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Do you want Pogba for £100 million?

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I was hoping for more concrete news after seeing the thread jump 3 pages haha.

Can't deny the chef's sauces are good though. Pogba and Ibra themselves.
Progba to be the new Goggs.

The Chinman will be a caf legend if this goes through. PogON!

Madrid are very fickle in that they always try to buy the stars of international tournaments (James and Kroos). This was exactly why I was hoping for Pogba to have a mediocre tournament, in hope that Madrid would drop their attention. Saying that, I reckon they'd have dropped interest regardless, considering how much United are willing to spend on Pogba.
Madrid tries so hard to save face. They wanted the player and were priced out. It's hilarious to me it's finally happened, but Madrid not getting their player.

De Gea last year

Pogba this year

Neymar before
So you're not actually expecting this to be finalised that soon?

He's on vacation in the US currently. That'll probably last 3-4 more days at the least and then he'd return to Europe to finalize the decision (we may be in China if he stays in the US longer) and that may elongate the process too. I don't know anything, but the press (even if they know it's true) will keep changing the story to sell more papers.
While there still isn't certainty that Pogba will even leave Juventus, it's funny how Madrid get out muscled financially and then come out with the - we didn't want him anyway, shite! :lol:
Mourinho all the way. It will be glorious. The media are clueless as usual, so expect that this will go up and down a bit more.
Thanks mate. Appreciate you putting yourself on the line a little, per se :D if you're that sure of it, who am I to question?
So you're not actually expecting this to be finalised that soon?

Its going to take some more time, but its new times with Mourinho, it might not drag out to long.

Thanks mate. Appreciate you putting yourself on the line a little, per se :D if you're that sure of it, who am I to question?

I am very confident. Some plans that involve us and Pogba are in progress and for me, that makes me even more confident than before.
Can't see them 'reports' being true. Wasn't Fabregas one of the troublemakers at Chelsea last season?

Fabregas is a trouble maker, he is about as wanted as a John Terry at a players wives re-union party. United signing him would be like polishing a turd. I sincerely think Mourinho would rather put a bid in for the craptastic Joe Allen.

If however Pogba comes back to United he will be received like the prodigal son.
Anyone think this could already be done?, i'm only asking that because i know if it was me, i probably wouldn't be able to enjoy my holiday while me future is not sorted.