Annoying cnut
Should be an interesting one, fecking cnuts at sky have it on PPV 
I'd like to see Pacquiao win, he's probably the best P4P in the world.
I'd like to see Pacquiao win, he's probably the best P4P in the world.
Me too brother, very exciting to watch and my missus' family are Filipino so they have obvious affection for him.
Will be round my house watching my, aehm, not entirely legal sattelite footage which is absolutely free.
Me too brother, very exciting to watch and my missus' family are Filipino so they have obvious affection for him.
Will be round my house watching my, aehm, not entirely legal sattelite footage which is absolutely free.
was about to say im coming to yours til i saw the location lol
Not letting you in with those fecking green shorts on, our kid!
how about my rainbow trousers
Alright, but in my gaff we drink proper; proper beer and lot's of it, not like you tarts from London sipping your shandies and going on about 'my manor' and 'absolute diabolical fackin' liberties' and other nonsence in which you like to hear the sound of your own voices...
Me too brother, very exciting to watch and my missus' family are Filipino so they have obvious affection for him.
Will be round my house watching my, aehm, not entirely legal sattelite footage which is absolutely free.
you must not know Oscar De La Hoya then, one of the most accomplished and polished boxers in the last decade or so. Lost 5 i think 1 ko (body shot by Hopkins) but never been battered despite quite a serious resume of opponentsfecking GUTTED sky have got it.
i think Pac will batter him, tko in the 7th.
fecking GUTTED sky have got it.
i think Pac will batter him, tko in the 7th.
my wife is Pinay too. her brother, his sons and her father all love the boxing so I'm sure they'll be watching too.
the wife might even watch this one. hard to get her to watch any boxing but this is Pacquiao so.....
you must not know Oscar De La Hoya then, one of the most accomplished and polished boxers in the last decade or so. Lost 5 i think 1 ko (body shot by Hopkins) but never been battered despite quite a serious resume of opponents
me too. well some of them.
my wife has a lot of friends over here that she went to school with in Manila and tbh only one or two are better looking than my missus. the rest....... 3 baggers.
No. No. No. Not at light middleweight. De La Hoya'll be too big and too strong for him. Pacman's moving up from lightweight. He'll be carrying too much weight for his size.
well, thanks for the introduction to Oscar De La Hoya. you'd've thought i'd've known the paper thin facts you kindly distributed...
we'll have to wait and see on the night.
do your own research he has lost to moslet twice, Bernard Hopkins, Floyd Mayweather and Felix Trinidad. In none of these fights, even the Hopkins fight where he was fighting at MW, Hopkins's weight, he was thrashed. If you are going to post at least make informed posts
fecking hell, mate. chill out and learn to take a bit of sarcasm.
i'm a massive boxing fan, and have been all my life. at no point is my post 'uninformed'. i just have a different opinion to you
and the logic you're directly adopting, in your last post, is that because someone has never taken a beating, they never will...
what an outstanding conclusion to arrive at.
Thought the following chart was interesting, the fight is also being met with some scepticism:
The two best welterweights in the world at present are Paul Williams and Antonio Margarito. Each man has expressed an interest in fighting De La Hoya, but it would appear that Oscar has no intention of fighting either one of them.
"Oscar will stop Manny within three rounds," said Williams. "I don't want to take anything away from Pacquiao, but his punches won't hurt De La Hoya. Manny is just too small, and Oscar is just too big. That's why we have the different weight classes. The size and weight difference makes it a bad fight."
Margarito is more scornful.
"Now Oscar is getting brave with a 135-pound fighter and is trying to convince everyone that it's a tough fight," Margarito said. "He's getting brave with a great fighter, but a fighter who fights at 135 pounds. He wants to show the world that he can pull the trigger against a 135-pounder. What a man! What a hero!"
WBC president Jose Sulaiman also has gotten into the act.
"What are they going to do?" Sulaiman has asked. "Stuff Manny with tamales and beans, and reduce Oscar in the steam bath to bring them together? It's ridiculous. It's absurd. It's a fraud to the public. The only reason why the fight was made was money."
One of the reasons why De La Hoya ended negotiations with Felix Trinidad for a rematch this year was Trinidad's refusal to come down to 160 pounds. The discrepancy in size between De La Hoya and Pacquiao is significantly greater than the difference between De La Hoya and Trinidad, who fought Roy Jones at 170 pounds in January.
Anyone have a stream for this? Please PM me.
two bags for their head, one for yours?
it's about $55 on HBO PPV here. doubt at that rate I'll watch it unless I make a group party out of it and have the guests chip in to cover the costs.
15 quid here i can order or my friend will, i cant be bothered to go to his house so ile probably watch it here.
I rate Filipino birds.
feckin hell Johnno. nice!
Nah, that's not me mate, that's the wife!