Ole - "I'm 100% sure Michael Carrick will be the manager of Manchester United"

I don't understand why ex-teammates or colleagues ever make statements like these. It can't be helpful for Carrick to have that kind of noise around him.
Definitely not helpful when he's preparing his team for the Championship play-offs in a few days. Weird timing from Ole, not like Carrick's just achieved promotion already or ten Hag's struggling.
From the article.

“I encouraged them to offer their personal views in meetings, then I’d make the decision. They walked out of the room and went with what I said. They were loyal, they’d convince the players that what I’d said was the right way to go forward."

There's only so much assistants and coaches can do as the decision on formations and tactics etc always come down to the manager. It's hard to judge how good coaches are until they become managers themselves.

Apologies - i'd missed that. So it would seem to line up with the coaches being hamstrung by Ole in terms of what they wanted to do. Which would make a lot of sense from what w'ere seeing from them both now.
Hardly surprising Ole backs Michael, as it was very evident even at the last that they have enormous respect for each other.

That said, Carrick has done a brilliant job at Middlesborough, both with the turn-around, the league results and the general play. He was a very important player for us, seems a fantastic lad, and I’m glad to follow his carreer with an extra eye going forward.
You do realize he's the manager and Middlesbrough and took them from a relegation battle to a play off spot right?

I'm well aware and not belittling that achievement but if that's now the benchmark to becoming manager of Manchester United then let's get Neil Warnock in.
I wish him well and hope he somehow qualifies and does well in the CL with a midtable team. Only then will I be convinced of him being our manager. Think he didn't do himself any favours not taking on the interim job. He was perfect for it.
Carrick can be pleased with how things are going but in terms of being our future manager he’s not doing anything Bruce and Keane haven’t done in the Championship.
McKenna has achieved promotion with Ipswich and Carrick has turned around a dreadful Boro to get to playoffs. Their methods were supposedly the cause of our demise. Sometimes, you have to wonder of the wisdom of fans.
And he's right because Michael Carrick was ManUtd manager at some point replacing Ralf Ranger
He shouldn’t come to United. Success is an obligation. Failure will mean you are hated forever.
I wonder if he has the personality to manage a major club

kinda similar to Ole in a way, just seems a bit too nice/meek for it..

only time will tell, but he's looking very promising

I used to think Fletcher would be a good manager, but seems he's going down a different path
If ole said so then we should do the exact opposite
I don't think lower level prem jobs (i.e. relegation scraps) do anything to develop a manager for the highest level. The challenge for a top coach is to build a team that imposes itself on the game, breaks down teams at will and scores a lot of goals.

It's why you're better off fighting at the top of the championship, lucking yourself into a Brighton or just going abroad to a top half team.

I agree, even lucking into say Brighton thats a hard job too, they'll likely lose 2 or 3 key players this summer for sure, outside the top 6 in the PL every other club could get relegated at the start of the year imo if the circumstances are correct just look at Leicester now who'd have thought they'll be in the relegation zone this year at the start of the season
Lot of players spoke highly about Carrick when he was coach, now Boro players spoke highly about Carrick.

Not sure if he will be ManUtd manager but among the ex-players, he probably has the biggest chance.

He has done exceptional job so far, hopefully they will quality for PL.
Hopefully he proves to be a top class manager that is worthy of the hot seat. But let’s not give him consideration on account of sentiment. I remember LVG saying Giggs would manage us as well.

Btw who has done a better job between him and McKenna?
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Hopefully he proved to be a top class manager that is worthy of the hot seat.

Who has done a better job between him and McKenna?
One got the Championship top half team to the playoffs, another promoted a mid table team in League One… I think it has to be Carrick at this point, but it’s very weird to give such praise to manager that’s about to play his most important games in his managerial career. If they completely collapse in playoffs, it’s a different story than if they anyhow make it the PL or even get to the final and put a good show. Unnecessary media pressure on Carrick now, he should be all focused on the upcoming matches.
As a fanbase we're understandably cynical about ex-players being involved in the club given recent experience (although it did us no harm under Fergie).

