Ole Gunnar Solskjær | Managerial Watch

Red through and through. Love the guy.
That season when we finished 2nd was genuinely the best football I’d seen us play since SAF. I could never abuse him just because the 3rd season went wrong. Feck you Ronaldo and the clowns who bought you back.
I'd take Ole back in a heart beat.

Without looking into it to get exact numbers - I'm guessing we've spent 500-600m under Ten Hag.

Do we look any better for the money spent?
Ole under Ineos? #PrayForThePrem
Some of you seemingly have the memory of a golden retriever....
The transfers were an issue that summer but Ronaldo in particular disrupted how we played. Everything was about him. By all accounts he was moaning behind the scenes too. I wonder would ole have survived if he hadn’t been given some of the signings that summer
He disrupted something that wasn't even a playstyle but more like "get vertical as fast as you can". All relied on moments of brilliance while our rivals evolved their football. We would sleepwalk through 1st halves in 2 out of 3 games, only to reach an average level, drawing or winning closely getting hailed as comeback mentality...

I am sure the guy would love to come back. It was the biggest job he most likely will ever have and the only reason why some still talk about him being a candidate while we have witnessed in 2,5 from 3 years how out of his depth he was. "Most entertaining..."
Some of the responses here :lol:

No wonder this club has been in the mud for 11 years, standards are absolutely embarrassing across the entire club including this fanbase.
I’d take Ole back in a heartbeat too! We finished 3rd and then 2nd in 2 of his full seasons, the others either side were incomplete seasons for him.

The only manager to finish in the top 4 two full seasons in a row.

Still hold the belief if we didn’t sign ronaldo that Ole could potentially still be here
If we get Ole back I'll tell my family I don't need any other Christmas presents this year.

Under him we were almost always about 5 seconds away from scoring. Under the current I basically just look up from my phone on set pieces.
Some of the responses here :lol:

No wonder this club has been in the mud for 11 years, standards are absolutely embarrassing across the entire club including this fanbase.
Zero standards!

I get fans love Ole. But he should never have been manager here, and that one stint should be enough. Regardless of the excuses you might have for his time here, he was ultimately never good enough, the sack would have happened with or without Ronaldo.
Let's be honest, he isn't really even a football manager. Ole was essentially a mascot, a happy face that represented the glazer family, not saying he's as bad as a Glazer at all, but he took a paycheck to be the face of the club, in an attempt to increase goodwill. He even admitted himself he didn't do day to day coaching, because he certainly isn't a football coach. What is his style? what is his philosphy? What unique tactic is he inventing, ie inverting a fullback into midfield, or a CB to midfield? It's just counterattack and show your individual skill. Now there is an argument that that style back in the day was more entertaining, but that isn't the game now, you won't compete with the likes of Pep and Arteta by saying go out there and show some flair.

He's been out of a job for 3 years and the only team he's coached is his daughters 12 year old team. He's been offered a few jobs at lower level, but even he is smart enough to know he isn't the guy to go into a struggling championship team and reverse their fortunes and get them promoted. What worked at United only worked because his history, and it stopped working quickly, even before he actually got the job, but our stupid owners caved to fan pressure and for no reason and hired him midseason, just as he was starting to struggle, when they could have easily just waited to the summer to reassess. He knows he doesn't have the skills or ability to go to a team he has no connection to and make them better, or he would have taken one of those jobs. No one waits for a job they just got fired from, because 99.99% of the time they don't come back (unless they're Bayern)

And I have nothing but love for Ole, as a player and person, but I don't think him making these comments at this time is appropriate, and he knows it, I shouldn't' talk about someone else's job, but I would take it. He should have stopped himself after the first comment, or not made that one and just said he wanted it the job, but contradicting himself in one sentence doesn't paint him in good light.
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Some of you seemingly have the memory of a golden retriever....

He disrupted something that wasn't even a playstyle but more like "get vertical as fast as you can". All relied on moments of brilliance while our rivals evolved their football. We would sleepwalk through 1st halves in 2 out of 3 games, only to reach an average level, drawing or winning closely getting hailed as comeback mentality...

I am sure the guy would love to come back. It was the biggest job he most likely will ever have and the only reason why some still talk about him being a candidate while we have witnessed in 2,5 from 3 years how out of his depth he was. "Most entertaining..."
Not that i want him back but What have we done since?
What is evolving football ? Is there only 1 way to play football ?

We have gone backwards since Jose and Ole
Atleast we had a prime Pogba, Bruno and rashford ..
What now ?
The transfers were an issue that summer but Ronaldo in particular disrupted how we played. Everything was about him. By all accounts he was moaning behind the scenes too. I wonder would ole have survived if he hadn’t been given some of the signings that summer
The transfers were an issue every season. Van De Beek, Telles, Amad and Pellestri added nothing the year before too. Its 4 years on and Amad might have a positive impact this season.
Varane was probably one of our better signings really. 1 in 3 is probably a better record than most seasons, Ten Hag's first season is looking pretty poor already.
Most of my favourite games post-Fergie have been under Ole. We'd go to the Etihad and win with Lingard and Dan James on multiple occasions. We'd score 5+ goals in several games, which was unheard of before or after his reign. By far the most enjoyable time I've had as a red post-Fergie. Not a popular opinion on the caf but I'd be happy to see him back in the OT dugout. Can't see it happening though as INEOS are unlikely to go for someone who has been out of work for 3 years.

