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2020-21 Performances

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6.0 Season Average Rating
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One of the best individual performances I’ve ever seen. Clean 10/10. Best player in the tournament so far. Sad to see him go out, was getting excited to see more of him at this level.

I am not saying overall he was excellent with some brilliant passes, but how can you give him 10/10 when went wandering out of possesion to clsoe down the ball he wasnt going to close down for the first goal, and lost the ball goign forward which led to another goal. He had a very good game....but he certainly wasnt faultless....but one of the best individual performances you have ever
The back line for France were shocking yet Pogba was highlighted and picked apart, which was unnecessary. Can only assume because he’s high profile playing at United, I wonder how other country’s broadcast analysed that French performance.
Also curious about what the coverage was like in France. @JPRouve
I need to ask, as the months go by, will I be able to use tonight’s game as a reference of a good performance, or will the counter argument succeed in getting it dragged into their case against?

I ask just as I asked when the curtain went down on last season. As time goes by, the narrative of the season will change more and more, until it is dragged into the ‘been poor for 5 years’ evidence pile, even though in real time, that isn’t what people were saying. I’ve seen that I haven’t even had to wait months for that tbh, took a week or so for last season to be filed as another ‘poor season with 5 good games’. Which is remarkable because even the same posters saying that were mot saying it at the time.
Will go down with his average World Cup performance and people quoting him having an average game against Hungary and costing his country the game against Switzerland
So nothing else happened during that match other than a lost ball in midfield? No, you’re blaming him because you want to, and you either don’t understand or are ignoring every other circumstance. Also, Rabiot world class :lol: He was as much to blame for Switzerland’s second goal according to your standards, and of course you’ve yet to acknowledge all the chances squandered that he created. Get a clue or try to be objective.

I’m talking about him at United. I’m sure people would pull themselves silly over a Pogba Kante Rabiot midfield seeing as our midfield is supposedly so poor according to pogbas fans all tournament. They just got walked all over by a very average team
But he did lose the ball. When all he had to do was pass it around. He gets praise if that move develops and France score of it, its not unreasonable he gets some stick if France concede from it. Thats what Paul is. He's a feast or famine player. Thats part of what makes you stand up watching him though so I love him for it. Doesn't mean we have to run from the fact that he himself would wish he had been a bit less eager in that moment.
What match were you watching he was surrounded before he received the ball and was tackled before he could even turn. Yes he lost the ball congrats on spotting that.
He is a world class forward but I think people see him as a midfielder, hence why he gets so much stick for 'needing defensive responsibility'. Whether you are CM, LM or AM, you need to have a defensive aspect to your game.

If he was a striker or wing forward, people wouldn't be harping on about his defending. No one cares that Ronaldo or Mbappe does not defend. But his numbers are no where near what is required for a world class striker or winger, soooo he can't really be considered there.

The moment you are played in midfield, you need to perfect both aspects of your game.

Getting tackled isn’t ‘bad defending’. If anything, it’s bad attacking!
Popba was outstanding! He’s always been immensely talented, sometimes wrong attitude, but pray we can keep him.
On the other hand both Varane and Pau Torres were more than a little lindelofesque.
He is a world class forward but I think people see him as a midfielder, hence why he gets so much stick for 'needing defensive responsibility'. Whether you are CM, LM or AM, you need to have a defensive aspect to your game.

If he was a striker or wing forward, people wouldn't be harping on about his defending. No one cares that Ronaldo or Mbappe does not defend. But his numbers are no where near what is required for a world class striker or winger, soooo he can't really be considered there.

The moment you are played in midfield, you need to perfect both aspects of your game.
Really, every midfield player for a big club needs to be perfect in both aspects of the game? Good lord.
I didn’t agree with him on that either. He was also the reason we steam rolled them in that game. But it’s always the flair players when it comes to English football.

No me neither. Just like I wouldn't blame Pogba tonight.

The poster said he couldn't remember a player giving it away in the opposition half and getting blamed for a goal. So I chucked up an example. Nani was near the corner flag. Even crazier.

