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Paul Pogba France flag

2020-21 Performances

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6.0 Season Average Rating
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So we're now mad at Pogba for having too much respect to just be satisfied with picking up a paycheque whilst benched? It's a negative that his international manager believes that he will want to prove himself and get regular starts?
Beat me to it! :lol:

I think Jose was right about this guy. His lack of commitment is contagious and has a negative impact on the club.
Couldn't agree with you more.
Behaviour is infectious, good or bad. We only need to look at the impact Bruno's arrival had on others to see that.
We should replace Pogba with another warrior like Bruno. The new addition probably won't have the technical ability Pogba undoubtedly possesses but if they have more commitment, energy, hunger and determination, their overall impact will be greater.
And at the moment, there's definitely a need for more positive role models in the squad.
Pogba has been a huge disappointment, however he is clearly not fit. I think the covid has been a bigger impact then people realize. Also he is still after years and years not used in his right position. He just cant play as a defensive midfielder. Why are we always back to in this discussion? Yeah it worked with Kante and yeah in theory it should work and blah blah blah. But the evidence is that it doesnt work. Why is he pushed left covering Bellerin? Why is he trying to hold the midfield with 1 defensive midfielder? And on and on. Any player thats not in his correct position is set up to fail. Matic fails in when he is asked to hold the midfield on his own. McTominay fails when he is pushed too far right. Bruno fails when he is not given the freedom of a 10 and is asked to push right in a diamond or cover deeper. Its how it works.
At some stage in the season Pogba will be fit and will get games that actually suits him and the threads will again be all about him being the best player and we should keep him. Round and round we go.
Pogba has been a huge disappointment, however he is clearly not fit. I think the covid has been a bigger impact then people realize. Also he is still after years and years not used in his right position. He just cant play as a defensive midfielder. Why are we always back to in this discussion? Yeah it worked with Kante and yeah in theory it should work and blah blah blah. But the evidence is that it doesnt work. Why is he pushed left covering Bellerin? Why is he trying to hold the midfield with 1 defensive midfielder? And on and on. Any player thats not in his correct position is set up to fail. Matic fails in when he is asked to hold the midfield on his own. McTominay fails when he is pushed too far right. Bruno fails when he is not given the freedom of a 10 and is asked to push right in a diamond or cover deeper. Its how it works.
At some stage in the season Pogba will be fit and will get games that actually suits him and the threads will again be all about him being the best player and we should keep him. Round and round we go.

It's not his ability. It's his attitude. He doesnt want to play with us and there's no saving from that.
What is the longest we have gone without Pogba in the headlines? So boring.

And I appreciate it is not always because of him. Anyway his future lies elsewhere, Bruno is the much better player and I suspect now that van de Beek was a replacement signing given a season to adapt.
Ole needs to tell him off to stop being the clever player and keep touches to minimum and keep it going simple a nice and easy. Once that accomplished then can try those unnecessary body shielding contact seeking by taking 250 touches. I'm so tired
Thing is, he did exactly this last season when he returned from injury. Kept it quick and simple and lo and behold he looked brilliant. No idea why he's gone back to dallying on the ball.
So we're now mad at Pogba for having too much respect to just be satisfied with picking up a paycheque whilst benched? It's a negative that his international manager believes that he will want to prove himself and get regular starts?

Considering the media briefings he made during the last international break, I think this is as good a time as any for there to be no news on the issue. At this point he doesn't deserve to start over others.

I'm surprised Deschamps is highlighting him playing out of position - I mean, he's only played LW for one game, all the rest of the games have been in what he claims is his best position.
I feel like Pogba is the player equivalent to Ole in the sense that he can be terrible for large periods, play well in one game and then his fan boys emerge with the “I’ve been right all along about him!”

He had a promising first season, an inconsistent second season, a very good half-3rd season under Ole, a poor 4th season & a so far poor 5th season. In 5 seasons at the club he’s only looked like justifying his price tag for half a season in 18-19. About 4 months of truly elite form in 5 years is nowhere near enough to be classed as a world class player.

If you’re a world class player you shouldn’t need the entire team to be built around you to “get the best out of him” as we hand constantly heard for years. “He needs to play on the left of a 3” well he has played that role ineffectively for us many times.

People make excuses for the guy but lets just call it like it is, he has far more bad games than good games. You can’t say that for any other world class player, so is he really world class?
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So we're now mad at Pogba for having too much respect to just be satisfied with picking up a paycheque whilst benched? It's a negative that his international manager believes that he will want to prove himself and get regular starts?
His covid stricken period seems to be open season for everyone, so we'll be mad at him for anything.

Truth is he ended last season strong, there was talk of a new contract, but unfortunately he contracted the virus which hit him hard, and has been well below his normal level since. In fact it's a shock to me that he started the first few games of the season, since he had no preseason.

