100m and to concede to paying what they want. Because if the perceived need is big enough, we cast aside our own valuation and accept a different valuation to fulfill our need.
This is why I find it ridiculous that posters come up with the numeric excuses for not wanting him, as I posted above. The club values
this player to a certain degree, not 2-3 others who does not fit the profile. They have the economy to back up the valuation set by the selling club, and the people in charge has indentified the need.
I'm just happy that we're looking like we're signing one of the best midfielders in the world, according to his fellow professional peers.