I'd imagine behind closed doors players get battered for that all the time by angry managers.
Can't believe Pogba was getting criticism for that performance on ITV with Vieira, Keane and Neville. Zero mention of him winning the ball that lead to France's second goal. But of course, emphasis on him losing the ball at the half way line.
It's more that it was the costly third goal but agreed his positives outweighed his negatives for sure. He's a wonderful offensive player but he does lose possession in silly areas - I don't get why anyone is trying to make out he didn't play his part in the equaliser, his error started the move for their goal but he created enough for France to have killed that game off so it's harsh to judge him on that. Usually I think the caf dramatically overrates him but tonight he was great.
I’m talking about him at United. I’m sure people would pull themselves silly over a Pogba Kante Rabiot midfield seeing as our midfield is supposedly so poor according to pogbas fans all tournament. They just got walked all over by a very average team
For the love of God man wtf are you talking about?! They had over 20 attempts on goal and squandered countless chances. Walked all over?!
It’s so sad that the caf finds itself having this same argument even after THAT performance. In and of itself, it is all the evidence needed that we should all forget it. If a player can play that well, and ‘fanboys’ still need to make some sort of case for it, then realistically, it’s highly unlikely we will ever get a unanimously agreed good performance from Pogba. And that extends beyond the caf tbh. Even some of the media. If we can’t even agree to unanimously ‘give this one’ to Pogba, then forget it.
He’s amazing when he has time on the ball, which tends to be the case in international play. but when he plays for his club against organized and disciplined teams that have been trained to effectively press, he occasionally runs into trouble. He was fantastic today.
Imagine if it was a random Swiss player, or any player not named Pogba really, that put in that performance. What would the analysis be like after?

I reckon it would be a bit different.

Imagine if it was Bruno.

You have your answer. I mean some people really believe Bruno’s 10 minutes cameo yesterday would have been better than Pogba’s game today.
Really, every midfield player for a big club needs to be perfect in both aspects of the game? Good lord.

You don't think a midfielder at a big club needs to defend? Just leave it to the 4 blokes at the back to panic amongst themselves?

Regardless I think Pogba had a wonderful game today, but his criticism is not unwarranted because of the position he plays.
He’s amazing when he has time on the ball, which tends to be the case in international play. but when he plays for his club against organized and disciplined teams that have been trained to effectively press, he occasionally runs into trouble. He was fantastic today.

So what’s the excuse for players not playing better than him in this tournament like KDB etc? Do they do better when they have less time?
I don't really get people having a problem with him losing the ball. It happens, and where he lost it was so far away that there could have been recovery.

Although, I think there is a moment after where Xhaka has all the time in the world to make that pass.
Pogba losing the ball meant Kante got caught out and there's a massive gap there.
He has to try and limit Xhaka there, but he strolls back instead.

That's his weakness. For a midfielder, his work rate is poor.

Outside of that, he was marvelous today. Did all he could. Mbappe was the biggest letdown. D
You've answered your own question there.

Just so that we can all see exactly what we are talking about when discussing Pogba’s ‘mistake/error’ and all the other hyperbole I’ve read.

If it’s not too much, can people quote/include this video in their posts about how careless it was, so we can read it and see for ourselves in the same post?
It's more that it was the costly third goal but agreed his positives outweighed his negatives for sure. He's a wonderful offensive player but he does lose possession in silly areas - I don't get why anyone is trying to make out he didn't play his part in the equaliser, his error started the move for their goal but he created enough for France to have killed that game off so it's harsh to judge him on that. Usually I think the caf dramatically overrates him but tonight he was great.
He does lose possession in silly areas, no doubt about that. I just found it bizarre that Pogba losing possession was the talking point and not his goal or the countless chances he created for Mbappe. I get that France lost so the overall take was never going to be positive. But Mbappe and the defenders were dreadful, yet there was almost no mention of it.

Pundits like Neville and Keane are part of the reason why Pogba is so unfairly treated. There's plenty of listeners who can't form their own opinion and just parrot what these pundits say. If Keane and Neville's football insights were so valuable and profound, they wouldn't be sat in an ITV studio. They'd be managing a football team. Oh wait, they both tried that and failed horribly.

It's painfully obvious why Keane and Neville don't like Pogba.
So what’s the excuse for players not playing better than him in this tournament like KDB etc? Do they do better when they have less time?
One of the most bizzare and overused arguments I've seen here. And then they will talk about how English football is too fast and physical for flair players.
For the love of God man wtf are you talking about?! They had over 20 attempts on goal and squandered countless chances. Walked all over?!

What’s so hard to understand? France were 4-1 to win the tournament. Switzerland were probably about 40-1. They shouldn’t be conceding 3 goals to them with Pogba Kante (who is supposedly the magic key to covering for Pogba) and Rabiot. They were invisible defensively. It doesn’t matter who you put beside Pogba or who he’s playing against. He’s always liable to switch off or get robbed and to cost you defensively at some point. That is also an ever present danger in the many games where he isn’t as amazing going forward as tonight. Just doing his thing in the middle. It’s always a danger in the background. He needs a free role and we can’t afford to give him one in the PL no matter who else is beside him in the middle
Ridiculous the level of nitpicking he endures :lol: Hundreds of balls get lost in midfield every game. It's the nature of football
Absolutely this!