I'm sure eventually during the season he'll recover and get back to his normal level or close, but till then a lot of people will be mad at him for not being at his normal level, regardless of the context.
I think the covid has been a bigger impact then people realize.

I struggle to believe that. I had it in March and I was incapacitated for 6 days and then recovered. In all I was out of exercise action for two weeks, and that was while working from my bed so not properly resting. I know it affects everyone differently, but Pogba is (or should be) a hell of a lot fitter than me.

How often to players have two week injury layoffs? They then don't write the season off as they can't catch up their fitness. Even Rooney would have been fit again by now.
If you ever played FM, you'll get this sort of players now and then. Good technical and physical attributes. Poor mental attributes resulting in on and off performances like this. Amazing how the game captured things like this to the letter.
Pogba - FM hidden attribute Consistency = 1.
I struggle to believe that. I had it in March and I was incapacitated for 6 days and then recovered. In all I was out of exercise action for two weeks, and that was while working from my bed so not properly resting. I know it affects everyone differently, but Pogba is (or should be) a hell of a lot fitter than me.

How often to players have two week injury layoffs? They then don't write the season off as they can't catch up their fitness. Even Rooney would have been fit again by now.
Why do you assume what happens to you happens to everyone?

There have been numerous issues among sportsmen who were struggling to breathe after contracting Covid. Grigor Dimitrov is a tennis player who could barely hit a ball after recovering having bent over from being unable to breathe.

Paul Pogba's level has never been as low as it was when he came back initially. And recently he looks to be moving in a positive direction so right now people should just wait and see what happens next.
Say what you will, but Covid has definitely been a factor in his earlier performances.
He was good last season. Give him time to recover his fitness from Covid.

It took him way too long to recover. Ronaldo, for example, already scored 3 goals in just 2 or 3 games since his recovery from Covid around a week ago. It already took over several months for Pogba, who is still struggling to recover his fitness.
Beat me to it! :lol:

I think Jose was right about this guy. His lack of commitment is contagious and has a negative impact on the club.
This makes no sense whatsoever. He's been shit for sure but contagious is taking it a needless step further. Since you're so sure of it, who did he infect in particular then ?
His status in the game is at an all time low. He's not even consistent enough to displace Scott Mctominay.

No point having the amount of ability he has if he only puts it to proper use about 5 or 6 times a season. He should be battling likes of KDB n Thiago for the title of best midfielder in the league but instead he's nowhere near. And the reason isn't Ole or his team mates. It's all on him.

If he had the same levels of application and desire as he does natural ability he'd be worth £150m easily.
His status in the game is at an all time low. He's not even consistent enough to displace Scott Mctominay.

No point having the amount of ability he has if he only puts it to proper use about 5 or 6 times a season. He should be battling likes of KDB n Thiago for the title of best midfielder in the league but instead he's nowhere near. And the reason isn't Ole or his team mates. It's all on him.

If he had the same levels of application and desire as he does natural ability he'd be worth £150m easily.

Exactly, all the Pogba fans will keep saying he needs players around him to unlock him, since when does KDB need 2 holding players around him ? or players that free KDB? Thiago likewise, they are all footballers with high IQ, understand what is needed of them at different parts of the game.

If they need to take a risk, theyll take a risk, Pogba takes a risk regardless of the situation. Look at the penalties he has conceded, West Ham, Spurs, Arsenal, 2 of them very costly and not exactly goal saving tackles either, it was low football intelligence.
Couldn't agree with you more.
Behaviour is infectious, good or bad. We only need to look at the impact Bruno's arrival had on others to see that.
We should replace Pogba with another warrior like Bruno. The new addition probably won't have the technical ability Pogba undoubtedly possesses but if they have more commitment, energy, hunger and determination, their overall impact will be greater.
And at the moment, there's definitely a need for more positive role models in the squad.
Yep. He continues to creating a culture where players are too relaxed and not absolutely driven to win at any cost. Just looking for a big pay cheque and easy life.
This makes no sense whatsoever. He's been shit for sure but contagious is taking it a needless step further. Since you're so sure of it, who did he infect in particular then ?
Have you never worked in a team? Never experienced a company culture or an organisations culture having an impact on employees? It is exactly the same concept.
Exactly, all the Pogba fans will keep saying he needs players around him to unlock him, since when does KDB need 2 holding players around him ? or players that free KDB? Thiago likewise, they are all footballers with high IQ, understand what is needed of them at different parts of the game.