It would also be a bit weird to hire a manager that never really achieved anything and who also has not been hired to do a job for 3 years, to become the Manchester United manager. Ole is a club legend and he was an excellent substitute player for Manchester United. He was part of some of the most memorable moments in the history of Manchester United but none of that makes him qualified to become the Manchester United manager. Not the first time and certainly not for a second time.
He's been out of job for almost 3 years now. Van Gaal never coached another club after United. Moyes went to Sociedad, Sunderland and West Ham. Mourinho went to Spurs, Roma and Fenerbahce. So none of our former managers proved they deserved more time or anything. On the other hand, even though he failed at Arsenal Emery won Europa with Villarreal in 2021, got to UCL semis in 2022; then took over Villa in 22/23 and improved their league position before finishing 4th last season and is currently 3rd this season.

My point is - yes, ten Hag may not be good enough and could be gone soon but let's not go back to our ex managers. It would be desperate and most importantly - wrong decision.
I'd take him as an interim as long as we make it completely clear that once the seasons over that's that. No matter how well we do in the league or cups. He'd make us more exciting and have us go on actual proper runs of form.

Win %​
Loss %​
PL Games​
Pts PG​
Ten Hag​

As far as i'm concerned we won't get anywhere with Ten Hag, maybe another decent run in domestic cups but that's it.
I'd take Ole back in a heart beat.

Without looking into it to get exact numbers - I'm guessing we've spent 500-600m under Ten Hag.

Do we look any better for the money spent?

It’s actually worse than that in my mind. We’ve spent that much money with ten Hag and he’s not even trying to do anything different. Transitional football is a hipster name for what is essentially counter attacking football.

We’re better at pressing but much worse at defending. There’s been zero progression.

That being said, I loved Ole and felt sorry for him in how it ended, but I wouldn’t want him back.
yes he might do a better job than ETH and did do a better job but I think we need and deserve better. I feel we have accepted mediocrity lately out of desperation in all aspects. some of our players our fans rave about might do ok but we need to be aim for better. a lot of our standards are a huge drop in the ocean for one of the biggest clubs in the world
Has no shame putting his name out there. Legend of a player but it was horrendous by the end. No better than it is now.
He was speaking on stage at a leadership conference today, talking about his experiences as a leader including successes and failures, and he was asked a direct question if he would consider managing United again.. was he gonna say no?
Jeez what is wrong with some of you. If ETH goes we need new blood, not someone who already failed here.

This squad needs someone to keep them in check, Ole is not that.
He was speaking on stage at a leadership conference today, talking about his experiences as a leader including successes and failures, and he was asked a direct question if he would consider managing United again.. was he gonna say no?
He could’ve said he wasn’t going to comment on another man’s job…oh wait.
I'd take him as an interim as long as we make it completely clear that once the seasons over that's that. No matter how well we do in the league or cups. He'd make us more exciting and have us go on actual proper runs of form.
How does this make any sense at all.
I'd take Ole back in a heart beat.

Without looking into it to get exact numbers - I'm guessing we've spent 500-600m under Ten Hag.

Do we look any better for the money spent?
No we certainly don’t. Two wrongs don’t make a right though, unfortunately. I love the guy, but he doesn’t have the chops.
He could’ve said he wasn’t going to comment on another man’s job…oh wait.
Top level manager jobs are rarely ever available for longer than 5 mins, since the board usually lines someone up before they sack. Which means you can never comment on the question?

He wasn't asked if he wanted the job right now, he was asked if he would consider going back at some point if he was ever asked. The context was since he has already had the job, would he consider doing it again with everything involved.

I feel like a no comment would create more speculation on if something is already in the works.
How does this make any sense at all.

I love and supported Ole, but it was clear he couldn't take us the final step or two to become proper title contenders (thats what we should be aiming for). If we got top 4 and won/near to winning a cup that would be a brilliant end for him at United and allow us to go with a new Manager into the future. Better to go for a new man in the Summer when we have more options than to gamble the next few years on Ole again when its clear he's already proven himself to not be capable long term.

So yes, for me hiring him as an Interim would work as long as he doesn't get the gig full term (unless he does something miraculous obviously).

I'd sooner go for Ole for example then go for Southgate or Potter.
Jeez what is wrong with some of you. If ETH goes we need new blood, not someone who already failed here.

This squad needs someone to keep them in check, Ole is not that.
I agree. But I guess Madrid didn’t think that with Ancelotti. And no I’m not comparing them.
I love Ole to bits and it is true that for a while things were good under him, he absolutely deserves credit for getting a top 3 finish with Andreas Pereira playing 30+ games in midfield in front of the Maguire/Lindelof partnership. I do not however want him back in any way as our Manager, interim or otherwise, it would be a disaster for him and for us.

Ole could and should take on a national team manager role which would best suit his personality and abilities, I do think it is pretty much written in the stars for him to lead Norway at some point. For us, it is becoming clear we need a clean break from the joyless football of ETH but this step needs to be careful and considered as we are running out of opportunities to get this appointment right, we have a lot of good young talent in our squad and we need some fresh ideas to truly unlock the teams potential.
Him being an awful appointment had nothing to do with Ronaldo. It's pathetic that people still try to rewrite his tenure.
I love Ole. Think the way a large portion of our fanbase talk about him is appalling.

However, this would be a terrible decision. We must move forward.
Stop getting your knickers in a twist.

I love Ole, but the club under INEOS are not going to go backwards. Allegedly they’ve already been asking about Allegri as interim