The narrative has been set. There's always ifs and buts somewhere when judging his performances.
It’s so sad that the caf finds itself having this same argument even after THAT performance. In and of itself, it is all the evidence needed that we should all forget it. If a player can play that well, and ‘fanboys’ still need to make some sort of case for it, then realistically, it’s highly unlikely we will ever get a unanimously agreed good performance from Pogba. And that extends beyond the caf tbh. Even some of the media. If we can’t even agree to unanimously ‘give this one’ to Pogba, then forget it.

I'm not sure what you're reading. Looking at the posts the CAF must be 99% in agreement that he had at the very least a good game.

Relax and let go of the victim thing for two mins. Enjoy his performance.

If there's a flood of posts saying Pogba didn't play well I haven't seen them.

Just so that we can all see exactly what we are talking about when discussing Pogba’s ‘mistake/error’ and all the other hyperbole I’ve read.

If it’s not too much, can people quote/include this video in their posts about how careless it was, so we can read it and see for ourselves in the same post?

I thought France only 4 players in the oppositions half in the 90th minute with a 1 goal lead. Turns out it was 6
He is definitely world class even with all his sloppy play. Who's this mythical midfielder that creates as much as Pogba going forward and is also super efficient and tight defensively?

That first sentence is exactly why both he and Fernandes are not world class. World class players dont have sloppy play in there games, certainyl not as consistently as Pogba has for 5years and Fernandes has for 6months. We simply label players world class far too easily, having world class ability and performing as a world class player are two different things. Its not even a question og being super efficient and tight defensively, he is POOR defensively in his own third of the pitch both with and without the ball, still often naive....he isnt a number 10 he is a centrla midfielder that we are looking to give a £400k a week contract to play in a double pivot...I dont buy it at all.

I am not denying he had an excellent game this evening, my point is simply that it wasnt faultless and some kind of all time gret performance which some are suggesting.

To answer your quetion though...Kimmich is 8/9 out of 10 week 9 games in 10 for his club and both creates and defends superbly, for us Pogba is 8/9 out of 10 probably more like 3/4 games tops out of 10, that is the difference, not ability but consistency of performance within a game but more importantly over a season and not one season he has been here has he been world class for it, whether or not he has been world class for France is a different debate, he hasnt for us and simply doesnt warrant a new contract for £80/100m....why are people saying throw gold at him for his performances for France, they are irrelevant or Xhaka would be getting a similar contract as he is usually really good for Switzerland and for me just pipped Pogbas performance tis evening
What’s so hard to understand? France were 4-1 to win the tournament. Switzerland were probably about 40-1. They shouldn’t be conceding 3 goals to them with Pogba Kante (who is supposedly the magic key to covering for Pogba) and Rabiot. They were invisible defensively. It doesn’t matter who you put beside Pogba or who he’s playing against. He’s always liable to switch off or get robbed and to cost you defensively at some point. That is also an ever present danger in the many games where he isn’t as amazing going forward as tonight. Just doing his thing in the middle. It’s always a danger in the background. He needs a free role and we can’t afford to give him one in the PL no matter who else is beside him in the middle
You’re just digging your hole even deeper so I’ll leave you alone. Shame on me for engaging.
I'm not sure what you're reading. Looking at the posts the CAF must be 99% in agreement that he had at the very least a good game.

Relax and let go of the victim thing for two mins. Enjoy his performance.

If there's a flood of posts saying Pogba didn't play well I haven't seen them.

I’m reading ‘he did good things but…’.

He gave a fecking masterclass. And I don’t know what you’re on about anyway, literally just read up, there is a debate going on about tonight’s performance right above you.
What’s so hard to understand? France were 4-1 to win the tournament. Switzerland were probably about 40-1. They shouldn’t be conceding 3 goals to them with Pogba Kante (who is supposedly the magic key to covering for Pogba) and Rabiot. They were invisible defensively. It doesn’t matter who you put beside Pogba or who he’s playing against. He’s always liable to switch off or get robbed and to cost you defensively at some point. That is also an ever present danger in the many games where he isn’t as amazing going forward as tonight. Just doing his thing in the middle. It’s always a danger in the background. He needs a free role and we can’t afford to give him one in the PL no matter who else is beside him in the middle
When Fred would lose the ball and the opposition would score you would be in there defending him. Why the different take now, it's essentially the same thing isn't it?