If they need to take a risk, theyll take a risk, Pogba takes a risk regardless of the situation. Look at the penalties he has conceded, West Ham, Spurs, Arsenal, 2 of them very costly and not exactly goal saving tackles either, it was low football intelligence.
Thats a great "one-liner" summary of why I don't want him anywhere close to midfield. Other teams have worked him out, just let him receive the ball and then press him. He has zero awareness of what's going on around, that's why he often can't get out of those situations.
He got his wish with Jose's departure, and I feel he has had enough time to shine since then to prove Mourinho wrong. It seems like he has contributed to more goals against United this season then he has provided. If you are doing some pony a$$ trick in the middle of the pitch and lose possession you better bust your a$$ to get back and defend. I feel when I watch Pogba he will chase for a bit then just give up, leave that to the defenders and DM's seems to be his thought process which is simply not good enough. The team should all contribute to defence, from front to back, no exceptions, and especially if you are the one that gave away possession. And this is discounting the penalties he has given away as well.

Im not too sure what the issue is, desire? Attitude? Physical? The fact I am still unsure what his best position is says a lot, is he a CM box to box type? an ACM? a regista? The only thing I can rule out with 100% certainty is DM.
Have you never worked in a team? Never experienced a company culture or an organisations culture having an impact on employees? It is exactly the same concept.
I've have worked for 15+ years in a team and I've seen all kinda lazy assholes and worse around me, it rarely impacted the most serious workers of us. Besides Pogba is loved and appreciated by his managers and his teammates despite what Mourinho said. I doubt they'd do that with a contagious virus.
Is he in terrible form for us ? Without a team but it stops at that, there have been enough shit games without him to see that our main problems are elsewhere.
Thats a great "one-liner" summary of why I don't want him anywhere close to midfield. Other teams have worked him out, just let him receive the ball and then press him. He has zero awareness of what's going on around, that's why he often can't get out of those situations.
I’ve always felt like his weaknesses are where he feels his strengths lie and it only exposes them further. Like he thinks a great midfielder can hold on to the ball no matter what and stride through the opposition team, except he holds on to it for too long, and often gets dispossessed where he shouldn’t.

While I don’t think his attitude is as toxic and damaging as some do, I don’t think he’s dedicated himself to improving as a footballer and maximising the obvious talent that he has. I think he’s always thought he’s already pretty much there. Leaving because Fergie wasn’t ready to start him may have been the first sign of that.

I don’t think he can lift a team. Ultimately, he’s too much of a passenger player.
I struggle to believe that. I had it in March and I was incapacitated for 6 days and then recovered. In all I was out of exercise action for two weeks, and that was while working from my bed so not properly resting. I know it affects everyone differently, but Pogba is (or should be) a hell of a lot fitter than me.

How often to players have two week injury layoffs? They then don't write the season off as they can't catch up their fitness. Even Rooney would have been fit again by now.
I'm quite young and relatively fit, but it knocked me out completely. I was really sick, had issues with breathing and was struggeling for a few months after. It can hit you hard.
Pogba has been a huge disappointment, however he is clearly not fit. I think the covid has been a bigger impact then people realize. Also he is still after years and years not used in his right position. He just cant play as a defensive midfielder. Why are we always back to in this discussion? Yeah it worked with Kante and yeah in theory it should work and blah blah blah. But the evidence is that it doesnt work. Why is he pushed left covering Bellerin? Why is he trying to hold the midfield with 1 defensive midfielder? And on and on. Any player thats not in his correct position is set up to fail. Matic fails in when he is asked to hold the midfield on his own. McTominay fails when he is pushed too far right. Bruno fails when he is not given the freedom of a 10 and is asked to push right in a diamond or cover deeper. Its how it works.
At some stage in the season Pogba will be fit and will get games that actually suits him and the threads will again be all about him being the best player and we should keep him. Round and round we go.
Not sure about that has anything to do with COVID. He seems pretty fit physically, but very sloppy and just not tidy enough. Maybe one is the result of the other, but for the money we paid the return has been pretty poor.
Good effort as a sub, less impact than should be expected from a key player. The debate about his attitude and commitment goes on. I'll leave my personal take on that elsewhere.
Started for France. Subbed off after 57 minutes, while losing two nil to Finland. A player with a point to prove. Sounds like that didn’t happen?
Or maybe rested because they have two competitive games in the next 5 days? Was anyone else subbed?
Started for France. Subbed off after 57 minutes, while losing two nil to Finland. A player with a point to prove. Sounds like that didn’t happen?

Also, didn't even try to block the shot from the edge of the 16 yard box that went in for Finns second.

He looked better then when he plays for us. French should have been a couple of goals up in the first half.

Still a couple of lazy moments, one of them cost them a goal.
Or maybe rested because they have two competitive games in the next 5 days? Was anyone else subbed?

Nzonzi and Sissoko played the full 90. Two goals down and the CM who is supposed to be the most likely to score/create of those three gets replaced by Kante. Now I didn’t watch the game but that doesn’t reflect well on him.
Nzonzi and Sissoko played the full 90. Two goals down and the CM who is supposed to be the most likely to score/create of those three gets replaced by Kante. Now I didn’t watch the game but that doesn’t reflect well on him.

Didnt watch the game ffs this guys a clown.
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