I don't think Ole was anywhere near as bad as some on here claim, but the decision to hire him permanently clearly wasn't because he was the best manager available. Personally l think a big part of why we hired him is that the Glazers knew it'd be cheaper than going for a big name, but we're right to be cautious about romanticism trumping common sense.

Having said that, we shouldn't rule Carrick out just because he's been here before. If he shows he's good enough he should have the same chance as anyone. It's a shame that, regardless of what he achieves in the game, if he ever got the United job there would be plenty on here immediately calling it a cronyism hire or accusing the owners of pandering to the fans.
I think Carrick has a lot of potential as a manager, maybe not United standard but I think he'll do well in a PL job. This is just Ole gassing up his mate though nothing to see here.
Then rumours starting coming out that Ole was changing the formations that they had prepared the players with, and then on Carrick's first game in charge he did indeed play with a different formation and we looked very good. It's an interesting question regarding what was really going on but I guess we'll not know for years until it comes out in some interview with an ex player.

That game at Stamford Bridge, the way we went with 3 midfielders of McFred and Matic provided the base for control. Greenwood, Martial, Ronaldo were all benched by Carrick. Bruno was a false striker. For this alone I place Carrick higher than Ralf. Shows Carrick is extremely a modern day coach. Eventually if Carrick continues as he now, he will become a top manager. Arteta style.

How I can give my house we just revert back to flat midfield 3 now under Ten Hag.
I like how there's people in this thread who've already determined his ceiling as a manager despite there being no way yet to know what is.
The things he's saying about Carrick here remind me a lot of how Wenger and Pep talked about Arteta long before he got the job. Also, players and staff around the club talked about Arteta as future manager while he was still playing. I see Carrick becoming the most successful ex-United player turned manager out of the bunch. Which will hopefully make a historic rivalry great once again.
No doubt Carrick will be a successful manager. Whether he ever manages United is a different story.
Best thing about Carrick is he isn't as entrenched in the United way as some of our previous legends. He's a geordie first of all and established himself at West Ham and Spurs. Even when he joined us, he's one of our legends that wasn't only brought up under Fergie. He learnt from LVG and Jose.

When Ole speaks its obvious his entire management ethos is based on Fergie.

Not saying Carrick will definitely be United manager but he's different from the likes of Scholes, Giggs, Neville etc that just parrot the united way speak.
Maybe someday, when Ten Hag with new owner will finish the full restructurization of the club, with set of slightly different players, new mindset on a stable ship in general...
Well if we did (again) recruit a former player as manager in the future, I much rather Carrick. I don’t think Ole would have got Boro to where they are now.
Maybe it's just me but I think it's a disrespect to the current manager when the ex-manager big up his assistant to become our manager in the future, especially when we are not doing well.

I support Ole to the end, and I like Carrick myself, but at the moment we would do well to part way with these "ex player's noise".
Is that qualification enough for him to be in position to manage one of the biggest clubs in the world?

Probably not. However, just a reminder that Pep went from Barcelona B to Barcelona and you could say he did quite well.

I personally don't see Carrick managing us any time soon, but I wouldn't say it's out of the question. Him, like Kompany & Alonso are doing very well at the moment - who's to say they are not the next crop of great managers?
Carrick? Sure, but in another 10 years time, after managing a PL club successfully (something like Potter/Rodgers/Moyes etc.). The last thing we want is another Ole/Slippy/Frank situation. These ex-players get a lot of leeway from their media friends and hang on to the job way too long in case of failure. A club like ours should only hire proven managers (even if there is a risk of failure), as the risks of getting out an underperforming ex-player, particularly an Englishman, is way higher as all of fans, media and owners tend to have a blindside.
He needs to make his next step carefully. If he gets Boro promoted, keeping them up next season would represent two fairly big achievements. The question is how long does he stay there?
He might. Clubs often hire ex-players.

Just Solskjaer bigging up his mate though. It's something that would only get a couple comments in the Carrick thread, if people weren't still angry at Ole for failing here.