Fact is some just don't like him, and that's that. Without a doubt other players wouldn't be scrutinized to the same level after that kind of performance. Unfortunate for Pogba, but there's little he can do to change it.
I’m not his biggest fan but I thought he looked pretty great in the tournament…yes there are moments he loses the ball etc but compared to what we get at United, it was a clear improvement.
It’s so sad that the caf finds itself having this same argument even after THAT performance. In and of itself, it is all the evidence needed that we should all forget it. If a player can play that well, and ‘fanboys’ still need to make some sort of case for it, then realistically, it’s highly unlikely we will ever get a unanimously agreed good performance from Pogba. And that extends beyond the caf tbh. Even some of the media. If we can’t even agree to unanimously ‘give this one’ to Pogba, then forget it.
I totally agree. I don’t know what the debate here is and why so many fans are in here slating Pogba, putting negative slants and bringing other players into the debate.

He’s had an outstanding tournament and hopefully signs a new contract. If not…who can blame him.
What? He was the best player for France during the whole tournament, maybe even the player of the tournament in general... and he was extraordinary also in this game. The dispossession came because he received a stupid pass, yes he was also at fault but... im really amazed how people are even talking about this after his sensational performance. He was the only one (with Benzema) in the french team today who can be proud of what he did. Im sure stats show that his performance was ridiculously good.
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I'm not sure what you're reading. Looking at the posts the CAF must be 99% in agreement that he had at the very least a good game.

Relax and let go of the victim thing for two mins. Enjoy his performance.

If there's a flood of posts saying Pogba didn't play well I haven't seen them.

Pogba fans are like this. I'm not his biggest fan and even I said he played well. He seems to for France.

Doesn't detract from the fact he's been an incredibly frustrating player to watch in a red shirt. I couldn't give two craps about France tbh. And he did, despite playing well tonight, cost them a cheap goal which he often does for us. Losing the ball cheaply in the last few mins to set up a counter attack isnt his fault apparently though.
He was not cheaply dispossessed. He received the ball surrounded by three players and lost it before he even had a chance to turn. He didn’t just dwell on the ball for 15 seconds for the feck of it. You are aware the other team wants the ball too I hope.

He received the ball surrounded by white shirts alright but not in so much danger that a player of his calibre wouldn't have been expected to deal with it. But instead his first touch and body position left him open to being quite easily dispossessed by the player coming in from his left hand side.

Any criticism of his performance generally is insanely harsh as he was excellent tonight but suggesting there was nothing he could have done better on that goal would be a pretty inane defence. He could and should have done better in that instance so he's partially at fault for the goal, even if the horrendous defending that occurred afterwards was primarily to blame.
Pogba fans are like this. I'm not his biggest fan and even I said he played well. He seems to for France.

Doesn't detract from the fact he's been an incredibly frustrating player to watch in a red shirt. I couldn't give two craps about France tbh. And he did, despite playing well tonight, cost them a cheap goal which he often does for us. Losing the ball cheaply in the last few mins to set up a counter attack isnt his fault apparently though.

You’re not??

And he didn’t ‘cost them a goal’. Nobody is saying it wasn’t his ‘fault’ he got tackled, we’re saying that getting tackled happens 100 times a game, and he didn’t get tackled doing something silly either.

Do you know who cost Switzerland a goal when Pogba scored? Probably not. In fact, nobody does. Nobody was blamed because nobody made a ‘mistake’ - but you can rest assured that at some point, a Swiss player had the ball and then a French one took it off him. Don’t get me wrong, if Pogba is doing a step over or drag back, you will hear no argument from me.

On this occasion, you can look at the transgression for yourself:

Either your new to footy or are choosing to out that goal down to Pogba for another reason.
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He does lose possession in silly areas, no doubt about that. I just found it bizarre that Pogba losing possession was the talking point and not his goal or the countless chances he created for Mbappe. I get that France lost so the overall take was never going to be positive. But Mbappe and the defenders were dreadful, yet there was almost no mention of it.

Pundits like Neville and Keane are part of the reason why Pogba is so unfairly treated. There's plenty of listeners who can't form their own opinion and just parrot what these pundits say. If Keane and Neville's football insights were so valuable and profound, they wouldn't be sat in an ITV studio. They'd be managing a football team. Oh wait, they both tried that and failed horribly.

It's painfully obvious why Keane and Neville don't like Pogba.
no one is blaming him on French TV, Pogba has been immense for France, easily our best player this euro and tonight. His goal was superb, his passing was superb, yes he lost a ball at a crucial time, but we had plenty of players to deal with it, and we didn't.
Also, today is proof that as long as his team doesn't win, there will always be a reason why he should have done more.

We need to get back to winning big trophies so our players can be fully appreciated again, instead of all this toxic nonsense.
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